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  • We met for frozen yogurt and talked for about 2.5 hours. Very open and honest discussion about what we want from a relationship. Very refreshing, I have only had one other relationship start out this way and while that one did end after four months it was a good relationship and we parted on good terms.
  • So I realized today that, as it turns out, I still have never made out with a straight girl.

    Life is weird sometimes.
    ...I actually don't know if I have either. One girl's precise sexuality eludes me.

  • Quick update: she is a chemist that works in pharma. She does spectral analysis type work on the active ingredients in drugs prior to their FDA approval. She went pretty deep into exactly what she does but I don't recall the exact terminology.

    She wears a lab coat but shattered my illusions when she informed me that she doesn't use Bunsen burners or test tubes.
  • Crazy ex girlfriend (who left stuff at my place) is now sending me crazy conspiracy text messages about how people are asking her questions about me and how she needs to see me tonight so she can tell me about it. Yet she can't text or talk on the phone about it.

    I fear that if I were to meet her I would end up hurt or dead.
  • Do not meet! I have been in this situation before. It ends with one of you in hospital. My brother in law was in this situation before with his ex-wife. It ends with one of you arrested.
  • edited May 2013
    if crazyEx.phoneNumber.blocked == false
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited May 2013
    No, don't do == false, it's dumb!
    It should look more like this:

    if !crazyEx.phoneNumber.isBlocked
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I want her to keep texting me, it's a record of crazy.
  • I was going to do != true, but wasn't sure if non-programmers would get it.
  • edited May 2013
    I was going to do != true, but wasn't sure if non-programmers would get it.
    You're evil.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • No, don't do == false, it's dumb!
    It should look more like this:

    if (!crazyEx.phoneNumber.isBlocked())
  • Crazy ex girlfriend (who left stuff at my place) is now sending me crazy conspiracy text messages about how people are asking her questions about me and how she needs to see me tonight so she can tell me about it. Yet she can't text or talk on the phone about it.

    I fear that if I were to meet her I would end up hurt or dead.
    This is something my ex bf did before I realized he's a pathological liar. Do not engage.
  • edited May 2013
    The extra syntax was unnecessary because this is pseudocode, but if we're going that far, then it should be this:
    if (!crazyEx.phoneNumber.isBlocked()) {
    Also, isBlocked() being a method is not strictly necessary, but given that we have a blockRightGoddamnNow() method, I guess this means that the accessor should be a method as well.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Crazy ex girlfriend (who left stuff at my place) is now sending me crazy conspiracy text messages about how people are asking her questions about me and how she needs to see me tonight so she can tell me about it. Yet she can't text or talk on the phone about it.

    I fear that if I were to meet her I would end up hurt or dead.
    This is something my ex bf did before I realized he's a pathological liar. Do not engage.
    Considering you're dealing with a known pathological liar it seems like an immensely bad idea.
  • The real lol-worthy part is where she asks me to trust her! If 99% of what she had told me was not a lie I *might* believe her!

    I mean how do you respond when someone goes from, "I have three months to live," to "I need six months to get my stuff," all in the same conversation?
  • Isn't someone explicitly asking you to trust them invariably a bad sign?
  • I mean how do you respond when someone goes from, "I have three months to live," to "I need six months to get my stuff," all in the same conversation?
    Call them on their bullshit? Perhaps this is why I'm foreveralone.jpg
  • Lol. I call Jeremy on his bullshit all the time.
  • This is something my ex bf did before I realized he's a pathological liar. Do not engage.
    Engage? He shouldn't even date this person.
  • edited May 2013
    I also went to clubs. Mostly only met crazy people. Also met my first RIT girlfriend. That ended...How it ended.
    Continuing to go to clubs did not result in me meeting more people.
    If I had the drive before work every morning. XD
    Maybe next year when I'm back in classes. But probably not because I am not even close to fit.
    Here is my advice on meeting people:

    1) Be confident, be constantly self-improving, be passionate about interesting things. That "I am not even close to fit" comment? Don't say stuff like that. If you're not fit, change that. If you're not well-dressed, change that. Learn about art, read challenging novels and listen to difficult music, pick a new hobby and learn everything you can about it; lather, rinse, repeat. Unsurprisingly, making yourself more attractive to yourself will also make you more attractive to other people. This doesn't just help with dating, but also with your career goals and your general social well-being.

    2) Talk to anyone who will listen and share your passions with them. You'll make cool friends and you'll find friends who are passionate about the same things you are. Some of them will want kisses and some will not. Either way, more friends is always a positive. Also, if they don't want to converse? Fuck 'em. If they're not interested in any of the shit you're interested in, you're probably incompatible on levels far more basic than those relevant to romance.

    3) Be indifferent to romantic relationships. Being thirsty for a relationship is both extremely noticeable and (for most people) really unattractive. You can want physicality (who doesn't?) and express that particular desire, but the idea of a serious relationship probably shouldn't enter your head until you've been hanging one-on-one with someone for a while. Corollary: If, for some reason, you think you NEED a relationship, have some you-time to evaluate why you feel that way. You really need to learn to live for yourself before you can also live for another person.

    Do these things in any social situation, and eventually cool girl things will happen for you.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So I was watching "Adventure Time" and they gave a great dating lesson for guys and gals:
    "Don't give your sugar to jerks!"
  • Steam sales got me laid, feels good man.
  • edited May 2013
    Steam sales got me laid, feels good man.
    You really think you're gonna get away without explaining this one to us?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2013
    Steam sales got me laid, feels good man.
    You really think you're gonna get away without explaining this one to us?
    I've been in good terms with gothy/geeky girl from my Cybercriminology/Adv Computer Security class for months now, and I always pester her to get Borderlands 2 so we could play (playing borderlands alone is not the same, man), which she finally does since Borderlands 2 was on sale this week.

    Later on that day, She comes over to my apartment for my crew's board game night, except only three people made it: her, my roommate and I. So my roommate, being the total emphat he is, sees the situation and immediately flees. At this point she was also going to leave to which I say, "Hey, we can play some borderlands 2 now, if you want."

    While playing we become slightly intoxicated and rowdy, shitalking about or characters and who was better at the game, one of those episodes ended with her pushing me, which I was seriously not expecting, and I actually fell down.

    Rest stays with me, lads. ;D

    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • A good story. I applaud you.
  • *empath.

    Also, well done.
  • Nice story Bro ^_^
  • Pics or it didn't happen?
  • Needs more candle wax but it's solid.
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