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  • It's not about confidence so much as the fact that I've come to believe over time that most people who lie that much aren't worth that much effort. I don't bother to follow through because I just don't care to. I make note of the fact they continue to lie to me, point it out, and go on with my business.
    I've gotten to where I believe MOST people aren't worth much effort, which is a large contributing factor in the fact that Chris is my first relationship in 6 years.
  • Most people aren't worth the effort to shame/criticize/do anything to. Most people are mean. If you leave a locked bike outside your apartment at RIT, it can be stolen within a few days. Honestly? My trust and care for most people is very low at this point in my life.
  • Most people aren't worth the effort to shame/criticize/do anything to. Most people are mean. If you leave a locked bike outside your apartment at RIT, it can be stolen within a few days. Honestly? My trust and care for most people is very low at this point in my life.
    The bike example doesn't really provide data to support your "most people are shits" hypothesis, honestly. It only takes one person to steal a bike.
  • The amount of bikes that get stolen at RIT are ridiculous.

    And it was more anecdotal evidence as to why I don't care about humans as of late.
  • Honestly? My trust and care for most people is very low at this point in my life.
    Said it before, will say it again - come over for a few casual drinks sometime. You only need to hear Joe Boomer freestyle once before your outlook on society and life turns a complete 180.

  • We'll see. I'll be happier after the Rochester Chip Festival in December. That day is gonna make my heart soar and feel better.
  • We'll see. I'll be happier after the Rochester Chip Festival in December. That day is gonna make my heart soar and feel better.
    You could try going to one of the smaller ROC CHIP shows. They're usually in one of the Revengineers' houses, but Danimal Cannon and Chips Challenge are performing at the next one.
  • Uhhh what the fuck is a chip festival? Potato chips?
  • edited October 2012
    I could, but I have no car...

    Also, Chiptunes.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Now I'm stuck on the idea of a potato chip festival.
  • Honestly? My trust and care for most people is very low at this point in my life.
    Said it before, will say it again - come over for a few casual drinks sometime. You only need to hear Joe Boomer freestyle once before your outlook on society and life turns a complete 180.
    Any member of The Breakfast Club can also attest to this.

  • I've been seeing a girl for two dates with a third scheduled. She's nice, but I can already feel the "you're nice...but I like you as a friend" coming. Oh well, hopefully she'll stay friends with me unlike anyone else I've met so far on OKC.
  • I could, but I have no car...

    Also, Chiptunes.
  • I could, but I have no car...

    Also, Chiptunes.
    For the one in December, it's a pretty huge all-day fest. A list of the announced ones so far is here.
  • edited October 2012
    I've been seeing a girl for two dates with a third scheduled. She's nice, but I can already feel the "you're nice...but I like you as a friend" coming. Oh well, hopefully she'll stay friends with me unlike anyone else I've met so far on OKC.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Apparently I may be completely wrong about her only liking me as a friend, but it could still go either way. My chances are up from nil to fifty fifty.
  • Honestly? My trust and care for most people is very low at this point in my life.
    Said it before, will say it again - come over for a few casual drinks sometime. You only need to hear Joe Boomer freestyle once before your outlook on society and life turns a complete 180.
    Any member of The Breakfast Club can also attest to this.

    Joe boomer's freestyles cured my cancer and bought my cat back from the dead.

  • Girl is asking for me to show her Cowboy Bebop, this could go well. At the very least, sharing Cowboy Bebop is a joy all it's own.
  • Dood!
  • Bebop FTW. Good choices. Get her addicted and then she's a keeper.
  • Bebop FTW. Good choices. Get her addicted and then she's a keeper.
    Not sure if anime fan or drug dealer... e_e

  • He's a college kid so definitely drug dealer.
  • edited October 2012
    Hmm... where do I start...

    Been... casually seeing a girl I met at a party. She's smart, cute, likes NPR, and has an IFC membership, but she's also impossible to map on the crazy scale. One minute we're having an engaging conversation about RadioLab or French films, the next she casually mentions bruising her forehead after doing E or how she just recently broke up with her boyfriend in Cali who she used to live with. Been approaching with utmost caution every step of the way.

    Meanwhile, went to the birthday celebration of a friend of a friend last night. Was ecstatic all day over it after being personally invited because the birthday girl is absolutely stunning. We're talking absolutely gorgeous "I developed a speech impediment the first few times I first talked to her" kind of beauty. Met up with her and friends, and had a great time going to different bars, finally getting to know each other, and bonding over Game of Thrones and stuff from the 90's like all twenty-somethings do. Then her boyfriend showed up...

    He was ridiculously late, and seemed like he didn't want to be out. Definitely took a dislike to me and was just a bit of a prick all around. Seems like they may be on the outs, though. I guess my strategy is just to... wait it out...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Whatever you do, don't stick your dick in the crazy.
  • Whatever you do, don't stick your dick in the crazy.
    So... about that...
  • Schnevets 6:42AM: "... she's also impossible to map on the crazy scale"

    Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) 6:56AM: "Whatever you do, don't stick your dick in the crazy."

    Schnevets 7:00AM: "So... about that... "

    Wow, that was quick dick sticking!
  • With smartphones nowadays, people can post at any time.
  • Girl is asking for me to show her Cowboy Bebop, this could go well. At the very least, sharing Cowboy Bebop is a joy all it's own.
  • Girl is asking for me to show her Cowboy Bebop, this could go well. At the very least, sharing Cowboy Bebop is a joy all it's own.
    Also we're seeing Ghostbusters next week and she likes microbrews.
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