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  • Actually, I might drive to Greenville over the summer, in which case it'd be cool to make a detour and talk to you about PhD programs.
  • Srsly! I wish you guys could come to Atl, at least for Dragon*Con, its super effing aweeeeeesooome. Stupid conflicting awesome con dates. >.<
  • Six months ago a female friend held my hand for three hours and made me promise to come back to her. Last night I got tipsy and messaged her "HEY: I miss the hell out of you." She responded, "Not even joking now, GET BACK HERE."

    So, I'm going back to the UK in May.
    Im glad you texted me back :P. All jokes aside we should grab a brew when your back in Albion I'm kicking my self we didn't before. Its like a bro date.
    Absolutely. We can get ElJoe0 and Omnu to join us and have a proper FRCF: Albion Meetup.
    Sounds a plan! Obviosuly you'll have to answer three questions to cross the bridge but you should be fine.
  • No one ever comes down to ATL to visit :(

    Except for Pete.

    Because he's awesome.
    Brick Store Pub ftw!

    Nuri speaks highly of Dragon*con. Perhaps we'll get there one day.

  • No one ever comes down to ATL to visit :(

    Except for Pete.

    Because he's awesome.
    We just don't visit you, I was in Atlanta Friday and Saturday.

    I was with family, sorry bud.
  • So even though this is a dating thread, it got me thinking what's the furthest you traveled to do a "family" thing with your significant other or spouse.

    Usually two or three times a year I have to drive from Philadelphia to either Fort Wayne, IN, Bloomington IN or Springfield Ohio to visit with my wive's family (soon we might have to travel to Atlanta GA) Usually it's about a 10 trip to Bloomington.
  • Washington to Hawai'i for my cousin's wedding. All expenses paid by my parents. It two years ago, if I recall. November is such a good time to visit.
  • So far, the furthest I've gone for my girlfriend's sake is the 3 hour drive down to Oregon, cause that's where she grew up. Eventually I'll come with her to visit her grandparents that live down in California, which is a 16-18 hour drive according to her.
  • edited November 2012
    ~$600 flight to Baltimore for Thanksgiving with a long-distance girlfriend. Not one of my wiser decisions.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • We flew to France to spend time with some of Katie's family friends. Does that count?

    If not, California last year.
  • Don't stop the dating updates, WindUpBird, it's my favourite thrice daily entertainment.
  • hehe, not for a family visit but right after college I spent the summer down the shore working in Wildwood NJ, andsome of the weekends I'd drive starting when I got off at 9pm 9 hours to Buffalo NY getting in around 5 in the morning where she was going to school. That was a brutal drive after working 10 hours on your feet. She didn't appreciate it, should of just hit on cute Eastern European chicks on the boardwalk instead lol.
  • Don't stop the dating updates, WindUpBird, it's my favourite thrice daily entertainment.

    I GET IT
  • Well I actually care how things are going for you not just for my personal amusement.
  • The good news is that he seems to have a lot going on and isn't just sitting there saying "man I wish I was dating girls".
  • Thanks, George! I care about your stuff too. You deserved a lucky break.
  • Yeah, totally. It's not annoying at all, because he's not just sitting here hemming and hawing over what to do. He's just doing things and getting input where he can.
  • It's sort of like a reality TV show for me. It's kinda zany, has a dose of drama, and at the same time I'm rooting for success.

    Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not trying to trivialize your life or anything but as a person who hasn't ever met you WUB I'm effectively a invisible onlooker.
  • Thanks, George! I care about your stuff too. You deserved a lucky break.
    I'm a "two birds, one stone" kind of guy. I want to hear how you're doing AND ALSO get an entertaining story.

  • George kills birds, is what I took away from that.
  • edited November 2012
    He is a gun enthusiast. Doesn't surprise me at all. Y'know how he likes clinging to his guns and religion.

    I enjoy reading updates from people as well. I'm genuinely concerned and hope the best for them, as well as I'm entertained and it reminds me how happy I am not to deal with the whole dating debacle anymore. =P
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • As long as they're not ducks. ಠ_ಠ
  • Ducks are for eating, right Ro?
  • Yes, especially those of the grilled Szechuan kind.
  • I also care about everyone's updates! I'm living vicariously through most of you.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm still waiting for the day someone gets a girlfriend after talking about her for months on here only for her to find the forums and hilarity to ensue.

    //Wife reads the forums occasionally.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • //Introduced gf to forums
    //Awesomeness ensued
  • I don't know if I'm ready to take that plunge...
  • //Introduced gf to forums
    //Awesomeness ensued
    Everyone do this. Our ratio is pretty good compared to the rest of the Internets, but it could be better.
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