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  • edited May 2013
    Let's make a tabletop role playing game [about romance].
    That game exists already, and I own a copy.
    I've played Breaking the Ice game, and it was great. There's nothing weird about it, if everyone's ok with playing a game about romance.
    Post edited by okeefe on

  • Let's make a tabletop role playing game that is supposed to give you real-life romance skills, sell it all culty like Abundance, and have pretty men and women run flirty demos of it at conventions and local gaming stores.
    That game exists already, and I own a copy.
    I've played Breaking the Ice game, and it was great. There's nothing cultish or weird about it.
    Wouldn't be hard to add it in there.
  • So I have a girlfriend.
  • Woo!
  • I bought a very nice couch today.

    I'm not sure I mentioned here that Pola wanted her big couch back as she was moving back to Berlin. Juliane and I ordered a new one but it took longer to be built and delivered than we were told, so spent four or five weeks with our only couch a tiny Ikea double sofa-bed thing. It was hell!

    Then the new couch arrived, and it's bigger than the old big red couch. Fuck yeah! It's been an awesome year so far.
  • Dude, I think if you are untrusting of someone to the level that you are searching newspaper articles for evidence against them, you should probably be breaking that relationship off whether you find said evidence or not.
    Here's how emotions mixed with human brain chemistry works: Steve probably didn't think he was searching for evidence against her but for her, to confirm her story, not refute it. Hindsight is great, in this case, but at the time Steve was probably hoping for the best.
  • What Luke said.
  • Interesting, while cleaning out some papers I found an application she filled out for working with the state. She was never a real paralegal, just a glorified secretary for a lawyer for a few months.

    She had just enough legal knowledge to be dangerous!

    Other than that all of her jobs were low wage menial stuff. She did work for CTDOT for a few years and that was her best paying job at under $17 an hour. I think she might have been a dispatcher, hard to say because that page didn't print properly.

    I am just so happy she is gone! My daughter is super happy too.
  • Here's how emotions mixed with human brain chemistry works: Steve probably didn't think he was searching for evidence against her but for her, to confirm her story, not refute it. Hindsight is great, in this case, but at the time Steve was probably hoping for the best.
    Okay, fair enough. Not everyone is super meta about their own emotions. :)

  • Here's how emotions mixed with human brain chemistry works: Steve probably didn't think he was searching for evidence against her but for her, to confirm her story, not refute it. Hindsight is great, in this case, but at the time Steve was probably hoping for the best.
    Okay, fair enough. Not everyone is super meta about their own emotions. :)
    I am... but only in hindsight.
  • Hurray metaemotional introspection!
  • That sounds exhausting.
  • Here's how emotions mixed with human brain chemistry works: Steve probably didn't think he was searching for evidence against her but for her, to confirm her story, not refute it. Hindsight is great, in this case, but at the time Steve was probably hoping for the best.
    Okay, fair enough. Not everyone is super meta about their own emotions. :)
    I am... but only in hindsight.
    I'm so used to analyzing my emotions as they occur that I forget that not everyone does it.

  • That reminds me of the recent conversation where I was really trying to get someone to think about why they do what they do. They really couldn't dig below the surface level at-all. They refuse to learn that which comes before! The shortest path! You will never be Dûnyain!
  • There's a good amount of people in my life I don't get along with for just that reason.
  • Don't expect everybody to be able to do that. Pick your battles, man. You might be able to put their underlying feelings into words before they do if you are aware enough of how people tend to work. That's enough to have a meaningful interaction, even if the person doesn't acknowledge their own motivations.

    When you understand what you are feeling and how it influences your actions, it helps you understand why other people act the way they do. Even if the other person isn't self-evaluating, you can be a better communicator by understanding where their surface behavior may be coming from on a deeper level. Even a hindsight analysis gets you closer to understanding people.
  • That doesn't always work Nuri. In my case things I thought were being done out of kindness were actually done in an attempt to create a debt of gratitude that could later be used to extract something.

    When she told me all of the house photos were on her broken desktop PC I offered to help fix it. I thought I was being nice by making something broken useful again but she saw it as something nefarious...

    If the other person's thoughts and desires are too alien from your own you end up missing what is really going on.
  • edited May 2013
    When you understand what you are feeling and how it influences your actions, it helps you understand why other people act the way they do. Even if the other person isn't self-evaluating, you can be a better communicator by understanding where their surface behavior may be coming from on a deeper level. Even a hindsight analysis gets you closer to understanding people.
    tl;dr: Be Dûnyain.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Sometimes I sit for hours imagining arguments and conversations and where other people are coming from. It helps me understand them better sometimes.
  • If the other person's thoughts and desires are too alien from your own you end up missing what is really going on.
    What Steve said.

  • tl;dr: Be Dûnyain.
  • That doesn't always work Nuri.
    I know this thing. That is why I used words like "tend" and "may" rather than saying "this will always work 100% of the time."
  • The recent ex had this weird thing where she did not want me talking to anyone except her about our relationship. She sold it as a privacy issue but I always found it weird and ignored it.

    Now I think it was one of her ways of keeping up the deceit. If you can isolate a person you can control them.
  • edited May 2013
    Best couch for my money
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Best couch for my money
    Remember a few posts ago when I said Juliane and I were stuck with a shitty Ikea sofa bed for a few months as our main couch? And that it was hell?


    The hell couch is that exact couch. That is a terrible, terrible, terrible couch for sexy fun times or even just cuddling.
  • edited May 2013
    Best couch for my money
    That's the couch that I have. The covers are washable, so if you are having a party or making the sexies, you're...covered! It's really kinda stiff, though, so take it to the bed as soon as you can.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Mine is so soft and cushiony, that is awesome for sexy times.
    Also, that sofa on the picture looks a little smaller than the one I have.
    Best couch for my money
    That's the couch that I have. The covers are washable, so if you are having a party or making the sexies, you're...covered! It's really kinda stiff, though, so take it to the bed as soon as you can.
  • GF and I are trying to map out the potential pitfalls of moving in together. Idea being we want to identify and resolve annoyances before they piss us off. It's exhausting.
  • I'd just focus on like one or two of them and then after that just go for it.
  • If anything you will always miss something. Eventually it's talking about it, compromise, and adapting.
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