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  • I have to say that I am really starting to enjoy bachelorhood.
  • Cute and nerdy chicks are more likely to be polyamorous than other women, statistically speaking.
    You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
    Wait, are there actual numbers for this?
  • Anecdotally, I know one polyamorous nerdy girl and 0 non-nerdy ones. I'm sure that's a sufficiently large data set.
  • It's possible that knowing polyamory is an actual thing requires some legitimate research, which a non-nerdy girl is less likely to do.
  • On the subject of polyamoury, can someone explain to me why they have the pi symbol on their flag? I'm willing to except this flag bullshit if I can just figure out what the pi symbol means. All I've heard so far is that they both start with the same letter, which is the weakest thing I've heard in a long time.
  • Pi is actually just the Greek character for "P," so yes, that's why.
  • On the subject of polyamoury, can someone explain to me why they have the pi symbol on their flag? I'm willing to except this flag bullshit if I can just figure out what the pi symbol means. All I've heard so far is that they both start with the same letter, which is the weakest thing I've heard in a long time.
    I find it rather ironic that you are asking a pedantic question with a pedantic error within the same.

  • I must not be nerdy enough to parse that reply. No cute nerdy chick for me ;-;
  • edited August 2013
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • polyamoury
    Spell check recognized neither, so I went with the French spelling hoping that would work.
  • Polyarmory: When you keep your weapons in multiple separate rooms.
  • edited August 2013
    Oh, a thing happened a week ago that I forgot to mention:

    Because I'm awesome, I had sweet makeouts with another intern in my internship program.
    Unfortunately, because I'm me, I waited until the night before she left for home to do this.
    Fortunately, she only lives about 2 hours away from me, so we can probably visit each other for dates a few times over the next year.

    Also, amusingly, this broke my long-running streak of only making out with non-straight girls :P
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I don't think any potential couple has good timing. We always wait until the last minute because that's when the romantic tension has built to the point that we are pushed to do something.
  • I don't think any potential couple has good timing. We always wait until the last minute because that's when the romantic tension has built to the point that we are pushed to do something.
    And also, since it is the last minute one really does not have much to loose, and that is when one becomes "most dangerous".
  • Quite.
  • Okay, so I had a pretty whirlwind past few days:

    Saturday: left Maryland for Florida on the Autotrain.

    Sunday: Arrived in Florida in the morning, met Allison at Port Orleans: Riverside (where she works), she checked me in for the night, and then we literally spent the entire day touring around resorts and exploring (which ended up including the Wedding Pavilion at the Grand Floridian to see if you could actually see the castle from the altar (you totally can) and where she talked about how someone asked her out (via text message), but was looking for a fling, which she is not looking for at all). We ended up at Kona Cafe at the Polynesian for dinner (which is awesome, btw. Best bread ever) and I was going to try to be suave and pay for dinner, but she had the server split the checks before I could even say something. We then went over to the Contemporary to watch the Magic Kingdom fireworks from their viewing platform. While we were waiting, we decided to get some dessert, I paid for her dessert and she got kind of defensive at first ("you really didn't have to do that" and that kind of thing, I replied that it was just a cookie, but she seemed bugged that it was a $5 cookie and I won't be starting work until Thursday). It then stormed like crazy and we rescheduled the watching of fireworks until the next day.

    Monday: I moved into my apartment and went to casting at Disney. Allison worked in the morning/early afternoon and took a nap after work, so we met up that night and went to the Contemporary, got dinner, split a cookie for dessert, and watched Wishes. Unfortunately the audio that usually plays there wasn't working last night and that really bugged her. I couldn't tell if it was just because she was annoyed with it or if it's because I wasn't getting the full fireworks experience without the synchronized audio.

    Today: Not much to report, we went grocery shopping and got the last few things I needed for my park bag because...

    Tomorrow: We're going to the Magic Kingdom. It's her day off and I don't have anything going on, so we're going to the park. I'm planning on telling her at some point tomorrow that I like her, but that if she doesn't like me back that I don't want to risk our friendship by pursuing farther romantically.

    Good plan? Think things are going well for me so far?
  • She's not that in to you, don't wreck the friendship.
  • Hm I dunno. If you've only known this person for four days, I'd kind of wait to see if something happens on its own first. You definitely could (and should) tell her how much you've enjoyed spending time with her, though.
  • edited August 2013
    Hm I dunno. If you've only known this person for four days, I'd kind of wait to see if something happens on its own first. You definitely could (and should) tell her how much you've enjoyed spending time with her, though.
    We sort of know each other from ECU. Met early last semester and hung out a few times before now.

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I suggest you get some Disney food.

    That's not really related, but seriously, Disney has good fuckin' food.
  • I suggest you get some Disney food.

    That's not really related, but seriously, Disney has good fuckin' food.
    Disney, probably the only place in the world where you can get a grilled mahi mahi sandwich from a counter service restaurant.

  • You just got there and she is your main link to the zone that you are now living in. Do not fuck it up by trying for romance.

    While you might not be offended if she turns you down she may consider it very awkward to have to turn you down.

    Play it cool...
  • I understand what you're saying, but we've been talking since February and it's really starting to drive me up the wall. I feel like I'm being pressured from some of my friends to just throw it out there and see what happens before (I hate saying this because it's an awful concept all around, but they used the word and I can't think of a better way of saying it) friendzoning. I normally would wait for longer, but it drives up my anxiety to unsafe levels.
  • I understand what you're saying, but we've been talking since February and it's really starting to drive me up the wall. I feel like I'm being pressured from some of my friends to just throw it out there and see what happens before (I hate saying this because it's an awful concept all around, but they used the word and I can't think of a better way of saying it) friendzoning. I normally would wait for longer, but it drives up my anxiety to unsafe levels.
    Friend zoning does not exist, the worst that can happen is she gets a boyfriend. Get yourself settled and comfortable in your surroundings, then make your move.
  • Fuck it. Do what you're gonna do, when you wanna do it. Don't let your mates pressure you into doing it, just because you're not doing it when and how they'd do it. Just don't say do it too much in a paragraph because then it starts to sound really funny when you say do it.
  • Fuck it. Do what you're gonna do, when you wanna do it. Don't let your mates pressure you into doing it, just because you're not doing it when and how they'd do it. Just don't say do it too much in a paragraph because then it starts to sound really funny when you say do it.
    I've decided that if the moment just feels right, I'll go for it. I just need to not dwell on it.

  • I understand what you're saying, but we've been talking since February and it's really starting to drive me up the wall. I feel like I'm being pressured from some of my friends to just throw it out there and see what happens before (I hate saying this because it's an awful concept all around, but they used the word and I can't think of a better way of saying it) friendzoning. I normally would wait for longer, but it drives up my anxiety to unsafe levels.
    Friend zoning does not exist, the worst that can happen is she gets a boyfriend. Get yourself settled and comfortable in your surroundings, then make your move.
    I'm a big believer in the friend zone, but it's more like this:
  • Fuck it. Do what you're gonna do, when you wanna do it. Don't let your mates pressure you into doing it, just because you're not doing it when and how they'd do it. Just don't say do it too much in a paragraph because then it starts to sound really funny when you say do it.
    I've decided that if the moment just feels right, I'll go for it. I just need to not dwell on it.
    Just remember my sage advice, my young padawan. Don't say it too many times in one paragraph.
  • Funny thing about the friend-zone, is the one can either say it sucks and be all sad about.
    Or one can be awesome about it, focus on oneself, run, exercise, read lots, and eventually your actual life will overcome that little spec that was part of your life known as the friend-zone.
    I kid you not, every time I get on that zone I just run a half a marathon and dust my shoulders off.
    Life is too short to worry about the little things :D
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