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  • I am not introducing my wife to these forums. She would be bored within minutes.
  • edited November 2012
    Yeah I'm not sure Kelsey would be interested at all. You guys talk about nothing she would find captivating.

    Actually she would probably enjoy the gif thread, which I've shown her a few times. She loved Ro's cat running gif with the music.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • My girlfriend is not big on forums in general. She knows about Geeknights because I've been listening to the show for like, six years and it's sort of a huge part of what shaped my life, and she knows about these forums by extension, but forum-ing isn't really something she does.

    She made me promise that we go to the next PAX East together, though, so at least some of you will get to meet her eventually.
  • I joined this forum because:
    A) Andrew invited me
    B) I wanted to get to know Andrew more by reading his posts (kind of creepy stalking I guess? but ok bc he invited me :-P)
    C) I heard several of the podcasts on road trips and stuff with Andrew and liked them, so I figured awesome conversations were to be had here. I was right! (except for that rape discussion I got involved in, but that was one anomaly :-P)
  • Don't stop the dating updates, WindUpBird, it's my favourite thrice daily entertainment.

    I GET IT
    Seriously, I really enjoy your updates, and how enthusiastic you are about dating. It's really good fun. Maybe 70 pages ago in this thread I was in the same free and single position (though I'm not sure I posted quite so much).
  • Srsly! I wish you guys could come to Atl, at least for Dragon*Con, its super effing aweeeeeesooome. Stupid conflicting awesome con dates. >.<</p>
    I might be dragged down there by my gal pal....
    ~$600 flight to Baltimore for Thanksgiving with a long-distance girlfriend. Not one of my wiser decisions.
    Hey if you do it again to New Years you can get MAGfest in your system :D

  • //Introduced gf to forums
    //Awesomeness ensued
    Jeremy doesn't really do forums. It's a shame. He's mostly into the social networks and Google Reader to various sites. That's about it.
  • Obviously my significant other is more awesome than your SOs.
  • Always with the duck measuring!
  • It normally helps if your SO is on the computer for a good portion of the day. Mine is working away from such things.
  • Always with the duck measuring!
    Are you calling me a duck, good sir?

    ...*Shrug* I suppose there are worse things. ^-^
  • My SO wouldn't really like being on this forum because she's not really much of a geek. She does enjoy most of the things that geeks enjoy, but she doesn't have the same mindset (one of digging into things and getting as much information about a geekery as possible). Also, she doesn't really have a working computer, so she doesn't internet much to begin with outside of checking FB.
  • The person of which I'm most fond already lurks here a little, as far as I know. She looks at it from time to time, though I don't know how often, and she doesn't have an account, to the best of my knowledge.
  • The other half has looked in but is into far different geekeries. To clarify she was brought up with AD&D, British Scifi, old school fantasy and science. We are talking hard core knowledge of 2000AD and German/French fantasy storys.
  • I might have to have the pony talk soon, I've avoided it for a long time.
  • I might have to have the pony talk soon, I've avoided it for a long time.
    Is this seriously a thing? I don't even
  • I might have to have the pony talk soon, I've avoided it for a long time.
    You're going to tell her you want to buy a mustang?
  • tell her you're hung like a mustang.
  • Tell her your a mustang and that your going to take her on a ride.
  • Tell her you have a mustang driving a mustang.
  • Tell her shes a mustang and that you will drive her wild.
  • Tell her ant mugs is an anagram for mustang.
  • Watch "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" with her while having some really nasty sex.
  • Watch "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" with her while having some really nasty sex.
    I had no idea George was a furry.
  • Watch "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" with her while having some really nasty sex.
    Shower her the film and tell her its a biopic.

  • Have a normal conversation with her regarding MLP:FiM.
  • Have a normal conversation with her regarding MLP:FiM.
  • Have a normal conversation with her regarding MLP:FiM.
    I don't think we as a culture has yet reached a point that one can have a normal conversation regarding MLP:FiM.
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