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PAX 2010. East Coast. Be there.



  • Got my badges today. It was pretty cool that they sent Charlie card along with the badges.

    If anyone knows anyone that needs 2 weekend passes, I'm more than happy to sell it to them at the same price I paid of $50 each. If not, I'll just get reimbursed by PAX.

    Must prepare. So much to do to get ready. East coast, here we come.
    I can't wait!! It will be so cool to hang with you.
  • Got my badges today. It was pretty cool that they sent Charlie card along with the badges.
    They did? This will be used as ammo against Otakon.
    They're empty, but they get you a discount on most lines of the subway.

    Also, I made this Google Map along with Chimes for the Enforcers, but it might be handy for you guys too.
  • Speaking of maps, I recall hearing sometime that a PAX East app would be made because I was told by an Enforcer that there was one for PAX Prime last year. Can any of you Enforcers out there tell me if such a thing is in the works?
  • They're empty, but they get you a discount on most lines of the subway.
    I figured they're empty, but it was cool that they sent them.

    You know what would be neat? If you could order Charlie Cards in various denominations during registration. That would save people some hassle.
  • I really don't like how this turned out :( At first, I couldn't go because I didn't have the time, but had plenty of money. Now, I have the time, but no money. I'm just disappointed because it seems like there will be more forumites at PAX East than West. Also, I haven't seen any other part of the east coast outside of DC and Florida.
  • money. Now, I have the time, but no money. I'm just disappointed because it seems like there will be more forumites at PAX East than
    Yeah, which is one of the main reasons of why I'm going. We'll see how next year pans out. I'll still be going to PAX Prime every year, come hell or high water.

  • Also, I madethis Google Mapalong with Chimes for the Enforcers, but it might be handy for you guys too.
    Please take Trident cafe off the map, so I can actually get a seat for breakfast without waiting five hours.
  • Hrm. I am thinking a cooler in the room with meal staples might be a good idea for me, since I doubt I will be able to find places to get every meal gluten-free. Plus, you know, poor. Lunch meat is cheaper than a steak.
  • Hrm. I am thinking a cooler in the room with meal staples might be a good idea for me, since I doubt I will be able to find places to get every meal gluten-free. Plus, you know, poor. Lunch meat is cheaper than a steak.
    Well, seeing as how I'm going to want to bring a cooler to keep beer chilled, this could work out well.
  • Hrm. I am thinking a cooler in the room with meal staples might be a good idea for me, since I doubt I will be able to find places to get every meal gluten-free. Plus, you know, poor. Lunch meat is cheaper than a steak.
    This is a good idea. Boston = expensive.
  • Hrm. I am thinking a cooler in the room with meal staples might be a good idea for me, since I doubt I will be able to find places to get every meal gluten-free. Plus, you know, poor. Lunch meat is cheaper than a steak.
    Well, seeing as how I'm going to want to bring a cooler to keep beer chilled, this could work out well.
    We could ask for a fridge in the room.
  • This is a good idea. Boston = expensive.
    Yeah. We avoided the con crowds at AB last year by walking a couple blocks to the fancy district and eating expensive dinners every night...
  • This is a good idea. Boston = expensive.
    Yeah. We avoided the con crowds at AB last year by walking a couple blocks to the fancy district and eating expensive dinners every night...
    Boston is still pretty cheap compared to New York, I've heard.
  • edited March 2010
    Hrm. I am thinking a cooler in the room with meal staples might be a good idea for me, since I doubt I will be able to find places to get every meal gluten-free. Plus, you know, poor. Lunch meat is cheaper than a steak.
    Well, seeing as how I'm going to want to bring a cooler to keep beer chilled, this could work out well.
    We could ask for a fridge in the room.
    I have been burned by this before. After being assured that the room had a fridge, and that it was not, in fact, a minibar, we arrived to find it was, in fact, a minibar. It was the kind that scans the objects you take out as you remove them and charges you for them. So we emptied the fridge, used it, and made it very clear to the staff that they would not be charging us for shit.

    Plus, the fridges are small. The cooler is just easier. I have one, and as long as the hotel has an ice machine and the room has a bathtub, it's easy enough to maintain. I use it at almost every con I go to. It's just so much cheaper than buying every meal.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • We've got a Whole Foods, Our House East, a bunch of pubs, Trader Joe's and a bunch of sushi places near our hotel.
  • Yeah. Trader Joe is right across the street from the con.
  • Yeah. Trader Joe is right across the street from the con.
    That's awesome if you want great cheese, expensive meat, or organic veggies. Not so much if you want cheap staples for a weekend.
  • We've got a Whole Foods,Our House East,a bunch of pubs, Trader Joe's and a bunch of sushi places near our hotel.
    You do realize that we're going to have to take a tour of the Sam Adams brewery, right?
  • edited March 2010
    Yeah. Trader Joe is right across the street from the con.
    That's awesome if you want great cheese, expensive meat, or organic veggies. Not so much if you want cheap staples for a weekend.
    What? Have you ever been to a Trader Joe's? It's cheaper than most regular grocery stores for staples like bread, canned food, cereal, snacks, etc.
    EDIT: It's possible that this is not true on the East coast.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Yes Fun, I have been shopping there for the past 4 years. They have an extremely limited selection, and it's usually limited to local and organic produce. They have awesome frozen fish and candies, which is primarily what we go there for. They do not, however, carry a variety of standard basics like lunch meats and cheese cubes. They may carry some high-end brands with limited selection, but that's usually it. Their nice cheeses, however, are usually the cheapest-priced around. I get all my fancy cheese there.

    I also can't eat their bread, cereal, or snacks (except Larabars, which I buy by the case at the regular grocery anyway), so that is not of much help to me.
  • That sounds like the exact opposite of west coast Trader Joe's.
  • edited March 2010
    They have an extremely limited selection, and it's usually limited to local and organic produce. They
    Wow, sucks for you. Trader Joe's in California is awesome.
    EDIT: Dammit Sail.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • EDIT: Dammit Sail.
    Undercutting people seems to have become quite a theme with me as of late.
  • Trader Joe's in Washington is full of <3 as well. I love getting their frozen spanakopeta and tatziki sauce. Their mini peanut butter cups are my kryptonite.
  • You do realize that we're going to have to take a tour of the Sam Adams brewery, right?
    Well, obviously.
  • You do realize that we're going to have to take a tour of the Sam Adams brewery, right?
    Well, obviously.
    I'm pretty sure it's only 3 miles away from the convention center for a reason. God wants us to go.
  • I'm pretty sure it's only 3 miles away from the convention center for a reason. God wants us to go.
    When do you plan on doing this? You underestimate PAX.
  • edited March 2010
    When do you plan on doing this? You underestimate PAX.
    You underestimate our drive for beer.

    EDIT: the T orange line can take us right there in under half an hour.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • You underestimate our drive for beer.
    If you sacrifice even a minute of PAX for beer you can buy at any grocery store, then I've overestimated your intelligence.
  • If you sacrifice even a minute of PAX for beer you can buy at any grocery store, then I've overestimated your intelligence.
    We're not going there to buy beer dumbass. We're done with this conversation.
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