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  • She kept pushing me to say it. And I kept telling her I wasnt ready. We had only been going out for 3 months. I think she built up our relationship more then it was in her head.
  • She kept pushing me to say it.
    This alone leads me to the conclusion that you did a good thing by ending the relationship. Congratulations on having the self-awareness to do it. Sucks that it had to be done, though.
  • edited February 2011
    Someone told me last night she would leave her boyfriend if he didn't tell her he loves her within the next three weeks. They've been dating less than a month. It was a good thing I was behind my computer screen, because I laughed out loud.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Bitches be crazy.
  • Not all women are crazy. Just the bitches. Just like not all guys are jerks. Just the dicks.
  • Not all women are crazy. Just the bitches. Just like not all guys are jerks. Just the dicks.
    Or to put it more succinctly:
    Robin: [After being gassed by Catwoman]"You... should... never... trust a ...woman, Batman!"
    Batman: "No ...Robin ...that's ...a hasty ....generalization. Although... in this ...instance may ...have ...served... us.........well"

    Seriously, Episode 63 "The Cat's Meow." Towards the end. Look it up.
  • edited February 2011
    Not all women are crazy. Just the bitches. Just like not all guys are jerks. Just the dicks.
    Or to put it more succinctly:
    Robin: [After being gassed by Catwoman]"You... should... never... trust a ...woman, Batman!"
    Batman: "No ...Robin ...that's ...a hasty ....generalization. Although... in this ...instance may ...have ...served... us.........well"

    Seriously, Episode 63 "The Cat's Meow." Towards the end. Look it up.

    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • My girlfriend is 325 miles away.
    Well, fuck.
    Now I'm feeling lucky that my boyfriend is only 230 away. Except I have no car for a road trip. Well piss.
  • My girlfriend
  • I had a really fun time with a cute girl from my Alg II class. Apparently she's into DnD as much as I am, and likes to draw, and is thinking about doing the exact same thing I am in terms of college. Hopefully this will happen more often.
  • I've got a few girls I'm interested in who all seem at least genuinely interested in what I have to say, if not a relationship. This week may prove interesting.

    One is a violin-playing folk-punk biologist.
  • She kept pushing me to say it. And I kept telling her I wasnt ready. We had only been going out for 3 months. I think she built up our relationship more then it was in her head.
    Mom have only gave me three dating advices:
    The first one is to have as many girlfriends and female friends as possible.
    The second one is to never cheat.
    The third one is to try to not get involve with a woman with a kid.
  • That is better than my fathers. Out of the blue in a car journey he turns to be dead pan, points a finger and says ' Don't get them pregnant'.
  • That is better than my fathers. Out of the blue in a car journey he turns to be dead pan, points a finger and says ' Don't get them pregnant'.
    Heh, Reminds me of my dear old da. As a teenager, my curfew was waived if I was, quote, "Gettin' a root."
  • (Looks at Distance Calculator)

    My girlfriend is....5238.5 Miles away.
  • It was particularly contradictory to what my mum said to me. Still it beads my grand mother asking me when I was going to settle down.

    Just to rub salt, my girlfriend is a trivial walk across the park. Tonight even we are marathoning Big O.
  • There is a saying in my country, I really can't transalated but it goes like this:
    "Amor desde lejos es amor de pendejos" :P
  • My girlfriend is....5238.5 Miles away.
    7,177 miles.
  • Not all women are crazy. Just the bitches. Just like not all guys are jerks. Just the dicks.
    All women are crazy. Some women are more or less crazy and some women have the insight to recognize when they're being crazy and contain it.
  • Having a girlfriend at the same college is nice. Breaks suck, but the school year is nice. I got her an 8-bit floral arrangement. Yayyyyyyyy
  • I went on a second date yesterday with a friend I've known for about a year and a half. She's probably the wittiest person I've ever met and she seems to like me a lot, but I'm very unsure about my feelings for her. She kissed me last night and I didn't stop her, but I wasn't very emotionally interested in it. I have a ton of fun hanging out with her though, so I'm willing to give it more time. I'm also sort of mentally preparing myself for the possible scenario in which I do not end up developing feelings for her and have to explain that to her while simultaneously maintaining our friendship. Ack.
    Could it be that she is causing you to be unsure of yourself because she is wittier then you? :-p Sometimes guys have a problem with women who are funnier or in some way better either socially or skill wise then them.
  • All women are crazy. Some women are more or less crazy and some women have the insight to recognize when they're being crazy and contain it.
    I can't believe it took me this long to realize you are a troll, well done sir.
  • People who you disagree with aren't all trolls darling.
  • People who you disagree with aren't all trolls darling.
    No, just you.
  • I believe it is you who is the one to be trolling.
  • edited February 2011
    All women are crazy. Some women are more or less crazy and some women have the insight to recognize when they're being crazy and contain it.
    I can't believe it took me this long to realize you are a troll, well done sir.
    I happen to agree with Mr. K's sentiment here. Women are crazy and men are clueless. It's simply the extent and the management ability that vary.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I happen to agree with Mr. K's sentiment here. Women are crazy and men are clueless. It's simply the extent and the management ability that vary.
    I think people are both equally crazy and clueless. If one sex is more than the other is based off of personal experience.
  • edited February 2011
    By "crazy" I mean "irrational". I don't think anyone could argue that women don't have a greater potential for irrationality or that irrationality itself is any different than "craziness".
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Anyone remember the game Phantasmagoria? The guy that when crazy gave some good advice.. It was something like, "A woman's body is a beautiful thing, but the head is useless."
  • Different hormones cause different kinds of crazy.
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