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Pet Photos



  • Yes, that was the best part as well as every time I call him he just looks at me like he's trippin' balls or something. I'm tempted to give him cat nip, but I think he's good enough as is.
  • edited August 2012
    Tripping Kitty! Theo was doped up like that when we had to take him in for stitches a year ago. He reacted to everything with a 2 second delay.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • So, I mentioned on here that my girlfriend and I got a kitten about a month ago. My older cat has finally gotten used to her enough that this photo was allowed to happen.

  • image
    Spot still has his habit of kneading our fleece blankets while biting them. He also drools a lot during the process. I think he's mentally preparing himself to murder us in our sleep.
  • Or he's a derp. That's quite hilarious. I understand the cat kneading thing because Digith and Cole still do that. Biting, however, that's pretty odd.

    Speaking of odd, Digit loves feets. She loves rubbing our feet only during certain times:

    1. When Jeremy gets out of the shower and I'm not home.
    2. When I'm on the pot.

    I don't understand it. She'll specifically come over and just rub the ever living fuck out of our feet. For myself, she was scratches on her backside and constantly makes noises asking for me. And it's always when I go to the bathroom. Why can't she come and be adorable when I'm on the couch or in bed? Fucking weirdo.

    @knox, that is adorbz. I love when kitties cuddle together.

    Also Rorschach says, "How you doin'?"

  • Yeah, it's weird. We figure it's probably a behavior left over from when he would feed from his mom, as kneading is a way to signal food time from mom.
  • Digit "proudly" wearing her cone of shame due to some sort of bruise above her eye that she keeps scratching and it keeps getting worse.

  • Kitten nibbling ear

  • This is your brain.

    This is your brain on pugs.
  • Macy squeezes through the cat door on the baby gate.
  • edited September 2012
    Why can't I,
    Hold all these feet?
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • imageHer new favorite spot, where food randomly falls from the sky.
  • edited September 2012
    Today's weather report: It's raining meatball moosh and boiled peas.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • AH MY GOD! PUGS! I lurve them!
  • Digit's wound about her right eye keeps reopening. We thought she was doing well, but now it seems to have gotten back to what it was.

    So now she has a new fancy upgraded cone of shame so she will be able to eat and drink on her own.


    Grumpy kitty is grumpy.
  • Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed far more cats than dogs in this thread?

    I've always been a cat person myself, but now it just seems odd that everyone else seems to have cats too...
  • I'm one of the few dog pic posters and even I'll agree that cats are far superior. Ideally I've have zero pets though.
  • Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed far more cats than dogs in this thread?

    I've always been a cat person myself, but now it just seems odd that everyone else seems to have cats too...
    Need moar fish.
  • You should get fish then Scott. Or does your apartment have issues with aquariums?
  • Dood we had fish a lot when I was growing up, and they are a pain to take care of. A couple of hardy fish (like goldfish) in a simple small tank isn't so bad, but aquariums are annoying because they are very hard to keep clean. The good fish are also hard to keep alive, you have to keep the temp perfect, feed them just right, have the right chemical balance in the water, etc. You also can't pet them. :-P

    I don't know why I'm so anti-fish all of a sudden, maybe I'm just bored. :-P
  • Also having fish with cats is probably not the best idea.

    This is also why we drink with water bottles, don't have plants, and keep the toilet seats down.

    We are also putting child safety latches on the cupboard doors because Rorschach, the derp, likes to make noise at 2 AM to try to get in the cupboards.
  • My daughter's cat ate one of my exotic reef fish and I got to pay $350 in vet bills for the privilege.

    The cat recovered from eating the poisonous fish. The fish did not recover.
  • This is also why we drink with water bottles
    Lyddi still hasn't learned this lesson ~_^

  • Every now and then I drink with a normal cup, and I leave some water in it. Then I relearn my lesson, especially recently when it was tipped over and spilled all over my keyboard and I had to get a new one.
  • Spot is so annoying about water glasses!!! He only does it if I'm nearby. He looks at me, gingerly paws at the glass, tips it over, and looks at me again, like "You like this, right?" >_< I guess we need to go to Target and get spill proof child sippy cups.
  • Yuki used to drink out of our water glasses when she lived at my parents' house, but I broke her of that habit when she moved in with me. Now, even though we have a kitten, they tend to be pretty good about glasses. I still leave my water glass in a safe place when we're gone though, just in case.
  • edited September 2012
    Bauer drinks out of cups all the time and it's fucking annoying because you can't leave a glass of water anywhere.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited September 2012
    This is my cat Juno. She likes to sit in the bathroom sink, though I don't have a picture of that handy.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2012
    This is Bauer, even though the picture is kinda hard to see. He is also wearing a tie.


    I can't remember where the bigger version is so I'm using my steam image.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • image
    Spot in one of his "paint me like one of your French girls" moments. :-p
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