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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • That's all Mrs. Mac. I'm gonna stay away from this one.
  • That's all Mrs. Mac. I'm gonna stay away from this one.
    Rym, do you want to re-record the female masturbation episode? Why won't you take part in the discussion, Emily?
  • RE-record. As in one exists! Whoa!
  • RE-record. As in one exists! Whoa!
    Yeah, Cat and I recorded one years ago, but the audio came out poorly as I recall. I would be happy to re-record it.
  • I would like to hear an episode on "Blade Runner". Maybe an episode about the movie itself and it's relation to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep".
  • I got two ideas:
    - Battle Royale. Surprisingly enough I have yet to see any major anime podcaster actually talk about that series. Possibly because of the Re-writes in the english release but not sure.

    - MPD Psycho, Mail & The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. The first was written by Eiji Ohtsuka, Mail was was written and drawn Housui Yamazaki and KCDS is where their powers combine. I think those three would make a good show put together, even though separate shows would easily be filled as well. I know that Scott at least reads MPD Psycho and judging by the amount of Dark Horse stuff Scott has on his shelves (as evident in the Scott's box videos) I presume he at least knows about the others as well.

    Also, I'm still waiting for the RIT Hockey anecdote episode you promised in the "Why Hockey is Awesome episode".
  • - Battle Royale. Surprisingly enough I have yet to see any major anime podcaster actually talk about that series. Possibly because of the Re-writes in the english release but not sure.
    Weekly Anime Review did.
  • Even though "Getting Into" week is far over, I feel there is one that you didn't touch upon this one thing that should have been touched upon. Getting into Manga. The only reason I suggest this is that the vast majority of manga that is actually readily available is either fanservice or shonen fighting. The same goes with anime, the only difference is that downloading anime isn't the only method of watching it whereas that is the only solution for manga other than buying it on Amazon if you have money.
  • edited April 2009
    How to not suck at Finals.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • -How to be a better G.M.
    -How to meet people
    -Cooking in and dining out: How to not suck at it.
  • I think a "Getting Into" guest host week would be cool. Either Scrym could skype someone in, or hand over part of the show over entirely to a guest with some special knowledge who would tell listeners how to get into their area of expertise (e.g. Getting Into Juggling With Luke Barrage).
  • Question: Would an episode on Machinima appear Tuesdays or Wednesdays?
  • Question: Would an episode on Machinima appear Tuesdays or Wednesdays?
    Anime, Manga, and Comics? Don't think so.
  • It could be Video Games, Technology or Animation depending on which aspect you focus on.
  • It could be Video Games, Technology or Animation depending on which aspect you focus on.
    While it is animation, it's not anime (as the term is popularly used). It's also not technology, unless you want to talk about how these video's are made (which seems boring to me). Therefor, in the Geeknights setup, I think it would fit best on the gaming night.
  • It could be Video Games, Technology or Animation depending on which aspect you focus on.
    While it is animation, it's not anime (as the term is popularly used). It's also not technology, unless you want to talk about how these video's are made (which seems boring to me). Therefor, in the Geeknights setup, I think it would fit best on the gaming night.
    When in doubt, Thursday!
  • RE-record. As in one exists! Whoa!
    Yeah, Cat and I recorded one years ago, but the audio came out poorly as I recall. I would be happy to re-record it.
    I approve of this motion. Rym, let the ladies have their say properly. ;D
  • Question: Would an episode on Machinima appear Tuesdays or Wednesdays?
    Anime, Manga, and Comics? Don't think so.
    That was more or less where I was going with that. Why is it "Anime" and not just "Animation". I'd really like to hear Rym and Scott talk about a few animated pieces from different parts of the world.

    Machinima just puts an extra split in it. While it is primarily done with video game engines, it doesn't really have anything to do with actively playing a video game and while it is animation, Rym and Scott apparently have more or less accidentally put the "anime" restriction on the Wednesday show. And then there are Machinima Comics like "Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman" which would almost definitely be Wednesday material.

    But yeah, when in doubt, Thursday.

    Anyways, show ideas:
    - Machinima
    - Half-Life (video game/series)
    - Playing classic video games
    - Non-japanese animation
  • Starting your own business.

    The topic came up when Scott lost his job. It would certainly be an interesting show given the current economic situation.
    That's all Mrs. Mac. I'm gonna stay away from this one.
    Rym, do you want to re-record the female masturbation episode? Why won't you take part in the discussion, Emily?
    I totally offered to help with that episode...would be happy to contribute on the technology front. :)
  • edited May 2009
    Starting your own business.

    The topic came up when Scott lost his job. It would certainly be an interesting show given the current economic situation.
    That's all Mrs. Mac. I'm gonna stay away from this one.
    Rym, do you want to re-record the female masturbation episode? Why won't you take part in the discussion, Emily?
    I totally offered to help with that episode...would be happy to contribute on the technology front. :)
    umm, I need to listen to stuff more carefully
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Reduce the amount of m's please. Thank you.
  • GeoGeo
    edited May 2009
    How to not suck at Finals.
    If I were to turn the word "finals" into an acronym it would be like this

    Learned this (this doesn't count in the acronym)
    Twins and Doppelgangers
    I have to be on this one. Yes!
    Is this because you made a radio recording of something about Doppelgangers or....are you related to A RABBIT OR AN "E"!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Is this because you made a radio recording of something about Doppelgangers or....are you related to A RABBIT OR AN "E"!!!
    All of the above. The same goes for her doppelganger.
  • LOL Nine. So cute.
  • Because of how successful the Live Video was on 4/1 (for various reasons both good and bad), why not make the effort to do one live show a month?
  • Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D:
  • Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D: please...............................................................
  • edited May 2009
    Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D: please...............................................................
    Really now, those periods aren't called for. Here.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D: please...............................................................
    Really now, those periods aren't called for.Here.
    They're actually bullet holes of when I tried to fire my machine gun after learning about Cartoon Network's un-Cartoon Network decisions :D
  • Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D: please...............................................................
    Really now, those periods aren't called for.Here.
    They're actually bullet holes of when I tried to fire my machine gun after learning about Cartoon Network's un-Cartoon Network decisions :D
    Then you need an ASCII GUN!

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    '. /
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