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  • Don't wait! Flirt harder for an afternoon then just kiss her!
  • Luke makes a good, solid argument.
  • Don't forget that you are the new kid in town. Ladies love the new kid.
  • edited August 2013
    Don't forget that you are the new kid in town. Ladies love the new kid.
    This is a peculiar and oddly valid strategy. Works for any gender/orientation/whatever, IMO. There's just the obvious danger of hooking up with the crazies before you realize they are the crazies.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I didn't tell her I like her today, but we literally spent 12 full hours at the Magic Kingdom together geeking out about Disney (she finished Disney quotes for me, it was awesome), eating at Be Our Guest (which was great), adventuring with Pirates, and reciting all of the dialog in the Haunted Mansion with each other. So yeah, pretty good day.
  • (she finished Disney quotes for me, it was awesome)
    This reminds me of singing Tim Minchin together with my ex.
  • I didn't tell her I like her today, but we literally spent 12 full hours at the Magic Kingdom together geeking out about Disney (she finished Disney quotes for me, it was awesome), eating at Be Our Guest (which was great), adventuring with Pirates, and reciting all of the dialog in the Haunted Mansion with each other. So yeah, pretty good day.
    It's simple, and complicated at the same time but from my failed experiences -

    If you had romantic feelings the first 2 or 3 times you met her and the thought crosses your mind that you would like to be in a relationship higher tier than friends.

    As Nike would have me say "JUST DO IT".

    If you have just a friends relationship keep it at that. However if you have reached this point it is clear you have romantic feelings.

    If you lose her friendship over this then she is immature, it's no biggie, just forget about her.

    A bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush.
  • And her bush in your hand is better than
  • What we're saying is grab life by the bush.
  • But don't be the first to cop a feel, because that's forceful and rude. Ask permission to grab the bush.
  • I'm just saying.
  • But don't be the first to cop a feel, because that's forceful and rude. Ask permission to grab the bush.
    How do you think this works?
    They both awkwardly inhabit each others space and then somebody else comes in and makes the first move; she goes to this third party and the first person is left in the friend zone to be invited to the wedding 2 years later?
  • Ask permission. It's sexy.
  • I'd say if you are kissing in a way that leads you to think that's appropriate, she's not going to hold against you a bit of over the clothes feel up. You'll know at that point whether it's warranted.
  • I just wait for the girl to get grabby. If she's getting handsy and gets upset with you for doing the same, then she's kind of rude anyways.
  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

  • That sounds pretty legit.
  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

    So it works 60% of the time all the time?

  • Note that I do not define what "gets 'em" means, either.
  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

    Note to self: use this line next time I see Nuri at a convention.

  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

    Note to self: use this line next time I see Nuri at a convention.

    Pete might have some choice words for you too.
  • Pete would be laughing too hard to say them.
  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

    Note to self: use this line next time I see Nuri at a convention.

    Pete might have some choice words for you too.
    Should I say it to Pete instead?
  • "I want to be inside you so much right now. In a completely consensual, mutually pleasurable way."

    Gets 'em every* time.

    Note to self: use this line next time I see Nuri at a convention.

    Pete might have some choice words for you too.
    Should I say it to Pete instead?
    Pete plays gay chicken. You have been warned.

  • Have you ever seen him play gay chicken with someone who was gay or bisexual?
  • How deep does this rabbit hole go?
  • Pete plays gay chicken. You have been warned.

    I was looking for a flamboyant actual chicken, but googling "gay chicken", this was the first thing to show up so I went with it instead.
  • Have you ever seen him play gay chicken with someone who was gay or bisexual?
    I don't really know. I don't generally grill my friends for updates on their sexuality.

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