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  • After many years of working to overcome some self esteem issues caused by a string of emotionally-crippling failed attempts at entering the dating world...

    Girlfriend Get.

    It wasn't until after I had asked her that it even had begun to cross my mind that her answer might be no. The realization that I had come so far as to pull that off without even considering the possibility of failure actually had me shaking with emotion. Which I blamed on the cold. Which led to much cuddling.
  • edited December 2012
    Think I maybe have a date? At Taco Bell? Or maybe we're just hanging out and eating tacos?

    Either way, I really just can't handle how perfect this is.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • @Ulty - Epic cuddle time. Well-played, good sir. Don't go Ultros on her, girls don't like that.
    @WUB - Keep on keepin' on.
  • @Ulty - Epic cuddle time. Well-played, good sir. Don't go Ultros on her, girls don't like that.
    ...we don't?

  • The fuck does that even mean???
  • Fuck him. Maybe it's because it was my first FF, but he was, IMHO, the most annoying part of FFVI.
  • @Ulty - Epic cuddle time. Well-played, good sir. Don't go Ultros on her, girls don't like that.
    ...we don't?

    You like tentacle rape?
    I mean, if so, by all means, but...

  • edited December 2012
    So I just had the most amazing extended weekend with the person I'm dating, but now that it's the holiday season, we won't be able to see each other for about a month, and I'll be completely by myself this Christmas/New Years. Sucks.

    Also, please say no to tentacle-based sexual activity!
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Fuck him. Maybe it's because it was my first FF, but he was, IMHO, the most annoying part of FFVI.
  • What is it with you and that Octopus?
  • @Ulty - Epic cuddle time. Well-played, good sir. Don't go Ultros on her, girls don't like that.
    ...we don't?
    You like tentacle rape?
    I mean, if so, by all means, but...
    You shouldn't make assumptions about what girls like, that's all. I mean, don't assume they DO like it either. But don't rule it out until you've had that conversation.
  • @Ulty - Epic cuddle time. Well-played, good sir. Don't go Ultros on her, girls don't like that.
    ...we don't?
    You like tentacle rape?
    I mean, if so, by all means, but...
    You shouldn't make assumptions about what girls like, that's all. I mean, don't assume they DO like it either. But don't rule it out until you've had that conversation.
    I mean, I think Ultros is great, but I'm just saying, creepy purple octopus.

  • That octopus is troll facing so hard and from what I remember of ff vi he was trolling every encounter.
  • My favorite is this one, but only because of the caption that followed.
    "a personal highlight is the bolded text just to absolutely clarify how much he hates having to be friends with girls"
  • I'm personally a fan of
  • I had to reverse Google Image Search that one. Knowing who it is didn't help me get the joke :(
  • Best flowchart I've seen in a bit right here. The hats are the best part.
  • Huh. It's not perfect, that's for sure. For example - Are women obligated to do anything? Yes, everybody has obligations, it's a part of life. Now I'm not a nice guy :(

    Also, it's a trilby you uncultured philistine of a fucking flowchart.
  • Huh. It's not perfect, that's for sure. For example - Are women obligated to do anything? Yes, everybody has obligations, it's a part of life. Now I'm not a nice guy :(
    The implication, I think, is "are women obligated to do anything [that men aren't]?"
  • Huh. It's not perfect, that's for sure. For example - Are women obligated to do anything? Yes, everybody has obligations, it's a part of life. Now I'm not a nice guy :(
    The implication, I think, is "are women obligated to do anything [that men aren't]?"
    They can't tell a fedora from a trilby. I have no confidence they are implying anything at all, at least not intentionally.
  • Trog:

    [taylor swift]
    Yeah watching this video wasn't worth getting the joke, but thanks.

    Back to chiptunes and metal for this guy.
  • edited December 2012
    I sometimes like Taylor. Not something I can listen to at any given time, but if heard sparsely quite enjoyable. She's good at her craft, even if her craft isn't good.
    Post edited by Greg on
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