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Fail of Your Day



  • The way I see it is that he can't be with Tootie if he stays a kid with godparents, but yeah, the rest of it is stupid. The rule was when he no longer needed the fairies, they would go away...I guess he forces himself to need them? Stupid...
  • So I'm playing Skate 3 and this happens to me:
  • My DSLR has stopped focusing in anything but bright sunlight, and I have to shoot a concert on the 7th - It's currently in a few pieces on my bench. Goddamnit, camera, why u do dis.
  • Today's forum ad for me is a online service for having affairs.
  • Today's forum ad for me is a online service for having affairs.
    Yea, Ashley Madison, I hear radio ads for that ALL the freaking time when I listen to regular radio.... I've always wondering about how a site like that survives without some cheated significant other firebombing their headquarters....
  • Today's forum ad for me is a online service for having affairs.
    Yea, Ashley Madison, I hear radio ads for that ALL the freaking time when I listen to regular radio.... I've always wondering about how a site like that survives without some cheated significant other firebombing their headquarters....
    They probably run it from a bunker. ;-)

    I recently was able to get Adobe CS5 at a discount so that I could do some work on my undergraduate thesis this fall (something I never thought I would have to do for a Bachelor's degree) away from school. Earlier this year, someone stole some computers from the art department, and as a result no one can access the lab after hours with a building pass. The problem is that most students couldn't afford it, so they have it manned by an assistant on Fridays (when the art department has no classes) for people to get work done. That wouldn't be enough time for me, as I would have to work weekends as well to get my work done, so I had no choice but to buy the software. (It was about $445 on Amazon for the Mac version, for college and high school students who might be interested.) I had told my parents I would need to do this. So, after I had saved MY money (or rather, my leftover student loan money), and bought it, my father "found out" (although he, as I stated, should have known) and became furious, and yelled at me because I had bought it instead of pirating it. -_-

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don't, I guess.
  • edited July 2010
    I recently was able to get Adobe CS5 at a discount so that I could do some work on my undergraduate thesis this fall (something I never thought I would have to do for a Bachelor's degree) away from school. Earlier this year, someone stole some computers from the art department, and as a result no one can access the lab after hours with a building pass. The problem is that most students couldn't afford it, so they have it manned by an assistant on Fridays (when the art department has no classes) for people to get work done. That wouldn't be enough time for me, as I would have to work weekends as well to get my work done, so I had no choice but to buy the software. (It was about $445 on Amazon for the Mac version, for college and high school students who might be interested.) I had told my parents I would need to do this. So, after I had saved MY money (or rather, my leftover student loan money), and bought it, my father "found out" (although he, as I stated, should have known) and became furious, and yelled at me because I had bought it instead of pirating it. -_-

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don't, I guess.
    In the past (before I got my boss to buy me a license, woo!) I used to download the free 30 day trials when I needed Photoshop or Flash or whatnot for a project. I would switch out versions (CS3, CS4, CS5, etc) and computers so I got multiple uses.

    You can also get the suites for super cheap if you have a student id with your school and it participates in the discount program (not really sure how that works). I think the Web Premium Suite student version was like $350 last time I checked.
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • I was locked out of my house for around 6 hours today (in my pajamas) and ended up being an hour and a half late for work tonight.
  • edited July 2010
    West Australian Liberal MP Don Randall is under fire over comments he made about Julia Gillard's religious views.

    The member for Canning says many people in his electorate and across the country do not like the fact Ms Gillard is an atheist.


    "It's a criticism of the fact that the electorate has deep concerns about an un-godly leader leading Australia," he said.

    Mr Randall says Australia was built on Christian values, which provide the basis for being a better leader.

    "We expect out leaders to convey and portray good Christian values," he said.
    OK, so here we have a bigoted asshole trying put down an atheist for being an atheist (fail) and his attempt to doing so is trying to portray a prison colony as having good christian values.
    Great job!
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • OK, so here we have a bigoted asshole trying put down an atheist for being an atheist (fail)
    Welcome to America!
  • West Australian Liberal MP Don Randall is under fire over comments he made about Julia Gillard's religious views.

    The member for Canning says many people in his electorate and across the country do not like the fact Ms Gillard is an atheist.


    "It's a criticism of the fact that the electorate has deep concerns about an un-godly leader leading Australia," he said.

    Mr Randall says Australia was built on Christian values, which provide the basis for being a better leader.

    "We expect out leaders to convey and portray good Christian values," he said.
    OK, so here we have a bigoted asshole trying put down an atheist for being an atheist (fail) and his attempt to doing so is trying to portray a prison colony as having good christian values.
    Great job!
    Oh yea, gota love the Christian value of believe what I believe, or get the fuck out. I used to be pretty tolerant of Religion, but dumb asses like that sure do make it hard to do.
  • OK, so here we have a bigoted asshole trying put down an atheist for being an atheist (fail)
    Welcome to America!
    *sigh* Yep.
  • edited July 2010
    Fail: Eaten about two and a bit meals in the last two days, slept for 12 hours, don't want to leave my room as it means dealing with my asshole dad, back to square one.

    Well, the only way is up. Going to try and make a break for it and get outside.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2010
    Fail due to Me: For the past three days, I've been dealing with lots of stress of having the possibility of moving to another apartment in my current apartment complex, due to the fact that I re-signed my lease really late. I have little control in the matter, and I would have to pay a pretty big fee and negotiate with the incoming tenant in order to stay. This wouldn't be as horrible, if Otakon was not this weekend AND the last day I officially have my apartment is July 31st. Kind of a ball buster... And I stressed myself because I really don't like asking my mom for money in these situations.

    Fail, due to Shadiness: Apparently, I learned today that the person moving in WILL NOT be moving somewhere else and specifically chose to pick the building and room to stay at. And that person staying, from knowledge of my roommate Jeff, is an old friend of one of the new roommates moving in who I have met and I know through Jeff. That motherfucker couldn't pull me away for 5 minutes to tell me what was happening? We could have negotiated deal or maybe I could keep my stuff in my room for a few days until I get back. Now that, is a load of bullshit.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited July 2010
    OK, so here we have a bigoted asshole trying put down an atheist for being an atheist (fail) and his attempt to doing so is trying to portray a prison colony as having good christian values.
    Great job!
    The stupid thing is - other than Saying "Yo, I'm an atheist" - well, rather, words to that effect - She's proceeded to do nothing that one could claim was influenced by her atheism. As I've said before, her religion or lack thereof doesn't matter shit if she's towing the line of a party that's made up mostly of Christians and Catholics.

    Also, my own fail - I was meant to pick up an iPhone 4 as an upgrade on my current plan, but the company handling them, optus, turned around to the company I deal with, and said to them words to the effect of "Hey, Hi there. You know how you have customers that you've already sold iPhone 4s to, or promised them to? Yeah, so, You either give us your phones for OUR customers instead, who had to pre-register through an arcane process that we never told you existed, or we'll never do business with you again, cutting your profits by about half." - so, I got the frustrated call from my bloke at the company, telling me that it's next week at the earliest - happily, he's fixed it up so that no matter when they get more of them, they've sorted it out so that if they don't get more by the time my upgrade period expires, they will buy one for me, straight up, and simply invoice optus for the phone, at retail price - about nine hundred dollars.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • She's proceeded to do nothing that one could claim was influenced by her atheism.
    It could easily be argued that all actions not undertaken for religious reasons are inherently done so for "atheistic" reasons. Atheism is little more than the lack of a positive belief in the specific and supernatural.
  • RYM used LOGIC! The attack was ineffective!
  • Not atheistic reasons. Secular reasons. Irrespective or religion and not for reasons opposed to religion.
  • It could easily be argued that all actions not undertaken for religious reasons are inherently done so for "atheistic" reasons. Atheism is little more than the lack of a positive belief in the specific and supernatural.
    Point taken, though not quite what I was speaking of. To put it more clearly - She has Not made any political moves that would differ from her religiously inclined colleges on issues where essentially the only thing that would give her cause(and I'm not saying a good cause, just A cause) to object is religious convictions - For example, Gay Marriage, which she is towing the party line and opposing.
  • Otakon pre-registration had been extended and I didn't know it. When I last-minute decided to come, I still could have pre-registered...
    Now I'll wait in line tomorrow for nothing...
  • edited July 2010
    Elementary Japanese I is a 5 credit hour course, so there is no way I can add it to my schedule for this semester. T_T
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Elementary Japanese I is a 5 credit hour course, so there is no way I can add it to my schedule for this semester. T_T
    Are you credit-limited also?
  • Elementary Japanese I is a 5 credit hour course, so there is no way I can add it to my schedule for this semester. T_T
    Are you credit-limited also?
    To 18 hours without dean permission; I'm at 16 or 17. The class might already be full, too. I'll end up taking it, because I decided to say fuck practicality and take Japanese for my World Lit language and thus, I require it, but I would've liked to take it this semester.
  • edited July 2010
    I know I've aired my grievances about this in this thread before, but the newest chapter of Bleach is hilariously awful. It's basically nothing but a dialogue between two characters stretched over an entire 20 pages with only a single plot thing happening as a result and that is implemented via a deus ex machina for not apparent reason at all. I'm just reading this anymore to see how bad it can really get.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Elementary Japanese I is a 5 credit hour course, so there is no way I can add it to my schedule for this semester. T_T
    Are you credit-limited also?
    To 18 hours without dean permission; I'm at 16 or 17. The class might already be full, too. I'll end up taking it, because I decided to say fuck practicality and take Japanese for my World Lit language and thus, I require it, but I would've liked to take it this semester.
    Bastard. We're limited to 13 credits.
  • Bastard. We're limited to 13 credits.
    Seriously? 13 credits is a ridiculously small amount. I was running an average of 18 a semester and still barely graduated within four years.
  • RIT's minimum was 12 and maximum was I believe 18-20 or so.

    (I always took 16, and usually dropped the least interesting class mid-quarter).
  • They may just rate their credit hours on a different scale.
  • They may just rate their credit hours on a different scale.
    Hours of class-time per class-week.
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