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Fail of Your Day



  • Hell, that made ME feel old.
    Me three.
    Got damn, I feel like a grandma.
    I feel like I need to go back to Geocities.
  • Hell, that made ME feel old.
    Me three.
    Got damn, I feel like a grandma.
    I feel like I need to go back to Geocities.
    I remember doing the time warp.
  • Mountains in Belgium?
  • Hell, that made ME feel old.
    Me three.
    Got damn, I feel like a grandma.
    I feel like I need to go back to Geocities.
    I remember doing the time warp.
    It's just a jump to the left?
  • Hell, that made ME feel old.
    Me three.
    Got damn, I feel like a grandma.
    I feel like I need to go back to Geocities.
    I remember doing the time warp.
    It's just a jump to the left?
    Then a step to the right?
  • edited July 2010
    It's too silly.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Oh the irony, another example of how "right" we are and how "wrong" everyone else is.
  • Oh theirony, another example of how "right" we are and how "wrong" everyone else is.
    As long as people continue to believe in sky men, this shit will continue. I'm getting to the point of being intolerant of religion because of what it causes.
  • Now that's just kind of stupid to say. Sure, some religious people are douches. Not all of them are. The people who aren't douches about their religion should be free to believe in whatever they want. You can be intolerant of people who use religion to attack anyone else, but if my religion is just something for my personal use and belief, then you have no reason not to tolerate it.
    Religion doesn't cause anything. People make choices, and they can choose to use and interpret a religion however they want. The world will always have stupid people, and whether or not they have any reason to try and justify hatred and stupidity, they will keep being what they are.
  • Now that's just kind of stupid to say. Sure, some religious people are douches. Not all of them are. The people who aren't douches about their religion should be free to believe in whatever they want. You can be intolerant of people who use religion to attack anyone else, but if my religion is just something for my personal use and belief, then you have no reason not to tolerate it.
    You're basically saying the same thing I've always said: "Your right to swing your fists around ends at my face."
  • I suppose you have a point. Douche bags will be douche bags, with or without religion.
  • edited July 2010
    I suppose you have a point. Douche bags will be douche bags, with or without religion.
    Precisely. It could either be "The Bible says this about homosexuals, let's stone them," or "I hate homosexuals, let's stone them." Not much we can do in either case, so it's not really religion's fault. People will have their anger and prejudices whether they think a book backs them up or not.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited July 2010
    My mother and I got into a big argument yesterday over the existence of freedom of speech in the USA. Here's the gist of it.
    Her argument: If I can't say whatever I want whenever I want, without having to worry about the repercussions, then freedom of speech doesn't exist.

    My argument: You can say whatever you want, whenever you want, so freedom of speech does exist, but you have to choose when to exercise that freedom because you will have to deal with the repercussions of what you say, good or bad. You have to take responsibility for your actions.

    Her counter-argument: You're just young and naive. I'm wasting my breath talking to you.

    My Mom - When she's right, she's right, whether she's right or not.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • My mother and I got into a big argument yesterday over the existence of freedom of speech in the USA. Here's the gist of it.
    Her argument: If I can't say whatever I want whenever I want, without having to worry about the repercussions, then freedom of speech doesn't exist.

    My argument: You can say whatever you want, whenever you want, so freedom of speech does exist, but you have to choose when to exercise that freedom because you will have to deal with the repercussions of what you say, good or bad. You have to take responsibility for your actions.

    Her counter-argument: You're just young and naive. I'm wasting my breath talking to you.

    My Mom - When she's right, she's right, whether she's right or not.
    Well I guess I old and naive then. I'm with you, you have the freedom to say what ever you want, where ever you want. But you need to be prepared to accept the consequences or your actions. I see people saying that they don't have freedom of speech, because people get mad at them for what they say, that's just ridiculous. All the constitution says is that the government can't infringe on your speech. Not that someone can't get mad at you, and that is only in the government.

    I'm pretty much a purist when it comes to speech, besides yelling fire in a crowed theater, I'm against any form of Governmentregulation on speech. But I wouldn't recommend walking down the street yelling racial slurs at people either. I wouldn't make the illegal, but I would hard pressed to get to upset when you got your ass beat over it either.

    So I guess I'm old and naive, I'm probably as old or older than your mother. I'm 49, so I would say at lest for this board I'm older than dirt.
  • My father is in urgent care and has been diagnosed as a full blown diabetic. Both of my parents are, now. I officially have the worst genetics on the planet, aside from being tall.
  • My father is in urgent care and has been diagnosed as a full blown diabetic. Both of my parents are, now. I officially have the worst genetics on the planet, aside from being tall.
    Get yourself tested. Ask your doctor about what sort of preventative measures you can do to decrease your chances of being diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Oh, I do what I can already. Genetics are a bitch. Thankfully, I've already started weening myself off of refined sugar.
  • My father is in urgent care and has been diagnosed as a full blown diabetic. Both of my parents are, now. I officially have the worst genetics on the planet, aside from being tall.
    In recent years I've begun wondering if my almost complete disease resistance and super resilient body are going to be equaled out someday when I find out that I'm somehow 300x more prone to some bizarre and horrible condition.
  • Genetics are a bitch.
    Welcome to the club. I too am genetically broken in several ways, mostly heart disease prone.
  • Oh, I do what I can already. Genetics are a bitch. Thankfully, I've already started weening myself off of refined sugar.
    That's a good start, but there are many different choices you can do to help with prevention along with eating less refined sugar. You can eat more fiber and whole grains as well.

    I'm pretty sure you know that the internets is full of wonderful information on diabetes prevention.

    Sorry to hear about your parents. It's a lot harder for older people to make these lifestyle changes especially when it comes to food. My father learned the hard way and because of it he suffers.
  • Genetics are a bitch.
    Welcome to the club. I too am genetically broken in several ways, mostly heart disease prone.
    Heart disease, chronic depression and Parkinson's.
  • Genetics are a bitch.
    Welcome to the club. I too am genetically broken in several ways, mostly heart disease prone.
    Heart disease, chronic depression and Parkinson's.
    Schizophrenia. (Although it's more environment rather than just genes.)
  • Genetics are a bitch.
    Welcome to the club. I too am genetically broken in several ways, mostly heart disease prone.
    No male my dads side of the family has made it past age 63, dying of either cancer or a heart related condition. I've had a combination of 4 aunts/uncles on my moms side die of heart related diseases, my moms last aunt is in Chemo for cancer as I type and I can't even count the number of diabetics on that side. Totally fucked. Lol.

    I'm pretty sure you know that the internets is full of wonderful information on diabetes prevention.
    It's a wonderous thing, these intar-webs. =D

    chronic depression
    If depression is being considered a genetic disorder here, then I'm fucked there, too.
  • The lesson of the day is we ain't gonna live forever, best be getting on with living our lives.
  • Bad genetics? My brother has Bi-Polar, my dad is diagnosed with ADHD and Depression (which is probably just Bi-Polar as well), my whole family on my mom's side has chronic anxiety issues, and my only biological uncle is a complete social recluse and separated himself from our family before I was even born. Yeah...
  • Man, no wonder you're religious.
  • Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that my mom's side of the family is filled with osteoporosis (though it only affects the females), and one of my aunts is severely mentally retarded, has recurring psychosis, is diabetic, overweight, as well as having very strong osteoporosis. Her life is basically a mess.
  • family lives till about 90. Yeah, we've got some cancers, but nothing kills you before you're 85. Dad was a fluke unrelated to genetics.
  • edited July 2010 family lives till about 90. Yeah, we've got some cancers, but nothing kills you before you're 85. Dad was a fluke unrelated to genetics.
    Vlah! I've been alive since the mid 1800's, nothing stopping me. Now excuse me while I desolve into a cloud of bats.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • Bit of cancer here, and I had epilepsy. Otherwise, we are old-lived oxen.
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