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Fail of Your Day



  • Bristol and Levi are getting married.
    Look at you all up on the celebrity gossip. All I can say about this is that I couldn't care less.
    Yeah, I don't see why this is a fail, more like why even bother? If this were any other set of unmarried parents, it wouldn't be even worth commenting on that they were getting married to raise their child, so why comment on this just because they're famous? It's not good or bad, it's just whatever.
    It's really a double fail. Fail because of what it is, and fail because it was news at all, anywhere.
    Eh, not so much for what it is. I mean, I dislike the Palins, but better the kid have a family than be stuck in the media-crazed argument between his parents.
    A media crazed family? ;)
    True, but if they get married and raise a kid, there's less news than if they fight constantly.
    OMG the pyramid is going to fall over, RUUUUUUN!!!!
    FRCF's law: On FRCF, as the number of posts in a pyramid increases, the probability that someone will make a pyramid joke approaches 1.
  • It ends here. :P
  • Bristol and Levi are getting married.
    Look at you all up on the celebrity gossip. All I can say about this is that I couldn't care less.
    Yeah, I don't see why this is a fail, more like why even bother? If this were any other set of unmarried parents, it wouldn't be even worth commenting on that they were getting married to raise their child, so why comment on this just because they're famous? It's not good or bad, it's just whatever.
    It's really a double fail. Fail because of what it is, and fail because it was news at all, anywhere.
    Eh, not so much for what it is. I mean, I dislike the Palins, but better the kid have a family than be stuck in the media-crazed argument between his parents.
    A media crazed family? ;)
    True, but if they get married and raise a kid, there's less news than if they fight constantly.
    OMG the pyramid is going to fall over, RUUUUUUN!!!!
    FRCF's law: On FRCF, as the number of posts in a pyramid increases, the probability that someone will make a pyramid joke approaches 1.
    It ends here. :P
    I would like to formally submit my disagreement.
  • Sorry I contributed. :(
  • Bristol and Levi are getting married.
    Look at you all up on the celebrity gossip. All I can say about this is that I couldn't care less.
    Yeah, I don't see why this is a fail, more like why even bother? If this were any other set of unmarried parents, it wouldn't be even worth commenting on that they were getting married to raise their child, so why comment on this just because they're famous? It's not good or bad, it's just whatever.
    It's really a double fail. Fail because of what it is, and fail because it was news at all, anywhere.
    Eh, not so much for what it is. I mean, I dislike the Palins, but better the kid have a family than be stuck in the media-crazed argument between his parents.
    A media crazed family? ;)
    True, but if they get married and raise a kid, there's less news than if they fight constantly.
    OMG the pyramid is going to fall over, RUUUUUUN!!!!
    FRCF's law: On FRCF, as the number of posts in a pyramid increases, the probability that someone will make a pyramid joke approaches 1.
    It ends here. :P
    I would like to formally submit my disagreement.
    I don't think I have ever intentionally participated in a pyramid scheme solely to make it bigger...until now.
  • Bristol and Levi are getting married.
    Look at you all up on the celebrity gossip. All I can say about this is that I couldn't care less.
    Yeah, I don't see why this is a fail, more like why even bother? If this were any other set of unmarried parents, it wouldn't be even worth commenting on that they were getting married to raise their child, so why comment on this just because they're famous? It's not good or bad, it's just whatever.
    It's really a double fail. Fail because of what it is, and fail because it was news at all, anywhere.
    Eh, not so much for what it is. I mean, I dislike the Palins, but better the kid have a family than be stuck in the media-crazed argument between his parents.
    A media crazed family? ;)
    True, but if they get married and raise a kid, there's less news than if they fight constantly.
    OMG the pyramid is going to fall over, RUUUUUUN!!!!
    FRCF's law: On FRCF, as the number of posts in a pyramid increases, the probability that someone will make a pyramid joke approaches 1.
    It ends here. :P
    I would like to formally submit my disagreement.
    I don't think I have ever intentionally participated in a pyramid scheme solely to make it bigger...until now.
    FRCF law: Once a pyramid joke has been made, the probability that the conversation will shift to focus entirely on the pyramid approaches 1.
  • Fail: I was unintentionally snarky to my boss today.
    I said to him, "I am not besmirching her character, just her ability to respond to voicemails." He replied, "Besmirch - now that is a word." To which I shot back, "Yes, it is in the dictionary and everything." He laughed, but I apologized for being sarcastic.
  • Fail: I was unintentionally snarky to my boss today.
    I said to him, "I am not besmirching her character, just her ability to respond to voicemails." He replied, "Besmirch - now that is a word." To which I shot back, "Yes, it is in the dictionary and everything." He laughed, but I apologized for being sarcastic.
    I'm glad that in IT generally being snarky is a way of life.
  • New York's MTA has 30 day Unlimited trip Metrocards. And by unlimited, they want that to mean mean three trips a day.
    I hate crap like this, just say it's 90 trips per month. This whole unlimited thing is just getting to be bullshit. Either it's unlimited, or it's not.
  • I hate crap like this, just say it's 90 trips per month. This whole unlimited thing is just getting to be bullshit. Either it's unlimited, or it's not.
    This happened because the state refused to properly fund the MTA, and the City doesn't have the power to keep its own tax revenues to do it itself. Basically, people outside of the city have a vested interest in voting against spending for the city, as it increases the flow of money from the city to them personally, at the expense of the city itself.

    Of course, if it came up for a vote, we could do the same thing to the rest of the state by refusing to fund subsidized highway repair for all non-Interstate freeways north of Yonkers, but it never comes up for a vote.
  • edited July 2010
    Well now if you use your beloved public transit a lot you'll be paying extra. Your transit costs may start to approach the TCO of my car.

    The WMATA doesn't offer any kind of unlimited card. You can put a bunch of money on a card, and it's not a flat rate for a trip, it varies based on how far you go.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Well now if you use your beloved public transit a lot you'll be paying extra. Your transit costs may start to approach the TCO0 of my car.
    Not likely, especially if you consider the total subsidy of infrastructure on both sides. Also the fact that, if the transit didn't exist, it would be physically impossible to move as many people as we do on a daily basis in the space provided.
  • Not likely, especially if you consider the total subsidy of infrastructure on both sides. Also the fact that, if the transit didn't exist, it would be physically impossible to move as many people as we do on a daily basis in the space provided.
    Then your precious city would crumble!!! mAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
  • Not likely, especially if you consider the total subsidy of infrastructure on both sides. Also the fact that, if the transit didn't exist, it would be physically impossible to move as many people as we do on a daily basis in the space provided.
    The TCO of my car is not much, insurance is less than $100 a month and beyond that I just need enough fuel to get me around. As for moving that many people, Tysons Corner is a prime example of how having so many cars in such a confined area is a terrible idea!
  • Fail: I was unintentionally snarky to my boss today.
    I said to him, "I am not besmirching her character, just her ability to respond to voicemails." He replied, "Besmirch - now that is a word." To which I shot back, "Yes, it is in the dictionary and everything." He laughed, but I apologized for being sarcastic.
    I'm glad that in IT generally being snarky is a way of life.
    It certainly is. In fact, its part of why I like my job so much.
  • The TCO of my car is not much, insurance is less than $100 a month and beyond that I just need enough fuel to get me around.
    Yeah, you definitely skew it downward what with your ability to diagnose and maintain a car's troubles as needed. Unless it's a problem I've already had, and thus know about, I'm useless at car repair. I was lucky in that the Sunfire never required any major maintenance for as long as I owned it.
  • Yeah, you definitely skew it downward what with your ability to diagnose and maintain a car's troubles as needed. Unless it's a problem I've already had, and thus know about, I'm useless at car repair. I was lucky in that the Sunfire never required any major maintenance for as long as I owned it.
    That's your problem, and I never claimed that your transit costs would be comparable to the average TCO of a car, only mine. :P

    Besides, in about half a year I'm gonna add a $500-ish car payment, then you'll win be default. ;)
  • edited July 2010
    Bristol and Levi are getting married.
    Look at you all up on the celebrity gossip. All I can say about this is that I couldn't care less.
    Yeah, I don't see why this is a fail, more like why even bother? If this were any other set of unmarried parents, it wouldn't be even worth commenting on that they were getting married to raise their child, so why comment on this just because they're famous? It's not good or bad, it's just whatever.
    It's really a double fail. Fail because of what it is, and fail because it was news at all, anywhere.
    Eh, not so much for what it is. I mean, I dislike the Palins, but better the kid have a family than be stuck in the media-crazed argument between his parents.
    A media crazed family? ;)
    True, but if they get married and raise a kid, there's less news than if they fight constantly.
    OMG the pyramid is going to fall over, RUUUUUUN!!!!
    FRCF's law: On FRCF, as the number of posts in a pyramid increases, the probability that someone will make a pyramid joke approaches 1.
    It ends here. :P
    I would like to formally submit my disagreement.
    I don't think I have ever intentionally participated in a pyramid scheme solely to make it bigger...until now.
    FRCF law: Once a pyramid joke has been made, the conversation will shift to focus entirely on the pyramid.
    Fixed it!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • It's over... and that makes me a sad panda:
  • My laptop got coffee bath today. No bigger problems, but touch-pad doesn't work, well I barely ever use that, no not big loss. Also got rid of dust and fingerprints.
  • My laptop got coffee bath today. No bigger problems, but touch-pad doesn't work, well I barely ever use that, no not big loss. Also got rid of dust and fingerprints.
    You laptop is now caffeinated; rejoice!
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think I can quite describe it better than this.

    (Speaking about my sister, to a friend on pidgin)

    (12:06:56 PM) Churba: And she's somewhat annoyed at me at the moment, too
    (12:07:16 PM) Churba: Because I was listening while she was watching Charmed, and one of the characters said
    (12:07:37 PM) Churba: "But they were killed by a bolt of PLASMA! Plasma can only be summoned by MAGIC!"
    (12:08:57 PM) Churba: And when she asked why I burst out laughing, I turned to her and said, very solemnly "Well, I have sad news. You'll never be a witch. For a start, you passed introductory science in high school"
    (12:09:03 PM) Churba: Aaaaaaand it turns out she didn't
    (12:09:13 PM) Churba: so, now she's angry at me
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I don't think I can quite describe it better than this.

    (Speaking about my sister, to a friend on pidgin)

    (12:06:56 PM) Churba: And she's somewhat annoyed at me at the moment, too
    (12:07:16 PM) Churba: Because I was listening while she was watching Charmed, and one of the characters said
    (12:07:37 PM) Churba: "But they were killed by a bolt of PLASMA! Plasma can only be summoned by MAGIC!"
    (12:08:57 PM) Churba: And when she asked why I burst out laughing, I turned to her and said, very solemnly "Well, I have sad news. You'll never be a witch. For a start, you passed introductory science in high school"
    (12:09:03 PM) Churba: Aaaaaaand it turns out she didn't
    (12:09:13 PM) Churba: so, now she's angry at me
    My condolences.
  • (12:07:37 PM) Churba: "But they were killed by a bolt of PLASMA! Plasma can only be summoned by MAGIC!"
    Show her this video, for no other reason than it's cool.

  • A co-worker brought in her eighteen year old daughter to help clean out our file room.
    Fail 1: The daughter is rude, obnoxious and kicks boxes around rather than pick them up to move them.
    Fail 2: My co-worker is being verbally abusive toward her daughter.
  • Fail 1: The daughter is rude, obnoxious and kicks boxes around rather than pick them up to move them.
    Fail 2: My co-worker is being verbally abusive toward her daughter.
    I know two wrongs don't make a right, but can two fails make a win?
  • A co-worker brought in her eighteen year old daughter to help clean out our file room.
    Fail 1: The daughter is rude, obnoxious and kicks boxes around rather than pick them up to move them.
    Fail 2: My co-worker is being verbally abusive toward her daughter.
    She should try physical abuse. Far more effective.
  • (12:08:57 PM) Churba: And when she asked why I burst out laughing, I turned to her and said, very solemnly "Well, I have sad news. You'll never be a witch. For a start, you passed introductory science in high school"
    This is good news for her apparently the career of the Witch is still in her cards :-p
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