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Art Attack! Part II: The Revenge of the Finished Pieces!



  • The problem was that there would have been the vast majority of the page left empty.
  • The problem was that there would have been the vast majority of the page left empty.
    You could have put her drums in the background, and in the background you have Stephen and Scott fighting or slapping eachother. Kim would basically be turning away from her drum sets grumbling over the fact that nothing is getting done.
  • You could have put her drums in the background, and in the background you have Stephen and Scott fighting or slapping eachother. Kim would basically be turning away from her drum sets grumbling over the fact that nothing is getting done.
    DAMN IT, I should have done that!
  • Then do it again! But make Kim less gaunt. Girl's got some meat on her bones. ^_~
  • The problem was that there would have been the vast majority of the page left empty.
    Crop the page then, why are people so scared of some white space?
  • That's really good, Li, you're improving a lot. Kim's face is excellent. (I mean that as a face in general, not as an appropriate face for the character -- I only read one or two of the books, and I don't really remember.) It might be time to invest a little time into learning about drapery.
  • edited September 2010
    Here's two more, meant to before the one on the train and after all the other ones.


    I think I might actually be able to make this a regular thing; these were made over the course of two or three days. A website is in the pipe, if things go my way.

    Next time: A Brief History of Hobos.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I think I might actually be able to make this a regular thing
  • edited September 2010
    Grandma's house.

    A test of some of the Sai Paint brushes.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • After many years of not touching paint, I painted a cigar box for my Dixit set.

    Everything fits a lot better compared to the original box, along with having the scoreboard as the back of the box. I plan on touching up a few more spots and possibly adding more art, then I'll be fully complete.

    The box also fits the expansion of Dixit. Click the photo to see more images.


    I had a lot of fun doing this. It was nice to paint again. I don't know if I'll paint again anytime soon, but it's nice to know that I have some skills. I used a lot of the art on the Dixit cards as inspiration for the front. It's too bad this pretty much took up my whole weekend.
  • MOAR! ^______^

    Regardless, I haz happy.
  • I love it. I love the flying cars, I love the space buildings, I love the...ridgy...thing...down at the bottom there. And the design has a nice flow.
  • edited October 2010
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Nice work, Günter!

    Yesterday, when moving some boxes, I found two paintings I painted 5 years ago. I'll take photos and post them in this thread later.
  • I finished some art, which I forgot about until now! :V

    A unit portrait I made, in the style of the GBA Fire Emblem games. I'm still working on the blinking and talking frames.

    Pixel art for a band:

    The bandmates then turned it into this piece of sex business card:

    Aaand a tattoo-less Zabrak from Star Wars. It has some problems, but it was my first attempt at something "painterly."
  • Nice work, Günter!
    I haz happy.
    I love it. I love the flying cars, I love the space buildings, I love the...ridgy...thing...down at the bottom there. And the design has a nice flow.
    The bandmates then turned it into this piece of sex business card:
    That is a badass business card.
  • Really nice work, everyone.

    Omnu, good sense of foreshortening on the purple figure.

    Uglyfred -- great work. I love the pixel stuff. I know you mentioned the painty head has some problems -- it looks pretty good to me. Good sense of solidity and form overall. A couple of issues that are jumping out at me: The far horn (on our right) should probably be turned more outward, because it's sitting on a plane that's starting to wrap around the forehead. The corner of the jaw should be further back (right in front of the ear, really) and on a horizontal line with the mouth. And the sternocleidomastoid, the muscle that runs down the side of the neck, should run right up underneath the ear.
  • I know you mentioned the painty head has some problems -- it looks pretty good to me. Good sense of solidity and form overall. A couple of issues that are jumping out at me: The far horn (on our right) should probably be turned more outward, because it's sitting on a plane that's starting to wrap around the forehead. The corner of the jaw should be further back (right in front of the ear, really) and on a horizontal line with the mouth. And the sternocleidomastoid, the muscle that runs down the side of the neck, should run right up underneath the ear.
    Thank you, that is very helpful! :D
    It's fortified with what the world wants, what the world deserves.
  • edited October 2010
    I think this is the first time I've posted any art in this thread. There's a good reason for this!

    So, about 5 years ago, when I first moved to Berlin, I thought I'd have a go at painting, mainly because my then girlfriend was an artist, and she had all the paints. I decided to try to create a new style of painting on my first two attempts, to do something I'd not seen before. I failed, but kept the paintings. I've not done any more painting since then.

    Attempt 1 - "Admit One"


    Attempt 2 - "Untitled"


    The first piece is painted on a found piece of layered posters, ripped from a wall. I think it was a message to the world of art, saying I wanted in, and also some kind of pun on self awareness. Funny how the world of art is represented by the edge of a red block, just poking in the edge of the painting. I've no idea why I did that now.

    The second painting is about how you can't see who or what is relying on you, or how much stress you might be under, because it is so close. And yet those around you can see it all too clearly.

    As you can see, I wasn't exactly subtle with my art. Then again, I'm not exactly subtle with my song lyrics either, and people seem to like those.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Those are actually both pretty awesome.
  • I really like the second one.
  • Those are actually both pretty awesome.
    Funfetus thinks my art is awesome. This is my thing of the day.
  • For real. It's solid cartooning, with a lot of appeal. The composition in the second one is really good, too -- the world taking up 2/3 of the image really does give it a strong feeling of pressing down.
  • edited October 2010

    Also, Luke, that is some good stuff. I would hang that second painting on my wall.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Ok, I lol'd.
  • Nice stuff, Luke! I'm really starting to believe that there's nothing you don't do.

    New Athens is a freaky place...
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