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Concerts you plan on going to in the near future



  • edited April 2010
    No Age in a couple weeks. Lightning Bolt in July.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • RUSH!
    Ooooh, I really want them to announce more dates. I would love to see them play Moving Pictures live.
  • RUSH!
    I would love to go to this, but more likely than not, it will be out of my price range.
  • I would love to go to this, but more likely than not, it will be out of my price range.
    The one I'm planning on (Syracuse, NY - New York State Fair) is going to be $45 and $65.
  • I would love to go to this, but more likely than not, it will be out of my price range.
    The one I'm planning on (Syracuse, NY - New York State Fair) is going to be $45 and $65.
    Right now, any evening out above $20 is too much. I don't have income.
  • edited April 2010
    Coheed and Cambria on May 28th.
    Post edited by Roningamer on
  • Went to see Finntroll with Moonsorrow, Swallow the Sun, and Generic Local Massachusetts Band last night. Finntroll was amazing (of course), Moonsorrow was pretty good (though their songs are too long), and Swallow the Sun wasn't as good as the first time I saw them. Not sure what was up with StS. The first 3 songs were totally awesome, and I was swimming along nicely in a doomy sea of doom, and then they just pulled me out of it. Got a bit too aggressive in the set, I think; that, or the acoustics were all wrong and everything just sounded too aggressive. They were still decent, though.
  • The Amoeba blog just said something about a Gorillaz secret show next Friday in Eagle Rock before they play Coachella. Hoping I can find out what venue it's at and get on that shit.
  • Oh snap, Dream Theater coming to MA July 10th, I'll actually have money by then!
  • Oh snap, Dream Theater coming to MA July 10th, I'll actually have money by then!
    Going to the IL show.
  • Oh, something I forgot to mention about the Finntroll show. The first band was local to the MA area, and they had brought some merchandise with them...including inflatable swords, inflatable flails, and inflatable dragons. That was the best merch idea any band has ever had.
  • Going to see Wolves In The Throne Room and Earth on Tuesday!
  • RUSH!
    Ooooh, I really want them to announce more dates. I would love to see them play Moving Pictures live.
    They already play the first four songs from the album in a live show. ^^;
  • Going to see Wolves In The Throne Room and Earth on Tuesday!
    They're playing up here next Friday! Woo!
  • RUSH!
    Just bought tickets. So excited!
  • I'm seeing the Protomen with Sakrament and Johnny and the Breaknecks tonight. I'm pretty stoked.
  • Going to go see a Jazz performance tomorrow night.
  • edited April 2010
    Sakrament was a fairly generic metal band, and Johnny and the Breaknecks were a punk/ska/rockabilly band that we had a lot of fun dancing in very silly fashions to (they also did covers of Johnny B. Goode and Shout, which was really fun), but the Protomen were so awesome live. They had great stage prescience and played fantastically. Plus, the helmets and Vulcan gun were so awesome looking and worked really well. My only big problem with the night is that the club that I saw them at pushed back the start time and padded out the time in between acts to keep people in the club and drinking. The concert was supposed to start at 9, but they didn't allow any of the bands to start playing until 10:30, and then there were around 30 minutes in between each act.

    Also, I got a Protomen poster and all of the members gladly signed it. They were so nice. I even got to talk to some of them for a little bit before and after their set. I love small shows precisely because of that kind of interaction.

    One final thing, the Protomen randomly played Total Eclipse of the Heart near the end of their setlist. At first, everyone was wondering what the hell was going on, but then everyone was waving their hands in the air and there were some lighters up (including my iPod with the lighter app) and a massive, swaying line of people. It was rather epic.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • How exactly are other people classifying a concert. Because to me a concert is different then a show. I guess in my mind a concert is when I have to buy the tickets in advance, or tickets are able to be purchased in advance. Either way, there are tickets. No tix not a concert in my mind.

    I mean there are some cases that are different. but I'm not going to classify Seeing AC/DC at Gillette Stadium the same way as I would seeing a bunch of bands I know at an American legion.

    I just want to know how people group this up. Because some are nobrainers in my haead but then there are other times when it's iffy. I don't have set in stone rules in my head but I can useually know the differance.
  • mc chris/MC Lars/Math the Band
  • I just want to know how people group this up.
    If you're going to see one or more musical performers in the near future and you're excited about it, it's appropriate to post here. No need to be so damn technical.
  • Going to see The Aquabats while they're in Florida.
  • edited May 2010
    Caribou and Toro Y Moi.
    Post edited by Koholint on
  • Dream Theater and Iron Maiden (alas! lawn seats)
    Andrew Jackson Jihad
    Streetlight Manifesto
  • Andrew Jackson Jihad
    Dawg, I've never seen more people moshing for an acoustic band than at an AJJ show.

    I'm seeing Streetlight too, since they're playing four nights in a row here. I'm obligated to go to at LEAST one.
  • I just want to know how people group this up.
    If you're going to see one or more musical performers in the near future and you're excited about it, it's appropriate to post here. No need to be so damn technical.
    okie dokie, but for some unknown reason, I find your last sentence funny.
  • No need to be so damn technical.
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