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  • edited May 2013
    Tell her you hate guns too, and you are just doing your part to keep them out of the hands of criminals.
    That is genius!

    EDIT: It's a stressor more for my GF, I'm not that bothered about disarming over time. It's not an issue I'm gonna draw a line in the sand over.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • How about airsoft/paintball/pellet guns?
  • When you go to the range just tell her you are getting rid of bullets so the "bad guys" don't get them.
  • How about airsoft/paintball/pellet guns?
    I have no interest in toy guns. She's into cars, I'll just convert gun funds into a cheap race car and we'll drive it together or something.
  • edited May 2013
    How about airsoft/paintball/pellet guns?
    Don't half-ass it, go full Nerf.

    edit: Way to be a good man and put your relationship first.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Actually... This gives me an idea for a show. Not that kids would listen to the advice, but I think we can give the best advice on how to be that badass "cool kid" in middle/high school. It just takes a few simple tricks and an "I don't give a fuck" exterior.
    -if something is funny, think about it, yeah, nope, it isn't
    -give credit to jokes you relay to other people
    -have a reputation as a smart person, back it up
    -dress reasonably, or with a personal flair
    -get in advanced classes and be enthusiastic
    -if your whole name is 3-4 syllables or less, easily pronounceable or common, and you are a dude, people will like to call you by it. Guys named two first names always were oddly popular at my school.
    -wash your face
    -have ADD, and express your rewarding inner life in small doses- remain cryptic or poignant instead of obnoxious
    -be gay yet comfortingly masculine in a liberal state, make platonic friends with every straight girl and guy you want to w/o sexual tension- also, people will affirmative action you into being friends because white people love to surround themselves with diversity to express how youthful and liberal they are
    Anyway, I've decided to decline my invitation to prom. The damn thing would've cost $80. She didn't seem to take it too harshly. I am optimistic.
    oh dude, junior prom? yeah you can not do that so hard
    I didn't actually go to my prom. I was asked by one of my younger female friends to go with her to her prom, though. Or was it her junior prom?

    I think I still have the picture of that somewhere...
    While my school is very liberal, no girls ever ask dudes to dances. This may be the case in all schools now- since the internet became popular among teens, they have been comparing their prom invites against each other- and since its a weird courting ritual dudes are supposed to initiate... For example, people have stopped dating because boyfriends failed to ask their girlfriends to prom, assuming rather reasonably that it was a given.
    Girlfriend hates guns, how else? :P
    Be a responsible gun owner. Own a reasonable amount of guns. Don't join the NRA. Take her to the shooting range!

    She probably dislikes gun crime, yeah? If you don't cause it, and you show her what about it you think is fun, she may get off your case. Sponsoring or expressing agreement with reasonable gun restrictions like background checks may make her able to view the guns you have not as weapons per se, but as a fun hobby that makes you feel cool, like motorcycling or painting figurines.
  • Girlfriend hates guns, how else? :P
    Be a responsible gun owner. Own a reasonable amount of guns. Don't join the NRA. Take her to the shooting range!

    She probably dislikes gun crime, yeah? If you don't cause it, and you show her what about it you think is fun, she may get off your case. Sponsoring or expressing agreement with reasonable gun restrictions like background checks may make her able to view the guns you have not as weapons per se, but as a fun hobby that makes you feel cool, like motorcycling or painting figurines.
    Nope, she's just terrified of them. Not many places to go with that. *shrugs
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.

  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.
    I actually just sold the Glock 17 to Brice. He's gonna replace his ultra flakey XD40 with it.

    And I'm still allowed to like guns and go shooting, she just doesn't want to be in the same house as them. I have plenty of friends with guns and they're more than happy to let me shoot them if I buy the ammo.
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.
    I actually just sold the Glock 17 to Brice. He's gonna replace his ultra flakey XD40 with it.

    And I'm still allowed to like guns and go shooting, she just doesn't want to be in the same house as them. I have plenty of friends with guns and they're more than happy to let me shoot them if I buy the ammo.
    Why don't you just keep your guns in storage somewhere and pick them up when you are going to use them?
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.
    I actually just sold the Glock 17 to Brice. He's gonna replace his ultra flakey XD40 with it.

    And I'm still allowed to like guns and go shooting, she just doesn't want to be in the same house as them. I have plenty of friends with guns and they're more than happy to let me shoot them if I buy the ammo.
    Why don't you just keep your guns in storage somewhere and pick them up when you are going to use them?
    Another possible compromise would be to store your guns field-stripped while she's there. Seriously, guns tend to be a lot less scary to people when they're all in bits.
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.
    I actually just sold the Glock 17 to Brice. He's gonna replace his ultra flakey XD40 with it.

    And I'm still allowed to like guns and go shooting, she just doesn't want to be in the same house as them. I have plenty of friends with guns and they're more than happy to let me shoot them if I buy the ammo.
    Why don't you just keep your guns in storage somewhere and pick them up when you are going to use them?
    Another possible compromise would be to store your guns field-stripped while she's there. Seriously, guns tend to be a lot less scary to people when they're all in bits.
    Not bad suggestions I shall explore.
  • Gun safe?

    Also, +1 on mature relationship decision.
  • You can hide 'em. You can go on "camping trips" with your "friend", like a closeted dad.
    BrokeGlock Mountain.

    This isn't helping the case you know! On a side note my sister is visitng Auz next year. What rifle would you recomend for her to shoot roos?
  • Isn't that illegal?
  • Isn't that illegal?
    They are a pest animal. You get paid to shoot them.
  • You need to be licensed by the government, though.
  • You need to be licensed by the government, though.
    Yes and no. You need to be licensed to do it professionally. But hunting the odd one or two isn't really going to get you caught, though I would strongly recommend getting a permit if you're not out in the middle of fucking nowhere, or it's not your private property.
    This isn't helping the case you know! On a side note my sister is visitng Auz next year. What rifle would you recomend for her to shoot roos?
    I used to use a .308 Lever action, but that's just me. Really, a .223 or .222 will be fine, even a 22-250 if you're not sneaky enough to get close. .30-06 should be fine, too.
  • And here I had assumed that it was like shooting a bald eagle in America, since they're on your national crest and all.
  • edited May 2013
    And here I had assumed that it was like shooting a bald eagle in America, since they're on your national crest and all.
    Dude, we eat Kangaroos. You can buy Kangaroo steaks in the supermarket. They're delicious.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Crazy ex appears to have sent anonymous letters to my ex wife's and kid's lawyers making insinuations that I am a bad parent and custody should go back to her mother.

    Also had a visit from local police looking for crazy ex last night. One of her friends has not heard from her in days and my home is last known address. After I texted crazy about this her FB page was deleted.
  • Wow Steve, how long were you in a relationship with her before all this exploded?
  • We were together in total about 14 months. She was supposed to be dead from terminal disease before October.

    I started the breakup in December but it took until this month for her to finally leave. In part because the honeypot I put out there was not found until recently. When she found that I was able to get evidence of her lies that I used to force her out.

    State police did find her last night in her jeep with the two dogs. Don't know where but it was after she posed as someone else posting on her FB and making suicide style status messages.

    Yeah... I sure can pick 'em!
  • This story gets better by the minute. How did you set up the honeypot?
  • edited May 2013
    This story gets better by the minute. How did you set up the honeypot?
    I suspected that the "famous rocker" was a fiction so I sent some messages to the account asking for help with her. I then had to wait for a response.

    When the first responses came in via FB I ignored them to force an email response. At that point I looked for information that this person should not be privy to based on her telling me that she had stopped talking to him.

    Then I used psychology to cause the fake person to contact the real person to move the discussion in that direction. With a series of emails now in front of me I was able to do some quick header forensics and that was I found that they all originated from the same computer.

    At one point fake person sent me a photo. Photo was from page one of Google results!

    This all happened after finding 80's rockers actual bio including a wife and kids. I also managed to directly contact some people who knew him and were willing to help me out.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I knew it wasn't going to be, but I really wish the honeypot story was like this:

  • edited May 2013
    When directly confronted with proof of current headers she first claimed no knowledge. This was followed by some assertion of "good authority" that I still do not understand.

    I then went back to fiction mail from previous year and compared them to messages from her and again I found matches. She then claimed he had visited her at her home around that time. This was really funny because he was elsewhere in the country on tour at the time.

    Rather than ever say,"yeah, I lied." She used,"everyone lies, all the time..."

    At the time I think she thought she had asserted a certain level of control over me. What she did not realize is that it was not her in control but me delegating powers to her to deal with things I didn't care about.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • I just have to wonder how that went on for fourteen months.
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