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  • Ryan, stop being egotistical, we all know you ARE Jason Segel.
  • Ryan, stop being egotistical, we all know you ARE Jason Segel.
    My Dad is much more likely to be Jason Segel than Ryan. I think even Ryan will attest to that.
  • #1 reason why Segel is awesome is because of this show.
  • <3 Freaks and Geeks

  • Ryan, stop being egotistical, we all know you ARE Jason Segel.
    My Dad is much more likely to be Jason Segel than Ryan. I think even Ryan will attest to that.
    I attest to this 100%

  • Ryan, stop being egotistical, we all know you ARE Jason Segel.
    I may not be Jason Segel, but I am definitely Marshall Eriksson.

  • GBG and I are going to be at the same party tonight. This is stressful and exciting.
  • Why is she grizzly bear girl anyway.
  • Because we hung out at a Grizzly Bear show and cried~

  • Totally didn't know that Grizzly Bear was a band.
  • Well, I took Luke's timeless advice and gave her a small kiss goodnight after like five hours of just non-stop talking and smoking. It was perfect and we're getting lunch on Monday.
  • edited October 2012
    Well, I took Luke's timeless advice and gave her a small kiss goodnight after like five hours of just non-stop talking and smoking. It was perfect and we're getting lunch on Monday.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Well, I took Luke's timeless advice and gave her a small kiss goodnight after like five hours of just non-stop talking and smoking. It was perfect and we're getting lunch on Monday.

  • You're all lucky bastards. All of the cute girls I'd like to hang out with have slipped away over the past few weeks due to ADHD/overwork/depression.
  • Have courage.

    That said, after five hours of non-stop smoking, I'm not sure I'd want to kiss anyone!

  • edited October 2012
    I mean, it wasn't non-stop smoking. The talking was more non-stop. Also, I had too many cigarettes yesterday and I feel phenomenally shitty. Already told Nine that I'd quit if this shit pops off.

    Also, pretty excited because I saw another friend of hers go to kiss her and she just dodged and really awkwardly went, "Ohhh haaaa what even just happened?" So, in some way, the fact that she let me kiss her at all is a pretty great sign.

    When she dodged the guy, I was standing right there. In probably the second-best moment of my night, I said to the guy (a friend of mine), "[name], do you want a kiss?" and he said, "yes," in the world's smallest voice, so I kissed him on the cheek and she laughed really hard. It was wonderful. Situation expertly defused.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I mean, it wasn't non-stop smoking. The talking was more non-stop. Also, I had too many cigarettes yesterday and I feel phenomenally shitty. Already told Nine that I'd quit if this shit pops off.

    Also, pretty excited because I saw another friend of hers go to kiss her and she just dodged and really awkwardly went, "Ohhh haaaa what even just happened?" So, in some way, the fact that she let me kiss her at all is a pretty great sign.

    When she dodged the guy, I was standing right there. In probably the second-best moment of my night, I said to the guy (a friend of mine), "[name], do you want a kiss?" and he said, "yes," in the world's smallest voice, so I kissed him on the cheek and she laughed really hard. It was wonderful. Situation expertly defused.
    Like a BAWWWWWWWS.

  • Reading that back, it's possible (if not probable) that I am no longer friends with that guy.

  • Watching Cowboy Bebop at my place nerdy, beer girl. There will probably be make outs.
  • If I had the energy I would run over there and high-five you, George.
  • Watching Cowboy Bebop at my place nerdy, beer girl. There will probably be make outs.

  • edited October 2012
    Watching Cowboy Bebop at my place nerdy, beer girl. There will probably be make outs.
    Classy, related makeout music.

    Post edited by Axel on
  • Totoro Reference Count w/ GBG is at 4.
  • Totoro Reference Count w/ GBG is at 4.
  • Stop posting to the forums and make out George :-p
  • Been waiting four hours for a response to my message about tomorrow's plans. Oh Christ, I am dying.
  • So I don't know about you guys and gals, but I feel like if a girl is asking about what my morning habits are, it's a good sign.
  • So I don't know about you guys and gals, but I feel like if a girl is asking about what my morning habits are, it's a good sign.
    Lock it down.
  • edited October 2012
    Stop posting to the forums and make out George :-p
    Oh, no. I have plans for tomorrow night to watch Bebop. I spent most of tonight waiting for my exceedingly late airplane back to Virginia.

    EDIT: Wow, I really mangled that original post on my tablet.
    Post edited by George Patches on
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