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PAX 2010. East Coast. Be there.



  • edited March 2010
    If you sacrifice even a minute of PAX for beer you can buy at any grocery store, then I've overestimated your intelligence.
    I'm not buying beer, I'm touring the brewing facility. There's an enormous difference.

    EDIT: And for me, touring a brewery is more important than playing games at PAX. Really. There is no amount of awesome possible at any convention that could possibly override my desire to tour the largest microbrewery in the United States. These are the guys that revived craft brewing in the US and, subsequently, the world.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2010
    I'm not buying beer, I'm touring the brewing facility. There's an enormous difference.
    If you're doing it during PAX hours, you are fail. PAX East is three days of the year. The brewery, I presume, is open year round.
    EDIT: And for me, touring a brewery is more important than playing games at PAX. Really. There is no amount of awesome possible at any convention that could possibly override my desire to tour the largest microbrewery in the United States. These are the guys that revived craft brewing in the US and, subsequently, the world.
    As I originally stated, you greatly underestimate the amount of awesome that is PAX.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited March 2010
    As I originally stated, you greatly underestimate the amount of awesome that is PAX.
    You fail to grasp the significance of the Sam Adams brewery, and particularly the significance it holds for an aspiring microbrewer. In any event, I'm similarly done discussing this. Think whatever you will; it affects me not.

    EDIT: Also, according to the website, no panels start until Friday at 2 PM. The brewery opens for tours at 10 AM.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • EDIT: Also, according to the website, no panels start until Friday at 2 PM. The brewery opens for tours at 10 AM.
    I was thinking the exact same thing. We can go and be back at the con by noon on Friday.
  • I was thinking the exact same thing. We can go and be back at the con by noon on Friday.
    The doors don't even open until 2. There's no point. We can take as long as we want at the brewery. I'ma try to talk to the brewers if I can. Ask about getting started in the business and all that jazz.
  • I thought the con opened at 10am, whatever.
  • EDIT: Also, according to the website, no panels start until Friday at 2 PM. The brewery opens for tours at 10 AM.
    While I do agree with Scott, he can easily fit in going to the brewery before going to PAX.
  • edited March 2010
    Wyatt, we're still heading out Thursday night, right? I believe that's the working plan.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • You fail to grasp the significance of the Sam Adams brewery, and particularly the significance it holds for an aspiring microbrewer. In any event, I'm similarly done discussing this. Think whatever you will; it affects me not.

    EDIT: Also, according to the website, no panels start until Friday at 2 PM. The brewery opens for tours at 10 AM.
    If you go outside PAX hours, nothing wrong with that. However, I will be curious to see how the keynote line will go. You may end up regretting if the tour takes too long. Granted, the main events hall at the convention center in Boston can hold a ton more people than the one in Seattle. I hope they open the upper mezzanines, which Anime Boston did not do, as I suspect that will provide adequate seating for every main event.

    The point is that if this brewery were so important to you, why haven't you gone there already? Why is it that you only think to go there as an afterthought of the fact that you will be in Boston, and it is not the impetus of your excursion? If it's more important to you than PAX, then it should be worth its own trip to Boston, no? PAX East + West is only open for business for very few hours out of the year. I can tell you that at PAX West some of the most memorable times are chilling with people before festivities actually begin. It's like the trailers before a movie getting you in the right mood.
  • The doors don't even open until 2.
    Yes. PAX East starts late on Friday, like west used to. I'd suggest you do any Bostonning during that time: it's not like there are lines for badges or anything. We're not even getting there until Friday morning.

    I wouldn't really take time away from the con aside from meals and sleep, though. This ain't Otakon. There's stuff to do.
  • Wyatt, we're still heading out Thursday night, right? I believe that's the working plan.
    Yup. I'll come over to your place that afternoon to pack the car, wait for Nuri, get foodstuffs, and head out.
  • The point is that if this brewery were so important to you, why haven't you gone there already? Why is it that you only think to go there as an afterthought of the fact that you will be in Boston, and it is not the impetus of your excursion? If it's more important to you than PAX, then it should be worth its own trip to Boston, no? PAX East + West is only open for business for very few hours out of the year. I can tell you that at PAX West some of the most memorable times are chilling with people before festivities actually begin. It's like the trailers before a movie getting you in the right mood.
    I've been trying to find a good time to get to the brewery for a little while now; I've just had other stuff constantly getting in my way. Now, I'm going to be in Boston for a weekend, so I have a prime chance to get to the brewery.

    I'm similarly looking at taking a trip out to Maryland to visit the Dogfish Head brewery, and I'd love to make a trip out to San Diego to visit the Stone Brewery.

    Yes, I'm willing to fly across the country to tour a brewery.
  • I can tell you that at PAX West some of the most memorable times are chilling with people before festivities actually begin. It's like the trailers before a movie getting you in the right mood.
    Do you want to go to the brewery with us?
  • Do you want to go to the brewery with us?
    I highly suspect I'll be playing a Portal 2 demo in the exhibition hall.
  • Do you want to go to the brewery with us?
    I would, but we're slipping into the con early. That's how I got to ride the demon horse and play Forza last year. ^_~
  • I would, but we're slipping into the con early. That's how I got to ride the demon horse and play Forza last year. ^_~
    Bah, I can play Forza at home. Though it has just occured to me that I can probably find some decent Forza competition at the con. ^_^
  • edited March 2010
    I'm thinking we should shoot to start a tour at 11 AM on Friday. That should give us ample time to get through the tour and get back to the convention. Anyone else interested in joining us?

    EDIT: We can hop on the orange line at the Back Bay Station and get off at Stony Brook. It's like two blocks from there. Trains run every 8 minutes during midday.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I'm thinking we should shoot to start a tour at 11 AM on Friday. That should give us ample time to get through the tour and get back to the convention. Anyone else interested in joining us?
    Why not 10 am? It shouldn't take us more than a half hour to get there if we take the T.
  • Why not 10 am? It shouldn't take us more than a half hour to get there if we take the T.
    I suppose we could do 10, if everyone is up and available by then. 11 is probably more likely, though.
  • Lets shoot for 10. I'd rather try for 10 and get there by 11. Then, plan for 11 and not get there till noon.
  • What are we gonna do with Nuri? Will she burst into flames if we take her to a place with that much gluten?
  • What are we gonna do with Nuri? Will she burst into flames if we take her to a place with that much gluten?
    She'll stay at PAX and hang out with MORE awesome people. And teach me how to knit, if I'm not working. ^_^
  • What are we gonna do with Nuri? Will she burst into flames if we take her to a place with that much gluten?
    Probably. I'm sure she can find something else to do. Or she can risk the horrible poison-filled building and come with us.
  • edited March 2010

    The PAX East will have an Omegathon. Participants will not be selected beforehand, as is usual. Thus, there will be no opportunity for training. To participate you must fill out a card in your bag. Then hand in the card at the keynote. Omeganauts will be selected on stage. It will be Price is Right come on down insanity.

    But wait, there's more.

    This Omegathon will be entirely co-op. Twice as many participants as usual, all on teams of two playing all team vs. games like Double Dash, Geometry Wars 2, etc.


    The final game? What could it be? Pong Pro-Am? Super Dodge Ball?


    Post edited by Apreche on
    That would be amazing.
  • That would be amazing.
    It will probably be more amazing than that. Remember, these are the guys who whipped out versus Excite Bike.
  • It will probably be more amazing than that. Remember, these are the guys who whipped out versus Excite Bike.
    doesn't it say in the article a unnamed rhythm game?
  • It will probably be more amazing than that. Remember, these are the guys who whipped out versus Excite Bike.
    doesn't it say in the article a unnamed rhythm game?
    Doubles DDR? If only.
  • doesn't it say in the article a unnamed rhythm game?
    There are usually 5 rounds in an Omegathon. The unnamed rhythm game would be round 3.
  • Don't forget Double-Dash. Bring on the blue sparks. That's pretty freaking awesome.
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