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  • edited October 2012
    I suppose the weakness of a computing major over a science major is that you tend to meet less girls, because less girls are in computing fields...XD
    That's also the problem of being a hermit...Man I'm bad at this.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Man, I'm still losing weight and gaining muscle and wearing nicer clothes all the time. I just quit smoking AND I barely drink anymore.

    I am going to live forever and be getting ladies for longer than that.
    Congratulations on quitting smoking, when and how did that happened?

    Yesterday at 11am, I threw away all my cigarettes and gave away all my rolling tobacco. The first day of withdrawal was a living hell, but my cravings and mood swings seem to have stopped and now I've just got some indigestion and pain.
  • Never noticed any withdrawal symptom greater than a minor craving for cigarettes. :D

    I'm lucky, I don't seem to have any problems with chemical dependency.
  • edited October 2012
    ^ This was my same experience.

    Although I do understand that if you've been on mood altering drugs for a while (Anti-Depressants, anti-bipolar, etc) it makes withdrawls of any sort a lot more intense. Not sure if this is your case.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The worst withdrawal I've ever dealt with was caffeine, and that was like, a day of severe headaches and then more energy than I remembered feeling in years prior. Sadly, the euphoria of quitting eventually wore off, too.
  • Things are going well for me with the girl I've been seeing.
  • The worst withdrawal I've ever dealt with was caffeine, and that was like, a day of severe headaches and then more energy than I remembered feeling in years prior. Sadly, the euphoria of quitting eventually wore off, too.
    I wonder if someone could get addicted to quitting.
  • Things are going well for me with the girl I've been seeing.
  • I suppose the weakness of a computing major over a science major is that you tend to meet less girls, because less girls are in computing fields...XD
    That's also the problem of being a hermit...Man I'm bad at this.
    Fewer. It's quite important you get that right when dating.

  • Although I do understand that if you've been on mood altering drugs for a while (Anti-Depressants, anti-bipolar, etc) it makes withdrawls of any sort a lot more intense. Not sure if this is your case.
    That is indeed my case.
  • I suppose the weakness of a computing major over a science major is that you tend to meet less girls, because less girls are in computing fields...XD
    That's also the problem of being a hermit...Man I'm bad at this.
    Fewer. It's quite important you get that right when dating.

    I just meant I haven't been meeting a lot of new people, let alone females, so it's difficult to try and strike up new friendships/relationships. If RIT Anime Club hadn't devolved into dumb, I would go there, but...Yeah...

  • Things are going well for me with the girl I've been seeing.
    Dammit. Now what are we supposed to pester you about obsessively?

    Oh, and good for you or something.

  • Axel, go hang out in the Biology lobby. You'll meet girls. Ask them to explain Mitosis.

  • edited October 2012
    Axel, go hang out in the Biology lobby. You'll meet girls. Ask them to explain Mitosis.
    "Excuse me, I'm in the lab down the hall. Do you have any purified helicase? I have some jeans that need to be unzipped."

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Hang out with some classicist, any given session that involves drinking usually results in hilarity.
  • Um... I'm going to a concert with this girl tomorrow, and I seriously can't tell if its a date. I kinda have thing for her, and she might think I'm gay. High school is weird.
  • edited October 2012
    High school is weird.
    Trufax bro.
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • edited October 2012
    I suppose the weakness of a computing major over a science major is that you tend to meet less girls, because less girls are in computing fields...XD
    Feelin' something similar to this right now. Although the male-female ratio in the music department is pretty evenly split, most music girls prove to be undatable, hardly anyone ever dates within the department anyway, and it's so close-knit that there aren't really many opportunities to meet people outside the department, especially since I'm done with most of my general eds.

    Not like I'm in a rush to get into another relationship or anything. Just an observation.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Um... I'm going to a concert with this girl tomorrow, and I seriously can't tell if its a date. I kinda have thing for her, and she might think I'm gay. High school is weird.
    If it's any consolation, when we first met, Chris thought I was dating my best friend.
    Then he asked if my best friend was in love with me, hilariously.
    THEN he was convinced I was a lesbian.
    THEN he thought I didn't like him/our dinners out were not actually dates.
    ...then I got drunk and hit on him a lot. A week later, we were dating.

    There's hope even in weird.
  • I find most relationships are awkward until one person just straight up flirts with/kisses the other and is blunt.
  • It sure helped things along for me.
  • Um... I'm going to a concert with this girl tomorrow, and I seriously can't tell if its a date. I kinda have thing for her, and she might think I'm gay. High school is weird.
    If it's any consolation, when we first met, Chris thought I was dating my best friend.
    Then he asked if my best friend was in love with me, hilariously.
    THEN he was convinced I was a lesbian.
    THEN he thought I didn't like him/our dinners out were not actually dates.
    ...then I got drunk and hit on him a lot. A week later, we were dating.

    There's hope even in weird.
    Wait, this shit doesn't get better with experience?
  • edited October 2012
    I don't think it's of place to say that Anrild isn't the paragon of dating relationship experience. That said, it doesn't always get better, just less surprising.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I don't think it's of place to say that Anrild isn't the paragon of dating relationship experience. That said, it doesn't always get better, just less surprising.
    I'm really the opposite of a paragon of relationship experience, considering I chose to stay single for six years on end with a heavy cynicism towards those who constantly sought a relationship. I'm not offended to be called inexperienced. XD
    My point was more that things can easily improve from weird.
  • It gets better when you start dating people who are capable of rational thought and communication.
  • It gets better when you start dating people who are capable of rational thought and communication.
  • Yeah. My second ex was way better than my first. We're on good terms. It's all a learning process.
  • It gets better when you start dating people who are capable of rational thought and communication.
  • edited October 2012
    Wait, this shit doesn't get better with experience?
    You say that, but I was once apparently dating a girl for a few weeks before I even noticed. We were hanging out a lot, and she basically went "Well, alright, we're dating" without taking the important step of actually telling me. I only found out when she introduced me to a friend as her boyfriend, I thought about it for a sec, shrugged and said "Fair enough", then finished introducing myself. Wasn't too bad, actually, nice enough of a time, we parted on decent terms.
    Post edited by Churba on
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