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  • The "proper" thing to do is show up to the prom early (so people saw you there), and publicly leave just as the bulk of the crowd has arrived.

    Then go off somewhere, make out, and play videogames all night.
  • Prom? I never saw the point in going. I was asked but declined.

    It's like grades. High school grades only matter for college. College grades only matter for diploma. Diploma only matters for getting job. No one cares about your grades outside of school.

    Do you know what they call the guy who graduated med school at the bottom of his class? Doctor.

    Same with prom. No one will care afterwards except those people who peaked at prom.
  • Actually... This gives me an idea for a show. Not that kids would listen to the advice, but I think we can give the best advice on how to be that badass "cool kid" in middle/high school. It just takes a few simple tricks and an "I don't give a fuck" exterior.
  • edited May 2013
    I had a great time at my prom, but it's mostly because I love to dance like an idiot, I went with a girl I had been dating for nearly three years, and because I had left that school a year back so it was like a reunion. But thinking about it now, I probably would not have gone had I still attended that school, because I'm fairly sure a large portion of that experience would not have been as impactful for me. (That dancing would still have been fun, but that's just because I fucking love dancing.)

    Cons are fun, but there are lots of cons. Prom can be a capstone on your high school experience, so how much your high school environment affects you probably affects how memorable and awesome prom night will be.

    Then again, I'm talking from the perspective of the kind of dude who wore a bow-tie to prom. Your mileage will vary.
    Actually... This gives me an idea for a show. Not that kids would listen to the advice, but I think we can give the best advice on how to be that badass "cool kid" in middle/high school. It just takes a few simple tricks and an "I don't give a fuck" exterior.
    Not giving a fuck in front of an audience was the best part of high school.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Greg said Junior Prom and he gave his reasons why he'd rather go to AB.

    I think it would be awesome to go to Jr. Prom for two seconds wearing anime cosplay then go to AB.

    Also for those who went to prom, how many of you honestly keep in touch with your high school friends and casually say, "Hey remember prom? Yeah that was so cool!?"
  • It's not about the event, it's about forming a possible romantic relationship.
  • edited May 2013
    From high school. Meh.

    I don't think I've seen Greg ever complain about being lonely in this forum in regards to relationships.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The only opinion that actually matters here is Anamanaguchi's

  • ^First off, yes.

    Secondly, I went to my Senior Ball and had fun solely because I was with a large group of good friends. Also because I did that one dance from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air when literally not a single other student would.
  • High school proms suck unless you expect to see people you actually like there, which doesn't seem to be the case for Greg. Just ask the girl to a show or movie later.
  • I didn't go to any proms. Mostly because my friends didn't really care about that kind of stuff. Also I didn't like dancing back then. Also, with only 300 or so kids at my school, I didn't really need another reason to see them all. I can guarantee that I had more fun at our graduation party than I ever would have at prom, and the party was free.
  • How to be cool:

    1. Don't give a fuck.
    2. Do what you enjoy.
    3. Don't be in goddamn middle school.

    Any other advice is someone purposefully making it sound more complicated than it actually is, in order to increase their apparent social value.

    So go to prom if you want to. Do something else if you want to. The point is to do things because you choose to do them (inasmuch as we can choose anything solipsism etc), and not because you're stuck doing them.
  • Well...

    Cultivating an image of yourself in others in middle/high school can go a long way toward avoiding bullying/drama issues.

    I read tarot cards for my classmates in high school. I was a natural at cold reading. End result: a good number of them were vaguely afraid of me and my scarily accurate "predictions" (bonus points that, to a white bread genero-christian kid, it was all very "satanic").

    Having a "don't give a fuck" attitude coupled with an equal (but small) mix of vague fear and curiosity is the perfect storm of "winning" at middle/high school.
  • You guys don't get it. If you don't give a fuck, you give too much of a fuck. You have to give so little of a fuck, that you don't even finish your words. You don't give a fu. That's how to be cool.
  • Complete thoughts are so laaaaaame.
  • edited May 2013
    You guys don't get it. If you don't give a fuck, you give too much of a fuck. You have to give so little of a fuck, that you don't even finish your words. You don't give a fu. That's how to be cool.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Fuck your paradigm. I do what I want.
  • edited May 2013
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited May 2013

    EDIT: In other news, tomorrow's my two year anniversary with my girlfriend. I've never had one of those before. Last year I found a set of old Italian folktales translated by a private London printhouse in the 1800s, and on her birthday (a few months ago) I gave her a custom made 3d printed geometric necklace, but I'm not sure what to do for this year.

    I'm thinking perhaps a fancy homecooked dinner and a curated collection of classic videogames she might enjoy, since she's been wanting to get more into gaming. Ideas?

    EDIT: Here are the books I was referring to:

    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited May 2013
    Anyway, I've decided to decline my invitation to prom. The damn thing would've cost $80. She didn't seem to take it too harshly. I am optimistic.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I didn't actually go to my prom. I was asked by one of my younger female friends to go with her to her prom, though. Or was it her junior prom?

    I think I still have the picture of that somewhere...
  • Didn't go to my prom either. Turned out to be a real benefit, because all of my friends were complaining about it. The teacher they had to play the music (because they didn't want to pay for a real DJ) made the whole evening uncomfortable. Wouldn't play a single slow song.

    However, our school did have an AfterProm which was kind of cool. Casual, turned the gym into one giant playhouse, lots of free food, game rooms, and didn't cost a damn thing.
  • My firearms hobby is causing stress on my relationship.
  • edited May 2013
    I went to 4 proms. Only one of them was worth the time and expense, and that was because of the friends I went with. People make the prom, without good folks it's just an over-expensive dinner.

    @ George Patches: How?
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Girlfriend hates guns, how else? :P
  • Tell her you hate guns too, and you are just doing your part to keep them out of the hands of criminals.
  • Tell her you hate guns too, and you are just doing your part to keep them out of the hands of criminals.
    That is genius!
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