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  • I just don't have sex that often so it's never come up.
    I already can't multi-task. When I'm aroused, I can barely task. It's all grunting and "ME MATE WITH WOMAN NOW" and so on. We're lucky if I have the presence of mind to acknowledge the existence of an outside world.

    So no, I don't do the "video games and sex" thing.
    I once left a message on Pete's phone, "Pete, Wyatt and I will be there in 30 minutes, stop having sex and put you damn clothes on." He hadn't actually checked his messages by the time we got there. >_>
  • Did he have enough presence of mind to answer the door eventually?
  • With clothes on?
  • I once left a message on Pete's phone, "Pete, Wyatt and I will be there in 30 minutes, stop having sex and put you damn clothes on." He hadn't actually checked his messages by the time we got there. >_>
    James and I have found the fastest way to get people over to our house is to have sex. Pants come off and BAM people at the door.
  • Having sex and playing games at the same time is something that I probably could do (physically), but I have no desire to. I like giving my full attention to my girlfriend when the time comes. Plus, my couch kind of sucks for having sex on.
  • edited December 2011
    I've beaten Super Meat Boy stages during sexing~! Let me see you top that, Frontrowcrew!
    Post edited by Aria on
  • I once left a message on Pete's phone, "Pete, Wyatt and I will be there in 30 minutes, stop having sex and put you damn clothes on." He hadn't actually checked his messages by the time we got there. >_>
    James and I have found the fastest way to get people over to our house is to have sex. Pants come off and BAM people at the door.
    Goddammit, this.
  • James and I have found the fastest way to get people over to our house is to have sex. Pants come off and BAM people at the door.
    Like clockwork.
  • edited December 2011
    I just back from a dinner and movie date with this cute japanese girl from my CTVA class. It was just going to be dinner at first, so I picked her up at about 6:15 and we had dinner at Chili's. During the whole meal we talked and laughed and swapped stories about our childhoods where we both spent more time reading than playing sports. But we weren't done talking so I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie. Apparently she had never seen the Muppets before (ever), so we drove to the theater but the next showing was at 9:45. It was only 7:45, so I asked her if she still wanted to see it and she said "I don't mind walking around and talking more with you for a while".

    And that's what we did. We walked around the mall, talking and checking out different stores. She told me how she was disappointed that she missed the LA Auto Show and asked me about it. We talked a little bit about the cars that were there. I took a picture of her with the giant christmas tree and looked at the giant reindeer statues. Then we stumbled across this store that specialized in japanese stuff (candies, trinkets, and even bootleg DVDs of "The Borrowers". She had a conversation in japanese with a lady who worked in the store and was surprised that I was able to understand as much as I did (about 2%-4%, I think).

    And she LOVED the movie.

    So, recap:

    Spending an evening with a beautiful, smart, creative, geeky girl.
    Talking about cars.
    Talking about Anime/manga/music.

    Best $50 I ever spent. My only regret was that the Muppets isn't one of those movies that you can casually streeeetch your arm over a girl's shoulders.

    My Face at this very moment:
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2011
    That sounds awesome, Vic! Great to hear.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Good work, man, good work.
  • Kudos to you!
  • Woo to Vic!
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  • My only regret was that the Muppets isn't one of those movies that you can casually streeeetch your arm over a girl's shoulders.
    I submit the Rainbow Connection part as a counter-argument. So many warm fuzzies ooze out of the screen at that point that it would be the perfect time to do that.

  • My only regret was that the Muppets isn't one of those movies that you can casually streeeetch your arm over a girl's shoulders.
    I submit the Rainbow Connection part as a counter-argument. So many warm fuzzies ooze out of the screen at that point that it would be the perfect time to do that.
    From what evidence I've collected so far, both you and her should be crying/trying not to cry too hard to concentrate on anything else at that point.

    On another note, I seem to have fallen hopelessly in love. The worst part is, the girl likes me well enough, but has decided that she doesn't have time for a relationship. I'm exceptionally jealous of the rest of you.
  • LDRs are too hard to maintain. It really sucks when you have to break up because of circumstances beyond your control.
  • I need to stop falling for girls who are batshit crazy.
  • I need to stop falling for girls who are batshit crazy.
    That's good advice for pretty much anybody.
  • edited December 2011
    I need to stop falling for anything sentient.
    Yeah, it happens.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I need to stop falling for girls who are batshit crazy.
    Good luck. Probability is against you.

  • LDRs are too hard to maintain. It really sucks when you have to break up because of circumstances beyond your control.
    I know that feel all too well. I kept a long-distance relationship going with a girl from Texas for three years before conflicting work hours pulled us apart in the end.
  • edited December 2011
    My ex girlfriend fucked one of my best friends last night. We broke up three days ago. What the fuck.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited December 2011
    Assessment - From what you said previous, she's trying to shifted the blame in her head from herself to you. Therefore, she feels like this is your fault and you hurt her - I also point out she's pretty crazy, and this is absolutely not the case anywhere but inside her head - and therefore there are two options: It's justified to her because of what she thinks you did, or she's doing it to get back at you.

    Also, Point of note - Mates don't fuck their mate's ex-girl without asking that close to the break-up. Maybe further down the road, no worries, but right after? Definite bro-code violation.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, Point of note - Mates don't fuck their mate's ex-girl without asking that close to the break-up. Maybe further down the road, no worries, but right after? Definite bro-code violation.
    Yeah. Why did he do that?
  • Also, Point of note - Mates don't fuck their mate's ex-girl without asking that close to the break-up. Maybe further down the road, no worries, but right after? Definite bro-code violation.
    Yeah. Why did he do that?
    Last time one of my mates did that, he got his ass beat. Not severely, or out of anger or anything. But he just got his ass beat.

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