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  • So I realized that all of this worrying is making my depression flare up. So yeah, need to stop worrying.
  • I know that feel. It'll be okay. I know that means very little when you're in that state, but still.
  • -Got a Tumblr babe who used me to improve her self-esteem and now isn't down to hang.
    -Got a coworker babe who was *so* patient & understanding about my depression (had an episode recently) and then didn't even respond to my text.
    -Got a few Facebook babes who are down to date, but I haven't made moves.

    Fuck this dating life.
  • Slightly frustrating romantic tensions are better than none.
  • None is usually pretty good, IMHO.
  • I think we are looking at a "the grass is greener" issue here.
  • I kinda like my grass.
  • I like romantic tensions. It means that I'm actually meeting people and am potentially interesting.
  • I think I'm interesting.
  • I prefer the grass be well maintained.
  • I just like girls, I guess.
  • I just like girls, I guess.
    You should fix that.
  • I just like girls, I guess.
    Why you gotta be so sexist?
  • I kinda like my grass.
    I too am satisfied with my grass.
  • edited August 2013
    Li_Akahi, my girlfriend came up with the best way to tell her her you like her.

    "My friend I have terrible news and you have my condolences, but it seems you have my affections."
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Li_Akahi, my girlfriend came up with the best way to tell her her you like her.

    "My friend I have terrible news and you have my condolences, but it seems you have my affections."
    That's amazing and wonderful and I really wonder if it would work.

  • I just wanted to add this to the thread. This is the girl in question and I at Be Our Guest.image
  • She is way too hot for you. Jump her before she realizes it!!!
  • Wow, you guys are rude.

    Ryan, you look good. Don't listen to them!
    (Not force, The Force. Using force is bad)
  • She is way too hot for you. Jump her before she realizes it!!!
  • That is some high quality stained glass.
  • That is some high quality stained glass.
  • I think she wants you to wear skin coloured skintight leggings.
  • She is way too hot for you. Jump her before she realizes it!!!
  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
    Whatever, you look awesome. They're just jealous.

  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
    Whatever, you look awesome. They're just jealous.
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