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  • Bitches be crazy.

    "Bitch" is gender-neutral.
    But is it also statistically identical across genders?
  • Bitches be crazy.

    "Bitch" is gender-neutral.
    But is it also statistically identical across genders?
    Possibly, but at the very least we can make the statement that there are crazy people of all genders and sexual orientations.
  • Possibly, but at the very least we can make the statement that there are crazy people of all genders and sexual orientations.
    Yes, but can we get Kaptain K to outline his positions, a phrase I have used no less than 3 times in this thread. He seems perfectly willing to express his opinions and does nothing when asked to explain and perhaps even expand them. I am genuinely curious as to why he holds the positions he does. And if he is unashamed of them as he said not 50 posts back shouldn't he be perfectly willing to do so? Oh and can someone (other than Kaptain K) please tell me if I am making any sense?
  • Men and women's thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotional experiences are all profoundly different on a biological brain level.
  • So a woman's brain is crazy and a man's brain isn't?
  • I never said that.
  • edited February 2011
    So a woman's brain is crazy and a man's brain isn't?
    I don't think anyone claimed that. Women appear crazy to men because their brains function in a way that is very different than our own. Similarly, men appear clueless because women's brains work very differently than ours do. Go to a knitting meetup sometime and try to keep up.

    It's the same reason that engineers are "socially retarded." When you work very differently than the way other people work, you appear crazy. Sometimes, there's some sort of serious problem there, but most of the time, we're just very very different.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • So a woman's brain is crazy and a man's brain isn't?
    Knee jerk. Easy there Tex.
    Men and women's thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotional experiences are all profoundly different on a biological brain level.
    This only makes them insane if you also accept the premise that mens brains are the norm and that any deviation from this norm constitutes insanity.
  • Insanity is your word not mine. I said irrational.
  • edited February 2011
    But is it also statistically identical across genders?
    OK, I think you may not have gotten what I was doing. I was making a joke by giving you the opposite of the statement you were requesting. You wanted a "well-thought out opinion," and I gave you the sweeping generalization that started all of this. The combination of the extreme contrast of what was requested and what was delivered, and the cycling of statements, is intended to induce a humorous state of exasperation.

    EDIT: Or, you may have been joking too, and I may have not gotten it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • GreyHuge is an aspie? Sweet shit does that explain everything he's said in this thread. That's not even a knock against him I'm being completely literal because he reasons just like an aspie would.
  • OK, I know you have Asperger's, so I think you may not have gotten what I was doing. I was making a joke by giving you the opposite of the statement you were requesting. You wanted a "well-thought out opinion," and I gave you the sweeping generalization that started all of this. The combination of the extreme contrast of what was requested and what was delivered, and the cycling of statements, is intended to induce a humorous state of exasperation.

    EDIT: Or, you may have been joking too, and I may have not gotten it.
    I could tell you my response was made in jest, but you can never be sure I am not lying to save face. In honesty, it was both, as well thought out positions can be short, as those properties are not mutually exclusive.
    GreyHuge is an aspie? Sweet shit does that explain everything he's said in this thread. That's not even a knock against him I'm being completely literal because he reasons just like an aspie would.
    Now I have to ask what you mean by that. Also, you have yet to elaborate on any of your positions.
  • GreyHuge is an aspie? Sweet shit does that explain everything he's said in this thread. That's not even a knock against him I'm being completely literal because he reasons just like an aspie would.
    Yes, and it also at least partially explains why he takes umbrage with being called "socially retarded."

    Y'know, the same way that you took umbrage with me calling you a "twink" despite the fact that you behave exactly like the twinks that I know.
  • Yes, and it also at least partially explains why he takes umbrage with being called "socially retarded."
    Oh no, he didn't call me socially retarded, he called engineers socially retarded. I am a scientist (Or I am at least studying to be one), there is a clear and distinct difference. Besides, we all know that engineers aren't socially retarded, they're all homosexuals, also a clear and distinct difference.

    Also, I don't take umbrage with calling anyone socially retarded, being offended by that is time and effort best spent elsewhere. However, I have literally nothing else to do right now, so since someone is wrong on the internet, I decided to step in and argue.
  • so since someone is wrong on the internet, I decided to step in and argue.
    Carry on, then. Can't interrupt that.
    I am a scientist (Or I am at least studying to be one), there is a clear and distinct difference.
    Yeah, we're actually more socially retarded than most engineers.
  • I'm not a Scientist, or an Engineer, I'm just a bastard.
  • Also, there is a difference between being irrational and being emotional. If you aware that your emotional reaction is irrational and you accept and deal with it as such, can you really be called irrational?
    This is incredibly difficult for most people to do though, since everyone's emotions are a real thing to them. Being objective about yourself and truly having insight is something most people work at throughout their entire life. Accepting reality on reality's terms is what mental health is all about.
    Yeah. This is very, very true. It's the reason I wrote a panel presentation on it, and it's the reason that I love dating Pete. Smart, self-aware people with good communication skills are hard to find.
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, we're actuallymoresocially retarded than most engineers.
    And that's saying something. I work in the engineering department at my school, and I can confidently say I am one of the most socially apt people in the building.
    Smart, self-aware people with good communication skills are hard to find.
    *sigh* Yep, and forget finding single ones.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2011
    *sigh* Yep, and forget finding single ones.
    Obviously, you find ones that are in a relationship where they are with someone who doesn't communicate and then you steal them away using your superior "communication" skills.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Obvious, you find ones that are in a relationship where they are with someone who doesn't communicate and then you steal them away using your superior "communication" skills.
    Yes, you should communicate to her how good you are in bed. With your penis. That's where this was going right?
  • *sigh* Yep, and forget finding single ones.
    Obviously, you find ones that are in a relationship where they are with someone who doesn't communicate and then you steal them away using your superior "communication" skills.
    That sounds like a dick move. Or, more gentlemanly put, "One does not pursue a lady who is already being courted by another".
  • That sounds like a dick move. Or, more gentlemanly put, "One does not pursue a lady who is already being courted by another".
    Ummm.. yea, you don't do that with friends... Though I might add if you are cool enough friends can pursue the same person and still be friends afterward. But if you know someone who's in a bad relationship, you can always "help" it.
  • edited February 2011
    That sounds like a dick move. Or, more gentlemanly put, "One does not pursue a lady who is already being courted by another".
    Ummm.. yea, you don't do that with friends... Though I might add if you are cool enough friends can pursue the same person and still be friends afterward. But if you know someone who's in a bad relationship, you can always "help" it.
    Just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score, and all that. As Luke once put it, "Never cheat, only cuckold."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I like how your use of quotation marks make it sound SOOOOOO much more noble. ^_~ Sorry guy, I'm just not that scheming.
  • Sorry guy, I'm just not that scheming.
    Have fun being single and pining over girls that you really like, that are now with "bikers" and "unemployed Alcoholics" because they think with their superior communication skills they will be able to change their loser guys:-p
  • Obviously, you find ones that are in a relationship where they are with someone who doesn't communicate and then you steal them away using your superior "communication" skills.
    This is basically how Nuri and I got together. True story.
  • Gentlemen never prosper.
  • Gentlemen never prosper.
    A gentleman treats a lady right regardless of her relationships. If he curries her favor and she leaves a cad for him by doing so, he is no less a gentleman.
  • edited February 2011
    A gentleman treats a lady right regardless of her relationships.
    What if "treating her right" must involve a violation of the gentlmen's code? Scandalous!

    A true gentleman knows when not to be.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Just keep yo pimp hand strong.
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