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  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
    Whatever, you look awesome. They're just jealous.
  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
    Whatever, you look awesome. They're just jealous.
    Yeah. You're on the left, correct?
  • Disregarding the fact that the house you're throwing at is made of brick, folks who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  • Disregarding the fact that the house you're throwing at is made of brick, folks who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    So George is also on the left?
  • Disregarding the fact that the house you're throwing at is made of brick, folks who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
    Was my comment not silly enough to across its joking nature?
  • George is a guy with a girlfriend way hotter than he is. By my standards, anyway.
  • George is a guy with a girlfriend way hotter than he is. By my standards, anyway.
    Which is why Li_Akahi needs to follow in George's footsteps and grab this 'hotter than him' woman before she realizes that she is out of his league.

    If he acts now he can have his own 'hotter than him' woman.
  • edited August 2013
    George is a guy with a girlfriend way hotter than he is. By my standards, anyway.
    Ahhh, I see what you did there.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited August 2013
    My scale of attractiveness consists of Ugly, Normal, Gorgeous. They both look perfectly normal.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I'd kiss either.
  • Which is why Li_Akahi needs to follow in George's footsteps and grab this 'hotter than him' woman before she realizes that she is out of his league.
    I'm really hoping you're keeping up this "out-of-his-league" thing as a joke. Because it's totally funny, right?
  • Yes, it is a joke. He's got nothing to worry about.
  • I think Ryan looks great. So does girl, of course.
    Be confident Ryan! She's not out of your league!
  • Let the old men live vicariously through the younger generation!
  • Thanks for the votes of confidence guys, it does a lot for that self esteem I got from losing 30 pounds and going to therapy. :P
    Whatever, you look awesome. They're just jealous.

    Exactly. I'd hit that.

  • Remember, take chances, make mistakes, and live without regret!

  • Dear people who wear Fedoras
  • Bonus points to the chap who made that video for drawing a fedora instead of a fucking trilby.
  • edited August 2013
    I visibly shuddered within the first 20 seconds of watching that. Then I noticed the Rainbow Dash/Sonic the Hedgehog poster in the background and I seriously considered changing my username.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Leagues are imaginary. Geoffrey Arend proved that.
  • Whelllp I diddn't need to see any of that video.

    You can rock a fedora with a matching suit and a Samsonite briefcase on the set of Mad Men... anywhere else is questionable.

    But.... Disneyland was a good place for Don and Megan...
  • If it isn't the new president of the Heartbreakers club
    Hey! I like Tom Petty! Don't lump him in with those assholes!
  • I visibly shuddered within the first 20 seconds of watching that. Then I noticed the Rainbow Dash/Sonic the Hedgehog poster in the background and I seriously considered changing my username.
    One day you'll realize naming yourself after a video game character, having a cartoon character as your avatar, and spending time creating fan art based on a children's cartoon only makes it harder for people older than you to consider you also a grownup person. On that day you'll realize that your real name, Victor Khaze, is waaaay more awesome and unique than Sonic, and that your real hair is far more luxurious than any pixel art portrait could ever be. On that day you'll become yourself, and you'll never look back. Put away childish things, think and reason like a man.
  • Are you hitting on him?
  • I visibly shuddered within the first 20 seconds of watching that. Then I noticed the Rainbow Dash/Sonic the Hedgehog poster in the background and I seriously considered changing my username.
    One day you'll realize naming yourself after a video game character, having a cartoon character as your avatar, and spending time creating fan art based on a children's cartoon only makes it harder for people older than you to consider you also a grownup person. On that day you'll realize that your real name, Victor Khaze, is waaaay more awesome and unique than Sonic, and that your real hair is far more luxurious than any pixel art portrait could ever be. On that day you'll become yourself, and you'll never look back. Put away childish things, think and reason like a man.
  • Ignore what Luke said. Do what you like. If you like being a kid, be a kid. Don't let your age guilt you out of it.

    That being said, you should totally change your username.
  • I visibly shuddered within the first 20 seconds of watching that. Then I noticed the Rainbow Dash/Sonic the Hedgehog poster in the background and I seriously considered changing my username.
    One day you'll realize naming yourself after a video game character, having a cartoon character as your avatar, and spending time creating fan art based on a children's cartoon only makes it harder for people older than you to consider you also a grownup person. On that day you'll realize that your real name, Victor Khaze, is waaaay more awesome and unique than Sonic, and that your real hair is far more luxurious than any pixel art portrait could ever be. On that day you'll become yourself, and you'll never look back. Put away childish things, think and reason like a man.
  • Ignore what Luke said. Do what you like. If you like being a kid, be a kid. Don't let your age guilt you out of it.

    That being said, you should totally change your username.
    I agree with the be yourself on the internet mentality. We're all pretty awesome.
  • Ignore what Luke said. Do what you like. If you like being a kid, be a kid. Don't let your age guilt you out of it.

    That being said, you should totally change your username.
    I agree with the be yourself on the internet mentality. We're all pretty awesome.
    Be yourself everywhere!! It's hard but it pays off.

  • It's step one to the one step program.
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