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Art Attack! Part II: The Revenge of the Finished Pieces!



  • edited January 2010
    Well, now we know.
    I'm thinking of going for a new HDD soon, possibly within the next week so I'll be leaving the Ubuntu media creation famine for the Windows 7 oasis of drawing and painting. Finally get some use out of my Wacom.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited January 2010
    Windows 7 oasis of drawing and painting. Finally get some use out of my Wacom.
    Awesome -- I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with. If you plan on doing any comics-type stuff, I strongly recommend getting hold of Manga Studio.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • So, I finally managed to upload my portfolio, which I used to apply for art school.

    Also the one that got rejected. :(
  • Sorry to hear that it got rejected -- I love your stuff, though.
  • This was my first Illustration exercise. Our assignment was to use a black and white image as a source and do a media experiment. I never really used pen and ink with ink washes before, so I decided to try that. I feel like it came out pretty well.
  • Wow! I love it.
  • edited February 2010
    Click for wallpaper size.

    I made this.. and yeah. It's a representation of my manic mind. The simple face is covered by a netting of colors and lines that expands beyond into the ether surrounding him. This is a mere representation of the "strings" pulling on me in every which way (or so it feels at times) and the jumbled messes I find myself in. In the "mouth" is my handle.
    Post edited by frostbitten_panda on
  • I posted the work in progress in the Art Attack Concept Dump, so here's the finished product!
  • That's friggin awesome, Li. Could you post a link to a larger sized image? It's hard to make out what's in some of the smaller bubbles.
  • Finished my first project with the sewing machine, still a lot to learn, but I think I did OK, this being the first time assembling something with it.
    It's a Metroid (looks more like a crab) plush that will be used as a pin cushion.
    Got the pattern idea here.
  • @Li_Akahi: That is absolutely fantastic. It almost looks like a print. What kind of ink or tools do you use?
  • What kind of ink or tools do you use?
    I used micron and brush pens for most of the drawing and then went over those with watercolour washes.
  • Today I'm drawing a page that's full of stadium crowd scenes, so I took a break to draw something fun.
  • edited June 2010
    When I first used Illustrator I drew my first macbook Pro. So I did the same for my new one.
    Post edited by Jain7th on
  • That's pretty cool.
  • I'm not sure why I made this, and I'm not sure why I love it so much.

  • I'm not sure why I made this, and I'm not sure why I love it so much.
    I love it. I can't help but feel like "fucking" deserves its own panel, though.
  • I love it. I can't help but feel like "fucking" deserves its own panel, though.
    Yeah, slow down the zoom in a bit, make it gradually speed up/slow down, with a 4th panel and it could have some extra effect. Though currently it adheres to the Three Panel Soul set-up.
  • Good call, but I also kind of like it like this.
  • The first one has better pacing, adds emphasis to the last two panels.
  • Perfect
  • The first one has better pacing, adds emphasis to the last two panels.
    Yeah, definitely -- the rhythm of the 5-panel feels off. The 4-panel is perfect.
  • I think it should just be two panels

    Panel 1 - I HATE

    I lol'd at that, but when I scrolled to the third panel, it was less good.
  • edited June 2010
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I should probably get a website for these at some point, but for now I'll leave this here.

  • Hahaha, so good.
  • This is the genesis of something wonderful.
  • image
    Ignore the crappy image quality, uploading stuff to Facebook does that.
  • Nice piece of design work. I'd make the border lighter and the text darker though. Currently the border stands out more than the text.

    Also: Get the free 2GB storage from Dropbox. You can put your files in the public folder and link straight to them.

    URGH.. that just reminded me of being in the GP's waiting room and the screen had an advert with motherfucking "Wholistic Therapies." and they weren't even being subtle about it, there was crystal healing in there.
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