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  • edited April 2013
    Option 2: Let your sister fuck up. What are you going to do, run interference on every single guy that looks at her? What about when she moves away and is on her own? Can't stop her then.

    She's got to learn one way or another, and most people only learn by experience.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Just give her condoms so she doesn't fuck up by getting preggo or herpes.
  • Yeah, that's basically what I've resolved to do. That and express that if she ever needs somebody to fall back to when things are not going well, I'm always going to be family. That said, I had to say my share because ignoring it would have been worse for everyone involved.
  • Don't say you're always going to be family. That's going to make her less trustworthy. Trust me, as a Boston Latin Student, I am an expert in white girls.
  • edited May 2013
    Dating question! If the person you are in a serious long-term relationship with has a good friend that is obviously interested in them, and the good friend isn't very receptive to your presence/friendly interaction, is that a reason for concern?

    Your significant other is definitely not reciprocating the good friend's feelings, but they don't want to lose him as a good friend.

    There isn't any reason to be irked, right? Is it unjustified to be a bit bothered by that?
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited May 2013
    Yes, but it's really not your situation to deal with. She has to make sure her friend respects her boundaries and knows them. However the best thing to do is be as friendly to the guy as possible. I've made good friends with people who were interested in people I've been with or liked. It makes it hard to work actively against their relationship when you like the person they are with.

    but if that guy won't respect the relationship, than he really is not her friend and not a "nice" guy which I'm sure he thinks he is.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I mean, it really depends on the person. I was in a situation where my two roommates who were dating for several years always assumed they could expect the other to be faithful. When the female began spending a lot of time with one of our neighbors and hanging out with him all the time, my male roommate was bothered by how much time she was spending with him. She assured him that nothing was happening, but a thing did happen, and they are now broken up.
    At the end of the day, if he's not receptive of your presence and seems to be trying at something, he's not being a good friend, he's being an ass. But if he simply isn't interested in being your friend and isn't trying at anything with her despite obvious interest, there's no reason to be bothered.
  • Only issue is if he is actively working against you, in that case, you might want to confront directly. Explain that you guys could be cool if he backs off but that he should realize you two are a pair and if he wants to be friends with your sig he's got to at least tolerate you. You don't have to be friends with all your sig's friends but they should at least respect you on some level.
  • Only issue is if he is actively working against you, in that case, you might want to confront directly. Explain that you guys could be cool if he backs off but that he should realize you two are a pair and if he wants to be friends with your sig he's got to at least tolerate you. You don't have to be friends with all your sig's friends but they should at least respect you on some level.
    This. It comes down to self-respect. If the good friend is a nuisance, that's one thing - but make sure you set boundaries, let your SO know what your boundaries are, and enforce those boundaries.

  • edited May 2013
    Oh, added point, the good friend was actually a potential love interest of the significant other, and they went on a date or two in the past. Does that change anything?
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • edited May 2013
    Oh, added point, the good friend was actually a potential love interest of the significant other, and they went on a date or two in the past. Does that change anything?
    Only if one of them isn't really past it. And even then, that just colors the likelihood that you'll need to assert those boundaries.

    Your emotions are valid. Make them known.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Yeah, your emotions are never invalid. Your significant other should always make you feel secure in your monogamy, and people outside the relationship need to know their boundaries. Once that's settled, things can continue easily.
  • Yeah tell that person to chill out and stop grilling you.

    Relationships be complicated on their own, don't need haters or meddlers.
  • KC_KC_
    edited May 2013
    If you are a rational, intelligent individual, chances are your feelings are justified. It's an issue well within your rights to address with your signif-other. I prefer the method of talking about it and saying exactly what you feel in a level-headed manner.

    Though seriously, don't be ashamed to admit it if you feel uncomfortable or even threatened. In fact, a little good old fashioned jealousy can be considered pretty attractive at times (so long as you're not the type who goes out and punches everyone who steals a glance at your mate).

    They might not stop hanging around the friend, but they may at least be a little more considerate of your feelings in the situation. And honestly, people sometimes are just oblivious that what they're doing could be taken the wrong way. So, I doubt yer mate even knows you're stressed about the situation, and would be happy to straighten things up.
    Post edited by KC_ on
  • Looking like I will soon be single again. Film at eleven...
  • Aren't you with a woman who only had a year or so to live?
  • So I was led to believe. Turned out to all be a pack of well crafted lies. Took me a while to unravel everything. I'm guessing she was a professional con artist or something because it took a lot of work to find the truth. Even when I confronted with hard evidence she continued to claim otherwise until finally pinning it all on me "I did these things for you" and other tricks of logic to try and make everything my fault.

    I actually owe a debt of gratitude to the forum and Hungry Joe in particular for forcing me in the past to learn all about the proper way to argue and how to see through logical phalacies.
  • Phalacies? Was she waving a bunch of dicks in your face?
  • Why is a professional con artist going after someone with no money?
  • Why is a professional con artist going after someone with no money?
    She thought I had lots of money. Or she just didn't want to work any more and figured I was an easy mark.

  • Hmmm....

    A bunch of unrelated threads now become related.

    Let's make a tabletop role playing game that is supposed to give you real-life romance skills, sell it all culty like Abundance, and have pretty men and women run flirty demos of it at conventions and local gaming stores.
  • Hmmm....

    A bunch of unrelated threads now become related.

    Let's make a tabletop role playing game that is supposed to give you real-life romance skills, sell it all culty like Abundance, and have pretty men and women run flirty demos of it at conventions and local gaming stores.
    Instant millions.
  • Hmmm....

    A bunch of unrelated threads now become related.

    Let's make a tabletop role playing game that is supposed to give you real-life romance skills, sell it all culty like Abundance, and have pretty men and women run flirty demos of it at conventions and local gaming stores.
    That game exists already, and I own a copy.
  • Weird. What made you suspect something was up?
  • Weird. What made you suspect something was up?
    1) when someone claims to own a home somewhere to far to travel too you expect to see pictures. When instead you only see pictures and hear stories about the house they recently sold and nothing about the one currently owned. I don't care if she owns ten houses but to blow off all requests to see or learn about the one currently owned was suspicious.

    2) to have them say they were engaged too and had a five year relationship to a B level musician and then be unable to find anything about this person online. Being told this person still wants her only to actually find out the guy has been married for over 20 years with two kids! Still don't know if they were ever an item.

    3) receive emails from said musician saying he is "on my side" only to find out that she created a account in his name and facebook accounts used to impersonate him. She created the Facebook account several years ago and probably used this same trick on her previous boyfriends. Sadly for her she did not realize email headers for yahoo mail do track the sending PC IP.

    4) a supposed major car crash that resulted in her being in cardiac arrest twice yet the hospital released her the same day?

    5) always accusing me of suspicious activities that she was actually engaged in.

    6) supposedly had a stint put in her heart but the time from leaving home and returning was about impossible. Should have been two hour drive each way plus wait and procedure time yet she was back in a little over four hours.

    I gave her a few second chances but no more.
  • edited May 2013

    A bunch of unrelated threads now become related.

    Let's make a tabletop role playing game that is supposed to give you real-life romance skills, sell it all culty like Abundance, and have pretty men and women run flirty demos of it at conventions and local gaming stores.
    The shittiest of talk, but this one is also a great goddamn idea.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Jebus... That royally sucks.
  • You didn't lose a lot from this relationship did you? I hope not.

    Talk about some crazy shit.
  • You didn't lose a lot from this relationship did you? I hope not.

    Talk about some crazy shit.
    Nothing I can't replace.

  • Well that's good to hear. Is there any way to press charges or inform the police of her shenanigans?
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