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PAX 2010. East Coast. Be there.



  • edited August 2008
    West coast is still better. :P

    2 years is still a bit of a wait. Might as well save up, come and see Seattle, and rock out with your DS out. ^_~
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • It feels like Christmas but I have to wait forever for it. Wow....
  • Wait, what?

    So...after I move to the east coast, and get settled down in a new job, and start living my life...
    PAX is coming with me?

  • This is gonna work out perfectly. I'll have graduated college that year so I don't need to worry about any of that stuff, so I will be all over this.
  • Seems pretty sweet to me. I'll be a few years into college at the time, and I'm already close enough to the east coast. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
  • Oh shits!
  • East Coast PAX is definitely better in my opinion, but perhaps that's because I'm on the east coast. I can wait the 2 years.
  • So, what are the chances of PAX Gulf Coast by, say, 2012?
  • So, what are the chances of PAX Gulf Coast by, say, 2012?
    Greater than PAX Europe.
  • So, what are the chances of PAX Gulf Coast by, say, 2012?
    Greater than PAX Europe.
    You have Leipzig and Essen, and that's just for starters. You don't need PAX.
  • You have Leipzig and Essen, and that's just for starters. You don't need PAX.
    Essen is boardgames, and Leipzig is all the way on the other side of Germany. On the earlier used less serious note, Scott, you broke the chain! Come on, PAX Gulf Coast was a joke, PAX Europe even more so. No need to take it seriously.
  • edited August 2008
    Essen is boardgames, and Leipzig is all the way on the other side of Germany. On the earlier used less serious note, Scott, you broke the chain! Come on, PAX Gulf Coast was a joke, PAX Europe even more so. No need to take it seriously.
    PAX also has the boardgames. It is video and tabletop at the same time.

    Also, you say "Liepzig is all the way on the other side of Germany" as if that is so far away. If you live in Germany, every city in Germany is right next door. It's doubly true when you consider the fact that there are awesome modern trains that will take you everywhere. Let me put this in perspective for you. It's about 2200km to get from Liepzig to Madrid Spain by car. It's about 4600km to get from New York to Seattle by car. Liepzig is pretty close to the geographic center of Europe. If you're in Europe anywhere, it's in your backyard.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • PAX also has the boardgames. It is video and tabletop at the same time.
    I know, Essen is only board games, and if I'm going to a con like/similar to PAX, it would be required to have the video game part.
    If you live in Germany, every city in Germany is right next door.
    I don't live in Germany, and no, not every city is right next door. I've travelled through Germany several times in my live, passing through, it does not go as fast as you think it does.
    If you're in Europe anywhere, it's in your backyard.
    Problem, you're applying US standards and a large wallet. Any idea what would happen if the US suddenly no longer existed? Being homeless in Europe would become a hobby.
    Let me put this in perspective for you. It's about 2200km to get from Liepzig to Madrid Spain by car. It's about 4600km to get from New York to Seattle by car.
    Sure, it's twice as long, but you don't even go through half the hassle when travelling between countries in Europe. It was worse when the borders were 'closed'. France has this awesome thing called toll roads. Every 30 or so minutes you have to stop, wait in line for half an hour, pay money, then you can go on the highway, drive for 30 minutes, and have to pay the next toll. Or of course you could take the tollfree backroads where you can go 20mph tops without dying. :D

    Really Scott, distances over multiple countries DO NOT SCALE to distances in a single country. And isn't New York to Seattle a 10 day road trip for college students over there?
  • Really Scott, distances over multiple countries DO NOT SCALE to distances in a single country. And isn't New York to Seattle a 10 day road trip for college students over there?
    It's called a train.
  • It's called a train.
    Problem, you're applying US standards and a large wallet.
    Apparently I should've mentioned those trains along with that other quote after all.
  • Apparently I should've mentioned those trains along with that other quote after all.
    How expensive can a train ticket possibly be?
  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sucks enough that I cant go to PAX this year and going to Otakon for the next four years is going to be virtually impossible, but PAX 2010 is gonna be on the east coast?!?! Dammit!
  • ......
    edited August 2008
    Apparently I should've mentioned those trains along with that other quote after all.
    How expensive can a train ticket possibly be?
    You have seriously no idea. n.~
    *pat pat pat*
    Post edited by ... on
  • Sucks enough that I cant go to PAX this year and going to Otakon for the next four years is going to be virtually impossible, but PAX 2010 is gonna be on the east coast?!?! Dammit!
    PAX East is going to be in addition to PAX.
  • *gleams*
    I'm fuckin there.
  • Hopefully PAX East becomes an annual convention. I don't want it to be like AXNY back in 2002; amazing once and then never again.
  • Having only been to the New York Comic Con and the Big Apple Comic Con, I am looking forward to this. I'll finally get to go to a good con. Plus I have 2 years notice, plenty of time to make arrangements to go ; )
    How 'bout them apples?
  • Probably a good choice, but I think there were better choices (not NYC.)
  • Just to clear up the Leipzig part.

    The Games Convention itself is not worth travelling to. It's an OK convention, but nothing awesome. Since I live in Leipzig I can basically walk to the convention and still kind of felt bad paying 8,50€ for the ticket. Though I did find it interesting that a lot of people came from all over, which is pretty rare. I am sure that they really all just came to hang out, since what can be more awesome than camping with 10.000 people who have the same basic interest as you?

    If you want to travel to Leipzig from, lets say, Munich you pay about 300€ for a 2 way train ticket. That's $441,36, so A LOT of money. It would be cheaper to fly.
  • DC was a way better choice...*cries*
  • Gotdamn! I'm fucking there when it happens! Meeting Jerry and Mike has been a dream of mine ever since I found out Penny Arcade existed. I have low hopes for that because the room they'll be in will most likely be flooded.
  • Out of curiosity who has met Jerry and Mike before?
  • edited August 2008
    This is not too far from me. I'm a tabletop gamer, so I'd love to hear a tabletop gaming review of PAX.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
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