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  • edited November 2012
    What the hell is freshers?
    Freshmen, I'm guessing.

    EDIT: Eeyup.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The question is, do you really want to know?
  • The question is, do you really want to know?
  • Oh ok. It's not something horrible that I originally thought it was. Just some silly slang. It's like "preggo". I understand what it means now, but it's still such a weird slang term. I mean it's very similar to a brand of spaghetti sauce.
  • But who are bronies now?
    Brony is new word for furry.
    Most things and eventually or already MLP:FIM are ruined by scary internet dudes.
    Nah. The beauty of scary Internet dudes is that they are easily avoided and small in number.
    So are most terrorists and other actual threats. That doesn't stop people from overreacting.
  • edited November 2012
    Oh ok. It's not something horrible that I originally thought it was. Just some silly slang. It's like "preggo". I understand what it means now, but it's still such a weird slang term. I mean it's very similar to a brand of spaghetti sauce.
    I think it's not actually slang, but rather the standard term in the U.K.

    Here in Australia we use neither "freshman" or "fresher"; we just say "first year" (i.e. as a noun).
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • AmpAmp
    edited November 2012
    What the hell is freshers?
    Normally its just what you call first years, however freshers day and freshers week are university sponsored "party" times in which they are all encouraged to get shit faced and shag each other. I wish I was joking but when you have events like "Freshbook"where you list your relation status, or "Fresh and Free" where there are prizes for doing certain things. Case in point a girl in Cardiff had to leave uni after videos of her naked at their Oceania went viral. Its one of the big bits of uni that causes me to get into arguments with the SU.

    Edit; The event I was at was the Freshers fair where they can choose which society they want to join. Also now that I think about it there are an awful lot of Fresh- events.

    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited November 2012
    But who are bronies now?
    Brony is new word for furry.
    Well, it's probably more accurate to say that "brony" is now seen as the representative subset of "furry", which in turn is seen as the representative subset of "scary Internet dude".
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • In the UK we only say first years. Freshers in this case is short for Freshers Week, typically the first week of university where new students are shown the ropes. It's also the time when most societies try to recruit new members. And there's lots of drinking, so much do that new students think that is standard, and try to keep up that level as long as possible.

    The word Freshers is then not used to refer to anything else until the same week next year.
  • Unless your in the pub then there are numerous chants of "Down in one Fresher".
  • edited November 2012
    lol, Brits. Everything is all Harry Potter there.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • lol, Brits. Everything is all Harry Potter there.
    I would argue but I did go to a school that houses.

  • lol, Brits. Everything is all Harry Potter there.
    I would argue but I did go to a school that houses.

    What the hell? You guys are just a giant stereotype, aren't you. Do people say "Guvna"?

  • AmpAmp
    edited November 2012
    lol, Brits. Everything is all Harry Potter there.
    I would argue but I did go to a school that houses.

    What the hell? You guys are just a giant stereotype, aren't you. Do people say "Guvna"?

    Yes when working with some builders they did call the boss Guvna. I can also ride a horse, drink copious amounts of tea, distrust the french, have relatives that "battled the bosh", own a manor home, had labradors, have a coat of arms, have a family sword and title, required dental work due to bad teeth, still watch the queen speech and go shooting. Not hunting game keepers hunt gentlemen shoot.

    Edit also played rugby or as it was known "rugger" for most of my life till a back and arm/shoulder injury stopped my career.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • lol, Brits. Everything is all Harry Potter there.
    I would argue but I did go to a school that houses.

    What the hell? You guys are just a giant stereotype, aren't you. Do people say "Guvna"?

    Yes when working with some builders they did call the boss Guvna. I can also ride a horse, drink copious amounts of tea, distrust the french, have relatives that "battled the bosh", own a manor home, had labradors, have a coat of arms, have a family sword and title, required dental work due to bad teeth, still watch the queen speech and go shooting. Not hunting game keepers hunt gentlemen shoot.

    Edit also played rugby or as it was known "rugger" for most of my life till a back and arm/shoulder injury stopped my career.
    Excellent. I'm going to go eat a massive fatty burger now.
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • lol undergrads
  • I was never called a fresher and never invited to drinking parties. As a freshman, my floor and I spent most of September (and parts of October) playing video games together. Then we all got bored and established our cliques and had homework and stuff.
  • lol undergrads
    Hey I'm a 3rd year soon to be MA!

  • edited December 2012
    Oh mans. For the first time in five or six years...

    What is this feeling is this real life aaaahhhh I am exciteeeeed

    She seems awesomely cool so far. It's an OKCupid setup, but the kind of messaging we've been doing has quickly become more like full-on letter-writing than just casual messaging (it doesn't hurt that she writes with all proper spelling, punctuation and capitalization, either xD). We've talked very in-depth considering how little time we've actually talked for, and it feels like we've gotten to know a lot about each other very quickly. Based on her interests, personality, intellect, life goals, photos, politics, and writing style, I can't wait to actually meet her and see if the feeling carries over into real life. Wish me luck?
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • w00t! Good luck!
  • w00t! Good luck!
  • Not all forumites are single, but dating is still a thing.

    For those in long term relationships, do you still go on formal dates? If so, how frequently? Regardless of keeping the "spark" alive or whatever Cosmo might ask; what do you do to help safeguard against taking your long time partner for granted?
  • edited December 2012
    I really enjoy spending a day (shopping, prep, making from scratch, etc.) making a super awesome dinner for Lyddi. We also go to the dinner and movies after work about once a month.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited December 2012
    Friend had an all-night hookup with someone she dislikes for everything but casual sex. When we picked her up, she immediately asked to use my shower, and I replied, "No big, I've got clean towels for you."

    She came to my place, sat on the giant beanbag and watched The Wire while I showered and slept off a hangover on the couch. She showered and napped on the beanbag while I turned on Spirited Away and took another nap. Then, I baked Bourbon & Bacon Chocolate Chips and ordered her pizza while she napped on my bed.

    Later, we got buzzed on the beanbag and watched like 12 episodes of Malcolm In The Middle. I offered to crash on the beanbag and let her have the bed but she wanted to sleep on the beanbag with me, so we did. We probably would have made out or something, but LOL UTI. So, I just took care of her and we cuddled all night.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Juliane and I go on dates, but I'm not sure what you mean by a formal date. Is saying "Let's go on a date" enough to make it formal? Does it include dressing up nice? Does it mean more than going out for dinner? We go out for dinner two or three times a week, but usually to one of about 10 places we like within a three minute walk of our apartment. Due to our pretty busy lives (me with traveling and Juliane being busy in Berlin), we usually schedule as much time together as possible, so hanging out on the couch doing nothing but reading or messing about on our laptops individually is something we plan a day in advance. Does that make couch sitting a date?
  • I don't really take Katie on formal dates ever anymore. Maybe once every several months or so.

    That said, we do a ton of stuff as a couple. Eating out, going to see movies, etc.
  • James and I had weekly dates where we'd go to the Alamo Drafthouse and then frozen custard. We'd switch it up if either of us had a better idea (feeding giraffes at the zoo, concerts, walks in park/bayou, museums, etc).

    We still go get custard weekly but Max put an end to movies and going out at the moment. I'm lucky if I get any cuddling or snuggling before Max realizes James is making a move on his food source. >_>;;
  • We do dates every couple of months, I think. The big thing for me about making sure you aren't taking your partner for granted is to recognize what they do for you verbally and tell them periodically why you think they are awesome. Whenever Pete makes food for me, I thank him for the meal out loud where he can hear me. It reminds me of how awesome he is and it lets him know that I appreciate what he does. I hope. :)
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