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  • Spent last night playing all four campaigns again with a friend of mine, after we completed them in two nights. No Mercy's rooftop was a killer on expert. I think we attempted it 6 times after making it through the map with relative ease. Took us 2 hours to complete No Mercy because of the finale, the rest of them were about 1:20h on average.

    I didn't enjoy Versus mode as much as I though, it's either incredibly easy because you get 4 people who don't stick together or incredibly hard because you can tell they have voice communication (or can type incredibly fast). And waiting to respawn bored me.
  • I didn't enjoy Versus mode as much as I though, it's either incredibly easy because you get 4 people who don't stick together or incredibly hard because you can tell they have voice communication (or can type incredibly fast). And waiting to respawn bored me.
    This is something I've noticed about versus mode. Every time I've played it, one team is significantly better than the other team. The players on the good team have fun, because it's just like playing co-op. The players on the bad team all quit because they're getting crushed. Remember, if you're a good team you spend a lot more time as survivors than as zombies, which means a lot less time being bored waiting to spawn.

    I have never seen a versus game where both teams are good. I would guess that a versus game with two good teams would result in the survivors escaping. A team of survivors that plays their cards right can't be beaten by any zombie strategy. Unless the zombies get lucky and a tank punches someone off the building, they'll be beaten. The limitations on where and when you can spawn prevent you from doing anything that can't be stopped by survivors who keep an eye out, and stick together. Even if you coordinate the zombies and try to get all the survivors at once, it won't always work out. Two good teams playing versus will simply come down to a matter of which team ends with the most health.
  • I could probably do around 8 eastern myself. Maybe this will be the versus match with two good teams that Scott is looking for.
  • They should let you use a regular zombie while your "Special zombie respawn meter" fills up.

    I don't know, I really enjoy getting crushed by the game, it makes it all the more fun, then again, I'm the kind of guy that keeps playing Starcraft vs with only a flying command center.

    I'm the first one to offer to stay back in defense or to play the medic/eng in games like TF even if its not the most exciting thing.
  • I have never seen a versus game where both teams are good. I would guess that a versus game with two good teams would result in the survivors escaping. A team of survivors that plays their cards right can't be beaten by any zombie strategy. Unless the zombies get lucky and a tank punches someone off the building, they'll be beaten. The limitations on where and when you can spawn prevent you from doing anything that can't be stopped by survivors who keep an eye out, and stick together. Even if you coordinate the zombies and try to get all the survivors at once, it won't always work out. Two good teams playing versus will simply come down to a matter of which team ends with the most health.
    I have played a game with two equal teams. Both survivor teams have it easier early on, but as you progress through the check points it feels as though the level design moves to the infected's advantage. It was the No Mercy map.
  • RymRym
    edited November 2008
    Every time I've played it, one team is significantly better than the other team.
    Last night was the worst. It was a full ten rapes-per-second. We were up by TWO orders of magnitude times four after the first round. The other team rage-quit almost immediately, leaving BronzeDragon to fight us alone.

    I'm of the mind that rage-quitting is a bannable offense. Don't do it. ^_~
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited November 2008
    Every time I've played it, one team is significantly better than the other team.
    Last night was the worst. It was a full ten rapes-per-second. We were up by TWO orders of magnitude times four after the first round. The other team rage-quit almost immediately, leaving BronzeDragon to fight us alone.

    I'm of the mind that rage-quitting is a bannable offense. Don't do it. ^_~
    Yeah, it sucked.

    Bye the bye, it's about 20:00 o'clock here. So by the time it's 20:00 on the east coast of America it'll be 00:00 here. I am still planing on being there but I'm not likely to stick around.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • I'm of the mind that rage-quitting is a bannable offense. Don't do it. ^_~
    I love it when I completely agree with abuses of power.
  • They should let you use a regular zombie while your "Special zombie respawn meter" fills up.

    I don't know, I really enjoy getting crushed by the game, it makes it all the more fun, then again, I'm the kind of guy that keeps playing Starcraft vs with only a flying command center.

    I'm the first one to offer to stay back in defense or to play the medic/eng in games like TF even if its not the most exciting thing.
    Yea me too, (the starcraft thing) I like seeing how long I can survive if I can't win.

    Plus we didn't get crushed at all last night when we played left4dead together. We rocked the house, even though you said you suck, you did really well.
  • I'm of the mind that rage-quitting is a bannable offense. Don't do it. ^_~
    I love it when I completely agree with abuses of power.
    Poor BronzeDragon had the fight of his life when his team left. Its a game and if you are getting raped reconsider your strategies but don't just give up.
  • If people leave the game, making it uneven, won't the computer just rearrange the groups?
  • If people leave the game, making it uneven, won't the computer just rearrange the groups?
    Not at all. I went through two teams, in one game, last night. I was playing solo against 4 most of the night. It really sucks when that happens.
  • What do you know? It's a little after 8pm Eastern. Steam Friends service is down! We'll have to try again another day.
  • Hey, you should organize these things a bit earlier, because it's way to late for me to be playing here in Europe. I'm only able to stay up late on Saturday because of my schedule, but even then the match doesn't start until 2 in the morning. I'm not willing to stay up later than 3, so it would be great if we scheduled a game at 6 or 5 eastern on Saturday. Any problems with that, or will this conflict with someone else?
  • Hey, you should organize these things a bit earlier, because it's way to late for me to be playing here in Europe. I'm only able to stay up late on Saturday because of my schedule, but even then the match doesn't start until 2 in the morning. I'm not willing to stay up later than 3, so it would be great if we scheduled a game at 6 or 5 eastern on Saturday. Any problems with that, or will this conflict with someone else?
    I also live in the same time zone, so starting 5/6 would be nice.
  • People who are far away, time-zone wise, should really play with each other. The lag is just too much playing with people so far away.
  • People who are far away, time-zone wise, should really play with each other. The lag is just too much playing with people so far away.
    There are about three of us. That isn't that big of a group.
  • And some of us live far from EVERYONE in the forums.
  • Lag in Left4Dead is quite manageable, because the game has very solid lag compensation.
    It makes it look funny because zombies die a relatively long period of time after you shoot them, but it works.
  • Lag in Left4Dead is quite manageable, because the game has very solid lag compensation.
    It makes it look funny because zombies die a relatively long period of time after you shoot them, but it works.
    The biggest problem I have is that when it does lag, and I try to shove a zombie behind me (by moving my mouse rapidly to the side and hitting the mousebutton) I hit my desktop on my 2nd screen (because the game can't center my mouse fast enough) causing my game to lose focus. This only happens in zombie rushes.
  • Lag in Left4Dead is quite manageable, because the game has very solid lag compensation.
    It makes it look funny because zombies die a relatively long period of time after you shoot them, but it works.
    The problem is you also regularly end up shooting your teammates.
  • You just have to be more careful than usual, as do your teammates.
  • Hello,

    Regular listener in Tokyo. Me and my friends play L4D all the time. Steam name is: RBjakeSpecial

    Would really love to join you guys for some matches.

  • Regular listener in Tokyo. Me and my friends play L4D all the time. Steam name is: RBjakeSpecial

    Would really love to join you guys for some matches.
    Join the GeekNights Steam group. However, there might be some wicked lag between here and Tokyo.
  • edited November 2008

    Regular listener in Tokyo. Me and my friends play L4D all the time. Steam name is: RBjakeSpecial

    Would really love to join you guys for some matches.
    Join the GeekNights Steam group. However, there might be some wicked lag between here and Tokyo.
    Ok! I have a wicked fast connection over here so it should probably be cool. This game seems to have a little bit of popularity over here. I'll join the group.

    Post edited by RBJakeSpecial on
  • edited November 2008
    Hoping we can get a game tonight.
    Post edited by Classic on
  • So I just got the game... Steam ID is "SniperDragon" (who would have guessed).
  • For those of you that have given up on the game entirely because of the lack of versus maps, there exists modded copies of the dead air and death toll campaigns with a few bugs. Namely some textures not loading in if you have your shader settings at max, the yellow guide to climb pipes and break walls as infected isn't visible, but you can still do so. The biggest glitch is that it only lets you play through one finale. After that, the credits scroll and it sends you back to the lobby. Still highly playable though.
  • New content to be released this spring. It will include two new Versus Mode campaigns, a new "survival" game mode, and the L4D SDK. I'm very excited.
  • imageLook ma, 3 hands!
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