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Art Attack! Part II: The Revenge of the Finished Pieces!



  • Haha - Are two of them hanging out on top of the purple one's afro?
  • Haha - Are two of them hanging out on top of the purple one's afro?
    I think it's supposed to be grapes.
  • Haha - Are two of them hanging out on top of the purple one's afro?
    I think it's supposed to be grapes.
    Yes. :)
  • image

    Selling the blue and green tentacles and the Santa, the rest are sold.
  • Totally awesome. You might want to mess around with your camera's macro setting a bit more though.
  • edited October 2009
    I know, those photos were not taken with my camera.

    These are tentacles I was talking about.

    This photo was taken with my camera.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Tentacular! I take it they're some kind of ceramic. Shame, the tentacles would make great phone charms.
  • These are about three inches long each, they were sculpted to be necklaces. I also have some that are a tad smaller than an inch, those are cellphone charms.
  • Are you sure ceramic charms are a good idea? Especially thin ones like that? I suppose less than an inch isn't so bad.
  • Well, they have fallen from a height of over 6 feet and they don't have a much as a scratch. I can be a very clumsy person...
  • Alright then, sounds awesome. I suppose people sitting on them wouldn't be such a problem, due to you also having to sit on your phone at the same time.
  • Those are great! The octopus is my favorite.
  • I started drawing straight up digital. No scanning line art or anything and drew with the mouse. (I think those burglers stole that tablet.) Thus...
    Really, I needed something to practice toning on. (I wanna do a look that's like Yuko's!) It came out well and I usually suck drawing with a mouse.

    I also started just dicking around.
    And making things.
  • No scanning line art or anything and drew with the mouse.
    Wow, looks really good -- drawing with a mouse is very hard. Did you at least zoom in pretty close?
    Really, I needed something to practice toning on. (I wanna do a look that's likeYuko's!)
    I love the look of well-done halftones in print, but I still don't think there's any way to do good-looking halftones on screen. (I love Yuko's art, but I don't like the halftones -- they're all strobe-y onscreen.) I've been experimenting with other ways to add a little texture to gray tones, because I don't really care for the look of flat gray.
  • No scanning line art or anything and drew with the mouse.
    Wow, looks really good -- drawing with a mouse is very hard. Did you at least zoom in pretty close?
    I penciled in blue in normal view. Then I zoomed for the inks. Thank you!
  • I love Yuko's art, but I don't like the halftones -- they're all strobe-y onscreen.
    You know, I agree with you? I don't really care for the tones she uses on Johnny Wander. They remind me of crappy oekaki board half-tones. I think they don't suit her cute cartoons as well as some other shading methods would, like a digital ink wash or something.
    No scanning line art or anything and drew with the mouse. (I think those burglers stole that tablet.)
    You THINK? I would know if someone stole my tablet! Gah, that sucks, girl!
  • (I think those burglers stole that tablet.)
    Do you have renter's insurance?

    Good stuff, Viga.
  • (I think those burglers stole that tablet.)
    Do you have renter's insurance?
    I don't know. I really don't know if its stolen or not. I can't find it anywhere and neither can Jed and Paulo. So we think it was taken along with Jed's laptop. Eventually we'll replace it.
  • edited October 2009
    I think they don't suit her cute cartoons as well as some other shading methods would, like a digital ink wash or something.
    To be clear, I think her tones would look fine and suit her style just fine in print. For me, it just comes down to the issue of moire patterns that seem inevitable with halftones at screen resolution.

    Like I said before, I've been doing some experimenting with gray tones for screen use. Things like adding subtle noise, or overlaying photographic textures. I'd like to do a webcomic at some point (or rather, just a comic, but initially serialized on the web), and I'd like to find a nice middle ground between screentones, which don't work onscreen (ironic, huh? No, not really, I know) and flat grays, which look kinda sterile.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I recently finished the first two things I've animated in Flash in about 3-4 years. They're a walk and run cycle of our two pets requested by Natalie:

    Evie Runs and Kita Walks.
  • Loltsundere and I also working on pulling together an idea I had for a short-short-short film, in which a child in a jumpsuit and goggles jumps off a cliff. It's a lovely sequence of him tumbling all around in the air and such, until he suddenly belly-flops onto his bed, wearing swim goggles and one-piece PJs. Then he runs off cuz his Mom's calling him.

    Since I don't really animate, I'd be more on the brainstorming/concept art/ coloring/ BG helping side of things...
  • Evie RunsandKita Walks.
    Those are so great! You animators make me jealous. :)
  • Kyeeeheeeheee. Evie looks so serious business there!
  • PhotobucketEvie is always serious business.
  • Evie looks drugged. o_O
  • Really cute animations, Tsun! They have so much personality. You make it look so easy. I wish I was that good at it!
  • Evie looks drugged. o_O
    Ha, she was just blinking when I took the photo.
    Really cute animations, Tsun! They have so much personality. You make it look so easy. I wish I was that good at it!
    Thank you so much! But I thought you animated a little too? These two little things aren't spectacular or anything. ^^;
  • I can animate a lengthy animation but it takes a long time for me to do. It's also really hard for me to get something that looks right. I like 2d game animation. Shorter amount of frames and less headaches for me.
  • edited November 2009
    Some updates from me! I've been trying to design a logo for my game website. This would be for the name we'd want to make games under. When I first started I didn't think I would make anything I'd like but now it seems like I'm getting somewhere! After a few iterations, I'm happier with the direction.
    If you noticed in the top corner, while I was doing this I thought of a Ro logo idea! A little too late though.
    There's more process in between these two images but this is what I have saved out. Here's the next part. I took one idea and polished it more.
    I'm liking the one in the far bottom left the best but I don't want to let the bunny in the first column go! I love his pose. I have a few more ideas to iterate on these but this is pretty close to what it will be.
    Lastly, a llama.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • Great, great stuff, Mankoon. I've never had the discipline to crank out a number of designs like that for anything. I also prefer the bottom left. If I can make a suggestion, I'd pull out the white stripes on the underside of the text, and just leave it solid black. I think it'd give it a cleaner look.
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