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  • So I don't know about you guys and gals, but I feel like if a girl is asking about what my morning habits are, it's a good sign.
    I mean, I suppose. I'm confused by this, unless I'm missing something very obvious besides spending the night in the future or something like that.

  • Her ride bailed on her due to an awful thunderstorm, so we're rescheduling. The storm cleared up after an hour. Shittiest day ever.

  • I have a date for 7, we're gonna cook dinner together. ^_^
  • Hooray for George!
  • I got this. I'm cool.

  • We believe in you. Make with the smooches.
  • It's 7:03 stop being on the internet and start making out NOW! ;-p
  • Do that thing I taught you!!!
  • Do that thing I told you about, George. It works. Guaranteed.
  • Do that thing I told you about, George. It works. Guaranteed.
    You mean anal sex? That's a sure thing.
  • Everybody text George for updates.
  • Do that flicky-twisty thing I like on her. ;D
  • When in doubt, put a finger in her butt.
  • Ok, I survived. And had a good dinner to boot.
  • Does the girl still like you? Will there be another date? DAMMIT MAN I NEED SPECIFICS.
  • *kermitflail*
  • Yes. Yes.
    Dude, told you. Finger in the butt, can't lose.
  • Was there making out during eps 5? because damn that means she's into you because she should have been watching Cowboy Bebop then.
  • The make outs happened after eps 5. But also during doctor who and we gave up on TNG.
  • edited October 2012
    still good :-p

    Your first date should have been watching the debate, you would have been making out WAY earlier just to get away from it.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • People still make out in front of TVs? I guess I'm disappointed that this particular "excuse to sit next to each other on the couch" hasn't been phased out in favor of something more direct by now.

    I remember some energetic sex around the one hour mark of Titanic (on VHS). Whew.
  • I prefer turning on music in my bedroom for active listening and discussion. The only suitable seat is my bed. ~_^
  • The make outs happened after eps 5. But also during doctor who and we gave up on TNG.
    You gave up on Picard? For a GIRL? You need to get your priorities in order, sir.

  • edited October 2012
    Muppet, you should dig up the "Pets" thread and post more pictures of your dog, because she is adorable.

    Also, congrats to George!
    I prefer turning on music in my bedroom for active listening and discussion. The only suitable seat is my bed. ~_^
    I've never had a girlfriend who enjoys just sitting around and listening to music, and that is something I really want :|
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I prefer turning on music in my bedroom for active listening and discussion. The only suitable seat is my bed. ~_^
    I've never had a girlfriend who enjoys just sitting around and listening to music, and that is something I really want :|
    My girlfriend and I do that, then fall asleep. It is a big risk when listening to relaxing music.

  • Try: two iPods with two sets of earbuds, different speed music playing on each, and have sex.
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