This is our dachshund, Leaf. He's a native Korean, about 1.5 years old. He likes to chew and lick and cause as much destruction as possible (especially towards large blankets and stuffed animals). He's got some mental issues and also has a problem with remembering to go outside to relieve himself, but other than that, he's been an okay pup for the last 6 months.
While I was up in Maine this summer, I got to hang out with Liz Ashley's wonderful dog Che -- the most theatrically accomplished pug I am yet aware of, and (as far as I can tell) little more than a block of lead on legs.
Also, Grandpa Nick got a new puppy. His name is Pip.
This is our dachshund, Leaf. He's a native Korean, about 1.5 years old. He likes to chew and lick and cause as much destruction as possible (especially towards large blankets and stuffed animals). He's got some mental issues and also has a problem with remembering to go outside to relieve himself, but other than that, he's been an okay pup for the last 6 months.
We have 2 dachshunds. That's not a metal issue, he's just a dachshund.
Now that instagram can be viewed on the web I invite you to see pics of my cats!
This is our dachshund, Leaf. He's a native Korean, about 1.5 years old. He likes to chew and lick and cause as much destruction as possible (especially towards large blankets and stuffed animals). He's got some mental issues and also has a problem with remembering to go outside to relieve himself, but other than that, he's been an okay pup for the last 6 months.
Also, Grandpa Nick got a new puppy. His name is Pip.
He's lost a couple pounds and has a scratch on his nose, but he's very happy!
When Minou re-purposes it as a 4th cat bed and then Koko joins in.
Koko also likes having his own patio chair -