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  • edited February 2011
    Women are crazy and men are clueless.
    And Men, being clueless about women and how they act in a way that makes no sense to them, assume they're all crazy. Women, their behavior makes sense to them, and is therefore not crazy, and since men cannot comprehend them, therefore, they are clueless.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Different hormones cause different kinds of crazy.
    Men and women's brains also function on a fundamentally different base level.
  • edited February 2011
    By "crazy" I mean "irrational". I don't think anyone could argue that women don't have a greater potential for irrationality or that irrationality itself is any different than "craziness".
    There are plenty of irrational men. I used to date one. Of course, we made fun of him for acting like a woman, so that probably proves your point. Also, there is a difference between being irrational and being emotional. If you aware that your emotional reaction is irrational and you accept and deal with it as such, can you really be called irrational? Most people who have emotions have irrational responses at times. Women simply seem to be more prone to it because of the hormone cycles. Men have the same kind of irrational impulses, but they are generally testosterone-based instead of menstrual-based. Hence the commonly-uttered "Okay guys, calm down, everybody has a big penis."
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited February 2011
    Also, there is a difference between being irrational and being emotional. If you aware that your emotional reaction is irrational and you accept and deal with it as such, can you really be called irrational?
    This is incredibly difficult for most people to do though, since everyone's emotions are a real thing to them. Being objective about yourself and truly having insight is something most people work at throughout their entire life. Accepting reality on reality's terms is what mental health is all about.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • edited February 2011
    All women are crazy. Some women are more or less crazy and some women have the insight to recognize when they're being crazy and contain it.
    Just because people who are not identical to you does not mean that they are crazy, referring back to your point about women. The same thing could be said with the same amount of truth value about any group of people including gays, of which you claim to be a member. If I am right, would that not makes it a quality intrinsic to all humans beings instead of just one group? However, you restrict its use to women, indicating that you think women are somehow lesser beings. The word for this is misogyny, and it confuses and infuriates me, that you claiming to be a gay man, lack empathy with women as a group. These are people who have shared many of the hardships that gays have faced over the years, can you just not identify with their plight? That seems at best hypocrisy and at worst sociopathy. I prefer to think that you are in fact a sane human being taking us all for a ride as many humans are wont to do. I prefer to think you are a troll rather than some sort of raging misogynistic asshole.

    TL;DR: If you are trolling, I can still believe that you are a good person at heart. If you are not, I hate you with the intensity of a thousand Suns. Leave and never come back.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • I'd say neither gender is particularly crazy, instead, both sides are incredibly prone to irrationality, and without trying hard, we as people are unable to handle any level of perceived irrationality. If something goes against our own rational (or irrational) assumptions, then we are not going to accept it. However, if you simply set aside your own assumptions for a few minutes and take someone's issues seriously, understanding where they're coming from, regardless of gender, is entirely possible. More people need to be willing to ignore what their mind tells them is logical and illogical and be able to look at it from the other person's perspective, irrationality and all. If at that point, even with the irrationality in mind, you still can't justify their behavior AT ALL, then yes, the person is crazy, rude, or just downright a bad person.
  • Gees, people getting all deep and shit, can we just go back to Women are crazy and Men are stupid.. :-p
  • TL;DR: If you are trolling, I can still believe that you are a good person at heart. If you are not, I hate you with the intensity of a thousand Suns. Leave and never come back.
    Go be a hysterical feminazi elsewhere.
  • Go be a hysterical feminazi elsewhere.
    I would rather you explain your views in depth. Also, explain what qualifies me to be a feminazi.
  • You can't argue with crazy.
  • edited February 2011
    You can't argue with crazy.
    Discussion is bound to get heavy, tossing out one liners without indicating to whom you are directing them is only going to make things less clear and cause a great deal of confusion. Which is exactly what a troll would want. So prove you're not a troll and attempt to engage in this discourse instead of fanning the flames and jumping ship. I would like you to explain what you believe and why. And also explain why you think I am a feminazi, this is a point of particular confusion to me.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • I likeyou Grey. You are pretty.
  • There's actually nothing to argue about now that I read your other post again. You've got me pegged totally right as a misogynist asshole, which I honestly don't have an ounce of shame about.

    You're completely wrong about gays and women having any type of fellowship though. You guys wanting to vote and us trying not to get harassed by society at large isn't something we can relate to eachother about.
  • Candians can vote?
  • You're completely wrong about gays and women having any type of fellowship though. You guys wanting to vote and us trying not to get harassed by society at large isn't something we can relate to eachother about.
    GreyHuge is male.
  • I still stand by what I said. Does this make GreyHuge some kind of white knight? Guys who say they're feminists usually just scream "chronically friend zoned" to me.
  • edited February 2011
    And also explain why you think I am a feminazi, this is a point of particular confusion to me.
    Because this is the cry of most Misogynistic Wankers who want it to be acceptable when they have a view which is illogical, sexist, and in reality indefensible - "Oh yeah, well you just disagree with me because you're a Hysterical Feminazi!" - as if that justifies their point of view and baseless assertions, while casting doubt upon your own. It is the equivalent of "Male Chauvinist pig" being thrown out by a feminist who has confused feminism with Misandry - the very same "Feminazis" that the person throwing out the term is usually accusing you of being, for disagreeing with them. It's nothing more than a desperate, weak defense, the argumentative equivalent of "You can't do carpentry, You're a woman", or "You can't be a mechanic, you're a gay!", or "You can't be a hairdresser, You're a straight guy!", or "You can't be a truck driver, you're a straight woman!" or "You can't be an athiest, you're from Utah, mormon central!" or "You can't be a lawyer, you're black!" or "You can't rap, you're white!" or any other fucking "You Can't (something), you're (Something that isn't stereotypically associated with that thing, or is stereotypically associated with something else)."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • 7,177 miles.
    You win. I tip my hat to you.
    I still stand by what I said. Does this make GreyHuge some kind of white knight? Guys who say they're feminists usually just scream "chronically friend zoned" to me.
    I don't think Grey is being a white knight, but he's just going on the basis that you unabashedly hate women and you admit it and you really don't want to change or express a debate on the topic.
  • edited February 2011
    7,177 miles.
    You win. I tip my hat to you.
    Infinity miles ^_~
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You win. I tip my hat to you.
    I was hoping my prize was a Plane ticket and a green Card. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
  • You win. I tip my hat to you.
    You guys one upping each other on the distance of your long distance relationship are giving me the "Yea, I have a girlfriend, she lives in Canada, really she's my girlfriend" vibe :-p
  • edited February 2011
    You guys one upping each other on the distance of your long distance relationship are giving me the "Yea, I have a girlfriend, she lives in Canada, really she's my girlfriend" vibe :-p
    Hey, Sonic and His sister have both met my girlfriend, and can attest to that she exists, at the very least. Or maybe I just plan ahead and bribe very well, you'll never know.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • And also explain why you think I am a feminazi, this is a point of particular confusion to me.
    Because this is the cry of most Misogynistic Wankers who want it to be acceptable when they have a view which is illogical, sexist, and in reality indefensible - "Oh yeah, well you just disagree with me because you're a Hysterical Feminazi!" - as if that justifies their point of view and baseless assertions, while casting doubt upon your own. It is the equivalent of "Male Chauvinist pig" being thrown out by a feminist who has confused feminism with Misandry - the very same "Feminazis" that the person throwing out the term is usually accusing you of being, for disagreeing with them. It's nothing more than a desperate, weak defense, the argumentative equivalent of "You can't do carpentry, You're a woman", or "You can't be a mechanic, you're a gay!", or "You can't be a hairdresser, You're a straight guy!", or "You can't be a truck driver, you're a straight woman!" or "You can't be an athiest, you're from Utah, mormon central!" or "You can't be a lawyer, you're black!" or "You can't rap, you're white!" or any other fucking "You Can't (something), you're (Something that isn't stereotypically associated with that thing, or is stereotypically associated with something else)."
  • You win. I tip my hat to you.
    You guys one upping each other on the distance of your long distance relationship are giving me the "Yea, I have a girlfriend, she lives in Canada, really she's my girlfriend" vibe :-p
    I agree.

    Here's a tip, don't tell this lie. It's bad news. If it's true, fine, but if it's a lie, then shut up. If people believe the lie, they won't go out with you because you're in a relationship. If they don't believe it, they won't go out with you due to you being a dweeb.
  • You win. I tip my hat to you.
    I was hoping my prize was a Plane ticket and a green Card. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
    Hey, I know some immigration attourneys. You never know...
  • edited February 2011
    I once rode a grey hound for 28 hours to meet someone.

    It wasn't worth it.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • You guys one upping each other on the distance of your long distance relationship are giving me the "Yea, I have a girlfriend, she lives in Canada, really she's my girlfriend" vibe :-p
    Hey, Sonic and His sister have both met my girlfriend, and can attest to that she exists, at the very least. Or maybe I just plan ahead and bribe very well, you'll never know.
    I was more backing up Sail with Joe and Linkigi who would have an easy time, during say a weekend to possibly drive and meet their significant other. Compared to Churba and Me where you have to worry about money, time, culture(?) on a much grander scale. If you can drive? Go for it. Plane Ticket and Passport? Well, we have video chat now...
  • edited February 2011
    Hey, I know some immigration attourneys. You never know...
    I may be in need of their services - I have an upcoming consultation with the consulate, though it isn't for a little while, yet.
    Not as much as you'd think, especially now - initially, there were a few little quirks(for example, with language - She did have trouble penetrating my slang at times, for example, but she pretty much knows or can deduce it all now), but while we're from separate primary cultures, we share a number of other, secondary cultures - Geek culture, Martial artists, etc, etc. We're odd, but we're odd in similar and complimentary ways.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • What is a feminazi?
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