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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • .-----------------TTTT_-----_______
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    "Bang, bang, you're dead. Oh, it's so easily said."
  • Is that a penis sticking out of the gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?

    Idea: How to not suck at being a teenager/punk-kid.
  • Is that a penis sticking out of the gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
    It's spaced, but yeah, I thought the same. Too obvious.

    How not to suck at having fun in life. L-O-L.
  • Cartoon Network and it's downfall. The dark age is in full force now that they are adding...reality TV that's actually LIVE ACTION! D: please...............................................................
    Really now, those periods aren't called for.Here.
    They're actually bullet holes of when I tried to fire my machine gun after learning about Cartoon Network's un-Cartoon Network decisions :D
    Then you need an ASCII GUN!

    /''''''''''(______O] ----------____ \______/]_
    __...---'"""\_ --'' Q ___________@
    |''' ._ _______________=---------"""""""
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    | ..--'' / , ' '
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    L__' \ -
    - '-.
    '. /
    For the life of me, I cannot figure out ASCII drawings at all. I can't ever do it.
  • My secret to do ASCII drawings. (Google, Copy and paste :P)
  • Probably been suggested...But...The World Ends With You? That would be really cool.
  • My secret to do ASCII drawings. (Google, Copy and paste :P)
    Oh....I thought you actually made that yourself. I was hoping someone would teach me how to make ASCII pictures...
  • edited May 2009

    The hell? I don't remember posting this. Sorry.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Probably been suggested...But...The World Ends With You? That would be really cool.
    I'm the only one who's played the game. I'd love to review it, but those two aren't so much for the JRPGs.
  • That would be an awesome episode,
  • But TWEWY is not a typical JRPG at all! It's controls are completely different, it actually has an interesting and unexpected plot, and a fantastic soundtrack and art style.
  • But TWEWY is not a typical JRPG at all! It's controls are completely different, it actually has an interesting and unexpected plot, and a fantastic soundtrack and art style.
    Do you follow a relatively linear plotline, level up in random or semi-random encounters, etc.? When categorizing things, especially games, you have to look past the surface level fluff to the core.

    On the surface level there are many differences between EarthBound and Final Fantasy VII. But fundamentally, they are nearly identical. Stratego and Rock paper scissors are also fundamentally the same game. Yet, if you compare say, Quake Live and Team Fortress 2, games which seem very similar on the surface, they are fundamentally very very different.
  • Do you follow a relatively linear plotline, level up in random or semi-random encounters, etc.?
    It has no random encounters and the leveling merely allows you to make combat harder for more loot. The plot, while made from the basic manga/rpg fare (angsty teenage emo boy wakes up with no memory and such) but turns into totally weird coolness. I think it different on a fundamentally and surface wise they it is different from FF4 and other RPG's
  • It has no random encounters and the leveling merely allows you to make combat harder for more loot. The plot, while made from the basic manga/rpg fare (angsty teenage emo boy wakes up with no memory and such) but turns into totally weird coolness. I think it different on a fundamentally and surface wise they it is different from FF4 and other RPG's
    Plot and visuals have nothing to do with core game mechanic. You need to learn what fundamentals are before you try to discuss them.
  • It has no random encounters and the leveling merely allows you to make combat harder for more loot. The plot, while made from the basic manga/rpg fare (angsty teenage emo boy wakes up with no memory and such) but turns into totally weird coolness. I think it different on a fundamentally and surface wise they it is different from FF4 and other RPG's
    Plot and visuals have nothing to do with core game mechanic. You need to learn what fundamentals are before you try to discuss them.
    The core game mechanics are completely different. You pointed out differences between Earthbound and FFVII, two games I've played, as not mattering because they wind up being the same game. I understand what you're saying. I wouldn't make this argument about TWEWY. The leveling system is ignored, really. I gained levels, but never noticed any difference between being on level 1 and level 30. I think it just increases difficulty or something. The game also has a regular difficulty setting, which can be changed at any time. TWEWY's battle system is completely different from 50% of JRPG's in that it is not turn-based. It is also different as you control the majority of your fighting solely with the stylus. Now, if stylus-heavy games are not your thing, then this game is not for you. But as someone who's played a lot of JRPG's, I can tell you that the game has enough fundamental differences to make it a good game. I would argue that it's in the top 10 DS games we've had yet.
  • Having a higher level in the game increases your stats, so it makes you able to survive easier in harder battles. This comes with the trade-off of drop rates for items being substantially lower at higher levels. You can actually change your level at will, so if you are stuck at a hard boss you can increase your stats to make it easier for yourself.
  • Having a higher level in the game increases your stats, so it makes you able to survive easier in harder battles. This comes with the trade-off of drop rates for items being substantially lower at higher levels. You can actually change your level at will, so if you are stuck at a hard boss you can increase your stats to make it easier for yourself.
    That's it. Thanks for clarifying, it's been a while since I reached the chapter where levels are explained to you.
  • edited May 2009
    1. You can choose your difficulty/level. Setting it on hard makes the monsters a lot more difficult. It's more about the powers you have than the levels. You can buy or collect pins that help you fight tougher monsters.
    2. There are no random encounters for the most part. You can grind or you can only fight monsters when you are told to. It's up to you.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • More ideas:

    LCD TV technology
    MP3 and Media Players
    Kaiji and One Outs
    Hajime No Ippo
    The works of Kaiji Kawaguchi
    Blade of the Immortal
    Lady Snowblood
    Giant Robo (a long overdue episode, time to watch it, Scott
    With The Light
    Me and the Devil Blues
    Muppets and Fraggles
    Making a good homemade sandwich
    Pets and Pests
    Real and imaginary gadgets
    Parasyte (aka Kiseiju
    Ice cream and/or Frozen Yogurt
    Fan made movies and machinama (including Turbo (maybe), Search for Golum
  • ......
    edited May 2009
    Kaiji and One Outs
    Whahahaha. As much as I would like the topics, I doubt Scrym will bother with these shows. I mean, they tried Akagi and didn't like it, which is better imho than the one dozen or so eps I've seen of moe Kaiji. I should finish downloading the episodes for One Outs and start watching that.Scratch that, already got them, now all I have to do is watch them.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Well, I'm not ashamed to say I downloaded both Kaiji and One Outs. Both are cool shows, but my fave at the moment is One Outs.

    I know next to nothing of baseball, but this anime really makes it fun, with it psychological mind games and reading people, it just has more impact here, because of the nature of competitive sports. I just pray to god it gets a second series, and if not, that someone licenses the manga. I need to buy this.

    A show about both of them would do them justice, especially since they're very unlikely to get licensed, and IMO, these are the kinds of shows that would could expand the anime market to older viewers, if given a chance and marketed properly.

    I'm trying to show Kaiji to a friend of mine, who's really into playing poker. He stereotypes a lot of anime, but I hope he'll enjoy Kaiji, and maybe One Outs, and see at last, that anime can be so much more.
  • A show on The Game, and how you just lost it
  • A show on The Game, and how you just lost it
    Firstly, you suck.
    Secondly, already been done.
  • A show on The Game, and how you just lost it
    Easy show. News, TotD, then 20-30 minutes of Scrym starting sentences, only to interrupt themselves by saying "I just lost the game". Might make a good April Fools show.
  • What a strange game.. the only winning move is not to play.
  • You guys haven't did any movies lately. How about some movies?
  • You guys haven't did any movies lately. How about some movies?
    Scott refuses to watch movies. (He hasn't even seen Watchmen or Star Trek ^_~). He never comes to the theatre with us.
  • You guys haven't did any movies lately. How about some movies?
    Scott refuses to watch movies. (He hasn't even seen Watchmen or Star Trek ^_~). He never comes to the theatre with us.
    I'll watch movies, just not poop movies in a poop theatre.
  • You guys haven't did any movies lately. How about some movies?
    Scott refuses to watch movies. (He hasn't even seen Watchmen or Star Trek ^_~). He never comes to the theatre with us.
    I'll watch movies, just not poop movies in a poop theatre.
    Okay, I understand the Watchmen being poop to you but Star Trek? That was actually great for non fans and fans.
  • Scott hates almost all western SciFi movies save Star Wars. He quite dislikes Star Trek.
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