My only fear, honestly, is that they might ellipse most (if not all) of the video game references that added so much to the comic. Granted, maybe they want to keep it vanilla for the trailer, as it might turn people away... I dunno. Even if they do take out a decent portion of the geekiness that the comic has, it'll still be awesome.
My only fear, honestly, is that they might ellipse most (if not all) of the video game references that added so much to the comic. Granted, maybe they want to keep it vanilla for the trailer, as it might turn people away... I dunno. Even if they do take out a decent portion of the geekiness that the comic has, it'll still be awesome.
Dude, there was a yell of "K! O!" in the trailer. I think it'll be fine. The thing I worry about is the movie ending. Will it be awesome? And for that matter will book 6's ending be awesome?
-babbling, pointing, staring, and mouthing random things...faints from awesome-
Disappoint there isn't any Wallace in trailer...
To be clear, I didn'tdislike Scott Pilgrim, it just didn't do much for me.
Same here, except that I read two volumes, because so many people liked it. However, my overall "meh" feelings about Scott Pilgrim have little to do with my opinion of the tagline. I wouldn't call myself a "hater".
Does the trailer remove your "meh" about Scott Pilgrim?
-babbling, pointing, staring, and mouthing random things...faints from awesome-
Disappoint there isn't any Wallace in trailer...
To be clear, I didn'tdislike Scott Pilgrim, it just didn't do much for me.
Same here, except that I read two volumes, because so many people liked it. However, my overall "meh" feelings about Scott Pilgrim have little to do with my opinion of the tagline. I wouldn't call myself a "hater".
Does the trailer remove your "meh" about Scott Pilgrim?
Let's just judge the movie and book on their own merits eh. I can totally see some books fans not liking it and non book fans totally liking the movie.
-babbling, pointing, staring, and mouthing random things...faints from awesome-
Disappoint there isn't any Wallace in trailer...
To be clear, I didn'tdislike Scott Pilgrim, it just didn't do much for me.
Same here, except that I read two volumes, because so many people liked it. However, my overall "meh" feelings about Scott Pilgrim have little to do with my opinion of the tagline. I wouldn't call myself a "hater".
Does the trailer remove your "meh" about Scott Pilgrim?
Let's just judge the movie and book on their own merits eh. I can totally see some books fans not liking it and non book fans totally liking the movie.
I predict there will be a lot of this kind of controversy this summer concerning movie adaptations of geekycool things (point in case: The Last Airbender; the latter of which I'm on the "pleased and excited" side).
I love the sound effects popping up, I love the CG, I love that at the end you can see (what I think is) one of the twins turning into coins. This trailer has blown all of my expectations for the movie.
What the hell is that thing that Roxie was swinging around? Any ideas?
One last note, Knives is in the trailer. She's in the part when they're walking through the snow that's shot using bird's eye perspective.
I was having trouble visualizing what all the crazy on-screen effects might look like, and while I still think the sound effects lettering in some parts is a little weird-looking, for the most part it all just blows me away. HOLY FREAKING SHIT. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD I also like the intensity on Michael Cera at the part when he says, "I will rip them apart." He still seems a little Cera-ish overall, but still looks like he'll be able to pull off a pretty great Scott (no pun intended).
Anyway, will be re-watching repeatedly until the next one comes out. Oh mans.
Does the trailer remove your "meh" about Scott Pilgrim?
Propably not - Because she could like the movie, and not particularly like the books, or to what I'm sure will be to your horror and disbelief, she might not like the movie, either.
Also - who caught all of the video game references in the trailer? Of course, not to mention the smaller little details for those who have read the books somewhat thoroughly.
As for the movie itself - as best I can tell from the trailer, it seems well shot, the effects are very polished and not intrusive despite being obvious, the sound design is fantastic, the costumes and casting is spot on(I had my doubts about Cera, but he's done very well). I'm not going to say anything until I see the movie, but the impression I'm getting from the trailer is that they've absolutely nailed it and stuck the landing.
I am so excited at the fact that Michael Cera doesn't play Michael Cera in this. Awesome.
Also, first details on the Scott Pilgrim video game. Anamanaguchi is doing music, and the guy who created Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 is in charge of art direction and spriting. Hopefully Ubisoft doesn't fuck up the endgame with absurd DRM.
Metric apparently is doing the music that Clash at Demonhead plays in the movie. Here's one of the songs. I think it's a good fit, as Clash at Demonhead is described as an arty, semi-"trashy" indie band. Not that I'm trying to slam anything, but I think the song is perfect.
Metric apparently is doing the music that Clash at Demonhead plays in the movie.Here's one of the songs.I think it's a good fit, as Clash at Demonhead is described as an arty, semi-"trashy" indie band. Not that I'm trying to slam anything, but I think the song is perfect.
You are right! That song is perfect for Clash at Demonhead :O
Edit: Already watched it 4 times.
I wonder if this movie will concentrate only on the evil exes plot, or if it will also involve the Knives Chau plot.
Disappoint there isn't any Wallace in trailer... Does the trailer remove your "meh" about Scott Pilgrim?
What the hell is that thing that Roxie was swinging around? Any ideas?
One last note, Knives is in the trailer. She's in the part when they're walking through the snow that's shot using bird's eye perspective.
Anyway, will be re-watching repeatedly until the next one comes out. Oh mans.
Also - who caught all of the video game references in the trailer?
Of course, not to mention the smaller little details for those who have read the books somewhat thoroughly.
As for the movie itself - as best I can tell from the trailer, it seems well shot, the effects are very polished and not intrusive despite being obvious, the sound design is fantastic, the costumes and casting is spot on(I had my doubts about Cera, but he's done very well). I'm not going to say anything until I see the movie, but the impression I'm getting from the trailer is that they've absolutely nailed it and stuck the landing.
Also, first details on the Scott Pilgrim video game. Anamanaguchi is doing music, and the guy who created Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 is in charge of art direction and spriting. Hopefully Ubisoft doesn't fuck up the endgame with absurd DRM.