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  • Ah, the 70's look. A fan of the classics I see.
    Oh, you know the kid goes crazy for that vintage shit.

  • Who can ever tell with you people.
  • Who can ever tell with you people.
    Even I don't know most of the time.

  • edited October 2012
    What do you mean by YOU PEOPLE?!

    Dat's racist!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • What do you mean by YOU PEOPLE?!

    Dat's racist!
    God damnit Ro, not everything is about you people.
  • But we're pumpkins. We're the same. You're racist against your own people!

    (No one is going to understand this after we change our avatars.)
  • HEY! Stop talking to yourself.
  • I will simply reiterate: you people.
  • I usually just refer to them by whichever of their orifices I prefer for the physical act of penetration.
    Grizzly Bear Girl is suddenly really interesting/disturbing.
    You're my favorite person, bb.
    Also FORUM BFFS. Haters gonna hate.

  • Picking favorites is just rude. XD
  • B'awww Axel don't be sad, I still love you! :D <3
  • Tankyous. :)
  • I want to pick a forum enemy.

    Also FORUM BFFS. Haters gonna hate.
    Tell Chris I said, "How's your girl," though. ~_^
  • Me and Nine had a pretty nasty exchange when I was new. It was via PMs, so no one else saw it. I've thought of him as my forum enemy. Odd that now I'm named for him.
  • You're not the only one, trust me.
  • Me and Nine had a pretty nasty exchange when I was new. It was via PMs, so no one else saw it. I've thought of him as my forum enemy. Odd that now I'm named for him.
    I think the only private communication I had with you was sending you a cheesecake recipe.

  • I'd forgotten about that. I still need to try it.
  • edited October 2012
    Nine was the only one on this forum who ever made me cry, I mean like with sobbing tears on the couch and stuff. I've since forgiven him, though, but he's a bit rough sometimes.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • A bit rough is a bit of an understatement. He's just kinda hostile sometimes. Sometimes deservedly so, sometimes not.
  • edited October 2012
    I literally take everything said by Nine as a joke/trolling whether is actually is or not, but I initially thought that was the point.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited October 2012
    I'd forgotten about that. I still need to try it.
    Do it, it's well good. Plus, if you think women appreciate a bloke who can cook, wait till you see how much people like the bloke that can make cakes.

    Nine can be a hard guy to get along with sometimes - there are even fights within the breakfast club of extraordinary viciousness. But he's a good guy, with a good heart, even if he can be vicious sometimes.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I told a girl I was making bourbon-and-bacon chocolate chips the other day and she got this dreamy look and all of her clothes vanished.
  • Shit's magic.
  • I literally take everything said by Nine as a joke/trolling whether is actually is or not, but I initially thought that was the point.
    I dunno, sometimes when someone posts videos and says things just to make you upset, it's bullying. I suppose it is a form of trolling, but it's hard not to be affected.
  • I agree. If someone is just doing something because it hurts, well...It's mean. Not someone I will usually choose to be around.
  • I told a girl I was making bourbon-and-bacon chocolate chips the other day and she got this dreamy look and all of her clothes vanished.
    White chocolate and Milk chocolate swirl cheesecake, man. It's immense.
  • Shit's magic.

    Chubby dudes do know how to eat...
  • That image always makes me feel bad that I'm one of the skinniest people I've ever met.
  • edited October 2012
    Well, snacks and knowing how to eat are skills accessible to skinny guys, but to become a warm and fuzzy rock for your lady, you must embrace the Art of the Tummy.

    Are you a bad enough dude to consider two pints of beer and a hunk of cornbread an "appetizer?"
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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