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  • edited December 2012
    That flowchart appeals to me in part because it's dumb. The fact that it thinks the trilby is a fedora just makes it better.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I dig T-Swift, y'all can suck it.
  • T-Swift was the mascot of my high school robotics team.
  • You know what's worse that believing you've been cheated on?
    ...having it proved to you that you weren't cheated on, having an intense heart-to-heart, and everything ending in, "we love each other, but the timing was wrong".

    It's way easier for it to be over when you're angry than when you both love each other.
  • edited December 2012
    ohhh... Well, I guess things worked out okay? (Maybe?)
    Huh. It's not perfect, that's for sure. For example - Are women obligated to do anything? Yes, everybody has obligations, it's a part of life. Now I'm not a nice guy :(
    The implication, I think, is "are women obligated to do anything [that men aren't]?"
    They can't tell a fedora from a trilby. I have no confidence they are implying anything at all, at least not intentionally.
    Both of those things bothered me.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • We're still both really invested in being good friends. We see a lot in each other and challenge each other in a lot of positive ways... And after the past few days, I... really understand everything, and can't... be upset with him anymore. He wasn't bullshitting me or coming up with excuses, that much I know.
    So we're fine. We worked it out. But it's way too involved/too long of a story and I am way too emotionally spent to explain how we got to this point in the past week. It's been a whirlwind, that's for sure.

  • heard more accusations that my friends fiance is abusive towards her. Not sure how but apparently he gets mad when she gets morning sickness or something like that. I swear if he hits her... I'm just glad she's on vacation away from him for a month or so.
  • heard more accusations that my friends fiance is abusive towards her. Not sure how but apparently he gets mad when she gets morning sickness or something like that. I swear if he hits her... I'm just glad she's on vacation away from him for a month or so.
    If you like someone enough to be their fiance, why would you separate from them fro an entire month of vacation? That alone sounds like bad news.
  • My grandparents on both sides often spent months apart traveling in different places. And in modern times you could still communicate rather easily in various ways.
  • UPDATE: Holy shit.
  • UPDATE: Holy shit.
    Care to go into detail?
  • edited December 2012
    Sleep's "Dopesmoker" on vinyl. A very comfy couch. Three hours.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2012
    The girl I'm seeing is ending something with her other guy right now. I'm not sure what's happening. I'm very nervous.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Other guy? Dude, you weren't being the guy she cheated on the other guy with, were you?
  • He sounds rather ignorant of this other guy.
  • edited December 2012
    I was not ignorant of the other guy. Zero fucks given; quoth the Righteous & Justified Luke Burrage, "Always cuckold, never cheat."

    Also, she's now "official" with the guy in question, because our mutual friend is uncool with her seeing me. She straight-up admitted that our emotional connection is better than theirs, but that her friends bringing drama is the main reason we aren't dating.

    Still drove to Chicago to make out and look at the skyline while listening to Radiohead, though. Also, spending all day with her tomorrow to see Django. Also, we're seeing Action Bronson on Saturday. Also, then we're driving overnight to Champaign for a few days for New Year's Eve. And then, who knows?

    Now, if you'll excuse me, there is half-a-bottle of Basil Hayden here and it'd be ungentlemanly of me to keep it waiting.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2012
    Cliff Notes:

    -My friend Ellen gave me the "gift" of ruining the best thing I've ever had with one of the coolest girls ever for Christmas.

    -It's still going on, though, because I am so effortlessly excellent that said girl jumped in my car to drive into Chicago and make out with me the same night she told another guy they were a thing. If I may quote the warrior-poet, Lil' Ugly Mane: "All black leather in the whip is essential//Told your bitch fucking with ya is a waste of potential//Man she jumped in the shit like you ain't even exist//Now we swerving down the boulevard, flashing my wrist." It was exactly like that. Right down to flashing my wrist, actually; I had on a nice watch.

    -I'm about to drink a lot of really prime whiskey, and then wake up and see the girl in the morning for brunch.

    -Then, we're going on basically a day-long date, despite the oncoming trainwreck of a break-up and possible g-lining of a lifelong friendship.

    -My life is James Ellroy novel, Merry Fuckin' Christmas.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • @_@ I enjoy my drama free relationship...
  • edited December 2012
    I have to admit that being so cool that she cheated on her boyfriend the very night they became Facebook official was the biggest ego boost ever.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • @_@ I enjoy my drama free relationship...
    Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies. And by cookies, I mean standards. And orgasms.

  • @_@ I enjoy my drama free relationship...
    Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies. And by cookies, I mean standards. And orgasms.
    It's really awesome. And the cookies aren't bad either.
  • @_@ I enjoy my drama free relationship...
    Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies. And by cookies, I mean standards. And orgasms.

    Nuri, you make the best posts. They're few in number, but that's because you wait to say something awesome.

  • edited December 2012
    I have to admit that being so cool that she cheated on her boyfriend the very night they became Facebook official was the biggest ego boost ever.
    Y'know, I've avoided commenting because I think people should do things that make them happy. Who am I to argue with trying to find joy in an often miserable reality?

    But you know what Dave? This makes me respect you less.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Yeah dude as someone who's been on the other side. It really fucking sucks to learn that you are being screwed over. You either tell her to leave him or you leave her this shit is really out of line and a bit shitty. I would use the old adage "how would you like it done to yourself?".
  • I have to agree. I know you might not mind, but honestly? It's a shitty thing to do.
  • You also have to think about how it reflects on her that she would cheat on her "actual" boyfriend so readily.
  • Yeah. Any girl who would cheat with you would probably cheat on you if someone else came along. I mean, if you're not aiming for a monogamous relationship (which I don't think you are), I guess that doesn't bother you, but to me it reflects poorly on her character.
  • You also have to think about how it reflects on her that she would cheat on her "actual" boyfriend so readily.
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