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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2009
    Can I just say one thing?

    Rocky Horror Picture Show is a terrible movie already.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show is a terrible moviealready.
    It's terrible in the best way possible.
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show is a terrible moviealready.
    It's terrible in the best way possible.
    No comment.
  • No comment.
    To me, it's like the seminal masterpiece Batman: the Movie starring Adam West and Burt Ward. It's an absolutely terrible movie, but oh so fun to watch.
  • It's an absolutely terrible movie, but oh so fun to watch.
    I submit that it's really not even fun to watch, unless you're actually at a midnight showing. The culture that has grown up around the film is fun, but the film itself, not so much.
  • edited November 2009
    Rocky Horror isn't even in the same league as the 1966 Batman.

    It's an absolutely terrible movie, but oh so fun to watch.
    I submit that it's really not even fun to watch, unless you're actually at a midnight showing. The culture that has grown up around the film is fun, but the film itself, not so much.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • OzOz
    edited November 2009
    I woke up this morning expecting to have a nice, relaxing day. Read a book, play some games, etc. Well, I went down to my kitchen, and my sister decided that her laptop needed fixing. Now, she had broken this laptop's installation of Vista a few month's ago. I persuaded her to put Ubuntu on to it, because Ubuntu is free. She agreed, and installed it. Then, she found out Itunes wouldn't run in Ubuntu, and she stopped using her computer for a few months. Today, she decided to get me to install Windows XP on it, so I did. Of course, the default installation of XP didn't have all the drivers for her laptop, so I had to hunt for them on another computer, put them on my flash drive, and then install them from the flash drive, onto her computer. After that was all said and done, and her laptop was working, but before I had installed AVG Free on her laptop to protect her, she got her computer infected. This infection not only rendered her laptop useless, but spread to my desktop, which I built a year or two ago for gaming, and ended up destroying it. At this point, it was about noon, and I had two useless computers on my hands. After eating lunch, I installed Ubuntu on my sisters laptop just so it would work again, and then reinstalled Windows on my gaming computer. After those two things were accomplished, it was about 4:30 p.m., so my day was gone. But it gets worse! As I was downloading AVG Free for my desktop, I went to use the bathroom. My sister decided it would be a good idea to use the internet. Not only that, but to install some free screensavers! "They're free, and this computer needs a new screensaver!" is probably what my sister thought. When I got back from an unpleasant and lengthy trip to bathroom (way too much food yesterday), I found that AVG had finished downloading, so I went ahead and installed it. Or at least I tried. When I clicked on the install link, a window popped up that informed me that AVG was a virus, and I should buy and install the full version of Some Arbitrary Anti Virus Program Pro 2009 Elite or something. At this point, I almost threw my monitor out the window. I calmed myself down, and tried to go to the internet and see what was happening. When I tried to open Mozilla, I was told that Mozilla was a virus, and that I should buy/install the same program as before. At this point, I go to start up AVG, but then realize that I hadn't been able to install the bloody thing. So as of now, my desktop can do a single thing except satre at the Desktop, becuase if I do so much as click on the Start button, I get told that whatever I'm doing is a virus, and that I should buy ShadyProgram Full. Did I mention that when it tells me X is a virus, it cancels whatever I try to do? So this means I need to rereinstall Windows (tomorrow). Goddamn. I feel like I am about to explode from frustration right now.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and my router is on the fritz, so it shuts down every goddamn five minutes, so I have to get up and restart it every goddamn five minutes. It even makes relaxing on my laptop a pain in the ass.
    Post edited by Oz on
  • I submit that it's really not even fun to watch, unless you're actually at a midnight showing. The culture that has grown up around the film is fun, but the film itself, not so much.
    I actually enjoy the movie without it being a midnight showing. I like the music and the story is incredibly demented, which I really like. I'm agreeing that it's not a good movie, but I really enjoy it.
  • I like the music and the story is incredibly demented, which I really like. I'm agreeing that it's not a good movie, but I really enjoy it.
    Alright, the music's good, yeah. I listen to the soundtrack once in a while. And there are a few funny bits and good performances in the movie. But overall, my point is just that your opinion is wrong, and that makes you a bad person.
  • I like the music and the story is incredibly demented, which I really like. I'm agreeing that it's not a good movie, but I really enjoy it.
    Alright, the music's good, yeah. I listen to the soundtrack once in a while. And there are a few funny bits and good performances in the movie. But overall, my point is just that your opinion is wrong, and that makes you a bad person.
    Don't you just mean "Opinions are all wrong, and they make everyone bad people?"
  • Don't you just mean "Opinions are all wrong, and they make everyone bad people?"
    I think I mean "All opinions contrary to my opinions are wrong, and all people who disagree with me are bad people."
  • Don't you just mean "Opinions are all wrong, and they make everyone bad people?"
    I think I mean "All opinions contrary to my opinions are wrong, and all people who disagree with me are bad people."
    There we go, perfect.
  • On my quest to finish watching all of Red Dwarf via streaming Netflix this weekend before it's no longer available by the first of December, I discover that the last four episodes of season 7 are available as disc only as well as a bulk of season 8. Boo.
  • edited November 2009
    My grandmother fell and broke her hip. She will be fine and the break is not bad, but the situation brought to light that she can no longer live on her own in the home she and my late grandfather built and lived in for over thirty years. She will go to live with my Uncle - across the country (from a suburb of Tampa to St. Louis) - and lose the home and community she has loved and helped create (including the community theatre she and my grandfather founded). She does not yet know that she will not be returning home, as she is already disoriented and upset (talking to my dead grandfather, kicking nurses, removing her I.V., etc.) and leaving her home will only upset her further as she attempts to cope and heal.
    The woman I have known, loved, and admired is fading from us. She was born in the depression, survived polio, waited for my grandfather to return home from the war, raised a family on limited means, worked at a time when most women were at home, helped both of her children attend college and make productive happy lives, was half of the happiest marriage I have ever seen, endured my grandfather's passing over ten years ago with grace and honesty, kept her home and her independence well into her 80's, and now her children must reluctantly eject her from her home and watch her fade.
    Someday this may be my mother and it may be me.
    I am looking at her picture now, when she was in her mid thirties and holding my young mother's hand and I cannot help but apologize to her.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I guess that would explain why I never heard from you guys to hang out this weekend...

    Words can't convey anything about how I actually feel about this. A couple months ago I watched my mom's uncle die slowly in the hospital one night. All I could do was hold my mom as she watched that happen, knowing that she was also remembering her own mom dying in a similar fashion ten years ago. The logical part of my brain is telling me not to get too emotional, this is going to start happening a lot more as the generation before my parents starts to passing with greater frequency.

    So kids, be there for your parents when these things happen because it's really rough on them. That's the best I got, more of a "well that's the facts of life thing." :(
  • edited November 2009
    No new Venture Brothers or Metalocalypse tonight.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited November 2009
    No new Venture Brothers or Metalocalypse tonight.
    This, also, I was supposed to study super-hard for calc and chem exams on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. Instead, I got thoroughly troped, watched [as], and passively studied a set of extremely meticulous calc notes. Granted, the basics of integrals and the FToC are things I mostly have down, but I'm still kicking myself for not having enough discipline.

    Tomorrow is a night for cramming. Now, I'm going to listen to the latest episode of Fast Karate and fall asleep.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My 2TB external hard drive(s) just died. I think it's just the case, so I'm optimistic that I can retrieve the data. Still, this doesn't please me. Now I need to shell out $100 for no good reason.
  • edited November 2009
    Michael Atkinson is the fail of my day.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Michael Atkinsonis the fail of my day.
    I'm glad I live in a free country where we only whine and complain about violent video games, but ultimately forget about it to deal with the plague that is gay marriage.
  • Michael Atkinsonis the fail of my day.
    I see no reason why his little buddy Stephen "If you don't like the mandatory Internet Filter, you're obviously a pedophile" Conroy should be excluded, since he's right there with Mickey the Christian Crusader.
  • There's only so much fail I can fit into one day. Conroy is a fail for another day.
  • edited November 2009
    Conroy is a fail pretty much every day.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • While that is true, if I was to accept the burden of his fail on a daily basis the consequences would be saddening.
  • Normaly a movie shouldn't have an in depth story, movies are not long enough in most cases to have a good in depth story
    That bit of wisdom came from someone on another forum that I frequent, and I had no clue how to respond to them in a civil manner so I just linked them to the ceminar scene from Adaptation.

  • Robert McKee
    I read his book -- it was pretty good.
  • edited November 2009
    A guy on Facebook is bitching about how he got kicked out of his metal band. Judging by the first song on their Myspace however, I can't help but feel like he's lucky to not have to play in this band.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • A guy on Facebook is bitching about how he got kicked out of his metal band. Judging by the first song on theirMyspacehowever, I can't help but feel like he's lucky to not have to play in this band.
    Wow. That was truly, truly awful.
  • NaNoWriMo.
    I'm just starting now :-\

    Oh, and when I say starting, I really mean "forming general mental outlines." Yeah, fail.
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