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The Rules of Scott Rubin



  • edited July 2008
    Rule 522: There is no such thing as aesthetics, and anyone who believes so is irrational and touchy-feely.

    Rule 523: My contribution to social science discussions will always be to assert Survival of the Fittest at every turn.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • Thou shall not drink booze, or anything fizzy.
  • Scott Rubin always knows who the hell the members of the Dai-Gurren Dan are.

    Rule #2354678432: Whenever there is even the slightest doubt about something, assume it sucks
  • It is said he once beat up the entire Cobra-Kai Dojo, And that the iPhone would have been perfect for all, if Apple hadn't screwed up his design, but all we know is that he is called Scott Rubin.
  • edited July 2008
    Rule # 75902: If it's not Linux It sucks.

    Rule # 75903: Ether it's fucking awesome or it fucking sucks.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • Rule # 75903: Ether it's fucking awesome or it fucking sucks.
    Yes, Ether is sometimes awesome, but it can suck when misused.
    ... Or did you mean "Either"? Both could work....
  • Rule 522: There is no such thing as aesthetics, and anyone who believes so is irrational and touchy-feely.
  • The 69th Rule Of Scott: Scott's penis is exactly 1 centimeter longer than his lesser-god companion, Rym.
  • Rule #445: If it's safe, it's boring.
  • Rule #1984: Scott Rubin's name is a killing word.
  • Why isn't there a rules of Rym theard by now?
  • edited July 2008
    Why isn't there a rules of Rym theard by now?
    The First Rule of Rym: Meat Loaf is the greatest musician known to mankind; you shall have no other musicians before him.

    The Second Rule of Rym: In fact, he's so awesome, he deserves two spots in the rules. Meat Loaf rules.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Why isn't there a rules of Rym theard by now?
    Apparently, rym is quite boring.

    Actually, I think the people just like to exhaust the rules of Scott first.
  • Not boring. Just less peculiar than Scott. He's...he's just this GUY! (as a friend once simply put it.)
  • Rule 30 If Scott Rubin can find a single flaw in the life of a historical figure, then that figure is no longer worthy of respect.

    Lemma: Scott Rubin is totally devoid of human fraility or failings.
  • jccjcc
    edited July 2008
    Not boring. Just less peculiar than Scott. He's...he's just this GUY! (as a friend once simply put it.)
    Less peculiar?! Than a bare-chested possibly intoxicated guy giggling like HedonismBot while playing with his hair and extolling the virtues of game theory?
    Post edited by jcc on
  • I'd say not so much less peculiar as harder to poke fun at. Goodness knows that any teasing we could do would just have him joining in on the action whole-heartedly. ;)
  • Not boring. Just less peculiar than Scott. He's...he's just this GUY! (as a friend once simply put it.)
    Vell, he's just zis guy, you know?

  • I'd say not so much less peculiar as harder to poke fun at. Goodness knows that any teasing we could do would just have him joining in on the action whole-heartedly. ;)
    I think there is plenty to lampoon him for, but he is so good at brushing everything off that there is almost no point.
  • I'd say not so much less peculiar as harder to poke fun at. Goodness knows that any teasing we could do would just have him joining in on the action whole-heartedly. ;)
    I think there is plenty to lampoon him for, but he is so good at brushing everything off that there is almost no point.
    Sheesh, you guys are predatory.
  • Sheesh, you guys are predatory.
    No, their egos and inflated self-worth/importance need to be combatted on some level, but it is all good natured.
  • It's our job as their friends to lance a swollen ego. Otherwise, we would spend way to much on britches, on account of the duo outgrowing them.
  • edited July 2008
    It's our job as their friends to lance a swollen ego. Otherwise, we would spend way to much on britches, on account of the duo outgrowing them would not be able to stand them.
    There, fixed it. If people can't laugh at themselves as well as their friends, then they are miserable sods with no friends. Thankfully, Rym and (to a lesser extent) Scott both know the score. They talk a big talk, but they recognize that they have weaknesses as well as strengths, and they usually take a bit of ribbing quite well.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • They talk a big talk, but they recognize that they have weaknesses as well as strengths...
    Fixed it for ya.
  • They talk a big talk, but they recognize that they haveweaknesses as well asstrengths...
    Fixed it for ya.
    Really, Rym? Really? ^_^
  • They talk a big talk, but they recognize that they have no weaknesses. as well as strengths...
    Fixed it for ya.
    Really, Rym? Really? ^_^
    Now it's fixed proper-like.
  • Nope. No egos at all. >_>
  • It's our job as their friends to lance a swollen ego.
    Well, There are some gypsy sorts in my family, so you could say stabbing things is in my blood.
  • Pronunciation rule: There is no official pronunciation.
    A-presh. Or A-praysh. Or A-preesh. Or A-pree-chee. Or A-prekh. You know what, never mind.
  • I say Ah-preesh. That's the cutest way to say it!
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