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  • edited August 2013
    A question regarding semantics: Can a gay person play gay chicken? Can two gay men play gay chicken? Where's the line between gay chicken and testosterone induced make outs?

    Can a gay man and a lesbian play straight chicken?
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Can a gay man and a lesbian play straight chicken?

    ... Yes.
  • Have you ever seen him play gay chicken with someone who was gay or bisexual?
    I don't really know. I don't generally grill my friends for updates on their sexuality.


    So... Has he ever played gay chicken with Rym or Scott? Or both of them at the same time?

  • Why are you so interested in Pete's homosexual tendencies?
  • Why are you so interested in Pete's homosexual tendencies?
    Who isn't! Its the talk of the village.
  • edited August 2013
    They've known each other longer than I've known them. You'll have to ask them. Also, you are way too keen on Pete's gay activity.

    Edit: Scooped by Andrew.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I refer to my earlier comment.
  • Why are you so interested in Pete's homosexual tendencies?
    I'm just riding out the joke.
  • The joke was dead like twenty posts ago.
  • Ahhh, it's not too dead, the crew jokes about this stuff A LOT.
  • Rym, Scott, and I have engaged in tickle fights that ended with us piled on a bed, panting and sweating.

    I always win gay chicken.
  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
  • edited August 2013
    Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    The rule is that Pete and I can't play together until we have marriage equality.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    The rule is that Pete and I can't play together until we have marriage equality.

  • So, if Pete and Churba play, Nuri loses?
  • So, if Pete and Churba play, Nuri loses?
    I think the opposite of this. But whatever floats your boat.

  • edited August 2013
    Clearly I wasn't thinking.
    As for boats, isn't it always buoyancy?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • People achieve buoyancy in different ways.
  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    We'll meet up some time and I'll show you. Big boy.

  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    The rule is that Pete and I can't play together until we have marriage equality.
    Nuri, don't be like that. You know me, I never take on such a serious challenge as this without practicing first.

  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    I believe winning is defined as "yaoi couch".
  • Yaoi couch is just pre-game.
  • Now I am nervous to even ask how you define "winning".
    The rule is that Pete and I can't play together until we have marriage equality.
    Nuri, don't be like that. You know me, I never take on such a serious challenge as this without practicing first.
    I feel that it's worth noting that New York has marriage equality (well, it has gay marriage at least) and no residency requirement.
  • edited August 2013
    I was just told that reheating food purchased three days earlier (and intended for someone else) constitutes cooking for me!

    Then she got pissy when I explained to her that reheating is not the same as cooking.

    When I cook, I cook. I take the raw meat, add spices and cook it. The rice that goes on the side is not instant rice, it takes a good twenty minutes to cook and I often flavor it up.

    I have used canned veggies in the past but I prefer to get fresh ones and cook those.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Last night I listened to, but did not participate in, a conversation between two guys about their different dating strategies. What I took from it is humans are weird.
  • Last night I listened to, but did not participate in, a conversation between two guys about their different dating strategies. What I took from it is humans are weird.
    Mating rituals are very complicated.

  • New hypothesis: Everyone is insane.
  • New hypothesis: Everyone is insane.
    The key is to find someone who has insanities that mesh well with yours.
  • New hypothesis: Everyone is insane. complicated
  • Complicated seems to relative.
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