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  • Muppet, you should dig up the "Pets" thread and post more pictures of your dog, because she is adorable.
    This is my new favorite way of telling someone to fuck off.
  • People still make out in front of TVs? I guess I'm disappointed that this particular "excuse to sit next to each other on the couch" hasn't been phased out in favor of something more direct by now.
    Well it's not like we didn't want to watch the TV, but it was a good way to do both.
  • Muppet, you should dig up the "Pets" thread and post more pictures of your dog, because she is adorable.
    This is my new favorite way of telling someone to fuck off.
    If that was the subtext I sure missed it.
  • Muppet, you should dig up the "Pets" thread and post more pictures of your dog, because she is adorable.
    This is my new favorite way of telling someone to fuck off.
  • Getting sushi with Violin Girl tonight. Hopefully I will be able to nail down exactly what is going on between the two of us.
  • Hopefully I will be able to nail down exactly what is going on between the two of us.
  • Hopefully I will be able to nail down exactly what is going on between the two of us.
    I choose my words carefully. ^_~

    But in all seriousness, I'm really just trying to figure out if we're actually dating or will start dating. :/

  • You've had bad luck with girls stringing you along for months, I hope this isn't it. :\ I haven't met her so all I can say is, I wish you the best.
  • Good luck, Ryan!
  • You've had bad luck with girls stringing you along for months, I hope this isn't it. :\ I haven't met her so all I can say is, I wish you the best.
    To be fair, I'm especially trying to speed up the process here as so that I don't get string along again. We've already been on what could easily be considered two dates, so hopefully they are being considered that by both parties.
  • GOOD. I'm glad you're able to get to that point, good for you! Congrats. I would consider this endeavor a success no matter how tonight goes because it seems like you're learning, and that's awesome.
    Again, best wishes.
  • Arranged to meet someone online. Last Friday, we met and had a very fun and relaxed dinner. Next day, we met up at the Texas Freethought Convention and watched a Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life debate. Spent the rest of day together, hanging out and doing things.

    Now, this weekend, we went to Austin Comic Con, sat in on a Patrick Stewart Q&A and did a whole bunch of nerdy stuff there. Then we saw Cloud Atlas in the theaters, and played games (and other stuff) the rest of the weekend.

    So, I'm feeling really lucky right now.
  • You've had bad luck with girls stringing you along for months, I hope this isn't it. :\ I haven't met her so all I can say is, I wish you the best.
    To be fair, I'm especially trying to speed up the process here as so that I don't get string along again. We've already been on what could easily be considered two dates, so hopefully they are being considered that by both parties.
    The solution to "getting strung along" is to see multiple girls until one of them wants you to commit, obviously.
  • She didn't let me pay for her share of dinner, but we carried on conversation and we have plans to hang out again on Wednesday afternoon. Still no word on what is going on, though.
  • edited October 2012
    Herp derp double post.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • You should be blunt, honestly. I find that solves all problems. It's awkward, but...Good.
  • She didn't let me pay for her share of dinner
    Doesn't necessarily mean anything, as I'm sure you're aware. Some girls just want to pay for their own meal.
    You should be blunt, honestly. I find that solves all problems. It's awkward, but...Good.
    I'm proud of you. I mean this in the most non-condescending way possible.
  • I honestly think I'm going to have to just throw it out there and see what happens. Might do that when we hang out on Wednesday.
  • I honestly think I'm going to have to just throw it out there and see what happens. Might do that when we hang out on Wednesday.
    Ah, the ol' "whip it out" maneuver. Classic.

  • Ah, the ol' "whip it out" maneuver. Classic.
  • edited October 2012
    You should be blunt, honestly. I find that solves all problems. It's awkward, but...Good.
    I'm proud of you. I mean this in the most non-condescending way possible.
    At this point, I've learned that speaking your mind is the best real solution. If only I had someone to speak my mind to...
    Post edited by Axel on
  • You should be blunt, honestly. I find that solves all problems. It's awkward, but...Good.
    I'm proud of you. I mean this in the most non-condescending way possible.
    At this point, I've learned that speaking your mind is the best real solution. If only I had someone to speak my mind to...
  • Brohug.
  • edited October 2012
    Apparently, women will hang all the fuck over me now. Potential hookups included: girl with tattoos of the Watson-Crick Canonical Pairs on her wrists (left wrist AT, right CG), sexy Marty McFly (who's Doc Brown boyfriend was really perplexed and didn't try to defend his turf), and a girl I know from Journalism class.

    Unfortunately, all this attention may have caught the eye of GBG, who may have been turned off by it. Which blows, because I don't give a shit about any of those girls; I really only cared about talking to her. And I was wrestling a panic attack for two hours trying to just interface with her in spite of 300 fucking people in this party.

    Maybe doing things Wednesday? Who knows anymore. I'm going to try to get the number of the genetics PhD girl with those tats, though.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2012
    My lab partner wants to get coffee next week. She's absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, is considering a PhD, and loves the outdoors (particularly Colorado and Wyoming).

    This is how I feel about the past five days:

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Enjoy this period because for most young men, it's a short one. :-)
  • Man, I'm still losing weight and gaining muscle and wearing nicer clothes all the time. I just quit smoking AND I barely drink anymore.

    I am going to live forever and be getting ladies for longer than that.
  • Short? I felt like that for a period of about 5 years, then again for another 2 years. The only reason it stopped was because I was in serious relationships... and even then it didn't really stop. Next time I'm single again I presume it'll be back in force.

    How long have you been married now, muppet? ;)
  • I said most, not all. :-)

    Depends, do you mean one or both marriages? :-P
  • Man, I'm still losing weight and gaining muscle and wearing nicer clothes all the time. I just quit smoking AND I barely drink anymore.

    I am going to live forever and be getting ladies for longer than that.
    Congratulations on quitting smoking, when and how did that happened?

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