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Fail of Your Day



  • RIT's minimum was 12 and maximum was I believe 18-20 or so.
    The maximum is 18, and I've been signed up for 17.
  • So I walked the dog all over the park in the rain, which was fucking awesome. Then I get home, dinner at 8:30 (An improvement.) and then I go to have a bath, about 10-15 mins after I start, I reach out and put some music on, and then about one song goes by and my dad walks past outside the bathroom and turns on his ghetto-blaster (Which at the time was sitting outside the bathroom.) full blast, Radio 4, and them I'm like, fuuuukkk. Can't turn it off (I, or more likely, the mother will get shouted at.), can't plug my ears enough (Bathroom only has a curtain on it at the moment.) so in the end I'm like, well, just gotta get out and have it another day.

    What is it about parents that make some think they're free to act like children?
  • edited July 2010
    I am pretty sure my neuroaminidase assay that I did yesterday came out wrong, and I will have to repeat it on Monday :(
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • More shitty "anime style" webcomics...
    Is that skirt effect supposed to be hot? Is anyone supposed to be aroused by that?
  • Is that skirt effect supposed to be hot? Is anyone supposed to be aroused by that?
    Nah, I think they were aiming for realism. Emphasis on both the "Aiming for" and the implication that they have terrible aim.
  • Is that skirt effect supposed to be hot? Is anyone supposed to be aroused by that?
    Nah, I think they were aiming for realism. Emphasis on both the "Aiming for" and the implication that they have terrible aim.
    It would look real if her skirt was actually one of those vacuum seal bags.
  • Crossposted from the Otakon thread, cus it's a mega fail:
    Story of the Late Panel Fail: One thing about me is that I hate hate HATE being late when other people are depending on me being someplace. Generally, if I'm supposed to be someplace at a time, I'm there 10 minutes early, if I'm running late. We managed to get to the convention center around 8:40, because the line at Burger King was lamesauce, and wandered toward the Pratt Street entrance to the convention center. We figured that, because Panel Ops was right there, just before the skybridge, that we'd wander in there and get our ribbons, leisurely walk to our panel in Panel 6 (where Beyond Dungeons and Dragons was last year, ~700 seats), and I would munch my breakfast while we made sure there was no tech problems (more on that later) and goofed around with the crowd. Instead, we're told that ALL PRE-REGS (even panelists) MUST USE THE CHARLES STREET ENTRANCE.
    "Fine," we say, and march over to the Charles Street entrance, passing our friends on the way, and talk to the guys in front of the door there. They look confused for a few minutes, then get on their radios and confirm that no, we're supposed to be at the Pratt Street entrance, even though the people at the Pratt Street entrance told us to come here.
    "FINE," we say, annoyed at this point (this whole part took 10-15 minutes). We march over to the Pratt Street entrance where we get told that no, you're supposed to go to the Charles Street entrance. At this point, we start politely but forcefully stating to every staffer who tries to tell us that we're supposed to go to the Charles Street entrance that we were told to come here by the radio guy. This takes about five minutes before a staffer from inside throws open a door, says "9 o'clock panelists?" and lets us in. We dash up to Panel Ops, fill out the forms like it's the Hundred Crack Fist of the North Star, and affix our ribbons. At this point it's 9:02, and we dash as fast as you can in flipflops and carrying a bag of BK breakfast. We get there about 10 minutes late, don't have time to check for tech failures, set up and go in about a minute. We cut 10 minutes out of the already cut-down panel and are a rousing success again, half filling the room at a time when most people can't even get in the building.

    Story of the Tech Fail: It was the weirdest thing, which we've confirmed (after the panel) is not Will's laptop or the clips being corrupted. The music would be about the right volume, but the voices would kick in and out. No staffer made any attempt to fix it or even make it look like they cared, and I think that the audience missed a large portion of why that panel is awesome.
  • Runny nose + facial hair
  • edited August 2010
    Is that skirt effect supposed to be hot? Is anyone supposed to be aroused by that?
    Nah, I think they were aiming for realism. Emphasis on both the "Aiming for" and the implication that they have terrible aim.
    It would look real if her skirt was actually one of those vacuum seal bags.
    Maybe she's just sad she has such a bad problem with static.

    Today's ad has quite good stuff.
    I mean, who wouldn't want Chthulu earings.
    This is pretty cool too, if you're a necklace kinda person.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Celestlial Portraits
    Sure, anything can be art. But some things shouldn't be.
  • edited August 2010
    Celestlial Portraits
    Sure, anything can be art. But some things shouldn't be.
    But what are the politics behind what that artist is doing (only 1 other person on this forum will probably get that joke)?

    But seriously, those portraits are terrifying and awesome, or rather, terrifyngly awesome.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited August 2010
    Taken from the HAWPcast. This may upset some of you:
    In most Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV series, the first season is among the weaker seasons.
    Thus, Firefly season two would have likely been better than season one.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • But what are the politics behind what that artist is doing (only 1 other person on this forum will probably get that joke)?
    No no no, it's all CULTURE.
  • Basil Marceaux is running for governor of Tennessee.
    I don't even know how to explain this guy. He must have some sort of brain injury or mild retardation. I am not joking. He's as bad as, if not worse than, Alvin Greene for the Democrats in North Carolina.
    Where the hell are they getting these people? I'm wholly unqualified and a poor choice for a governorship, but good lord, I'm certain I could do better than either of these poor slobs. Marceux has to be seen to be believed.
  • edited August 2010
    Basil (.com)
    This is ridiculous. How did he get through those 13 1/2 years of school being this illiterate? I kinda wonder if he might be mentally retarded, and if that is the case, he has done well for himself despite the disability. However, all politicians should be judged equally on the basis of their leadership qualities and intelligence, and his marks in these area seem to be quite, um, odd, shall we say?
    c. See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Wow, he really does come off as having some sort of mental problem. How the hell did he get in the running for governor if he can't speak or write coherently? What are Tennessee's standards?
  • Hollywood portrayal of sailing/physics fail:

  • Rapture Ready never disappoints:
    (Board member forwards a message from his daughter about her mission trip to Japan)

    “It's 9:17 pm Wednesday here in Tokyo. That would be about 7:17 am where you are. Today, we went prayer walking at Asakusa Temple, and it was devastating. As you enter through the large gates, you see two huge statues of "protectors" (translation: demons). Beyond that is a market place and then another gate with yet more demon representations. As you enter the second gate, you can see people bowing to the false gods before they enter. Then, you're greeted by the smell of incense as you watch people stand around an altar, bathing themselves in the smoke in order to purify themselves. After that, they go to the right where a large water fountain/basin is located so that they can rinse their hands and mouths to purify those. To the left is an atrocity. They have a bronze Buddha called a "healing Buddha." People rub the place on the idol that needs healing and then rub themselves in the same stop. It's terrible. Inside the temple was bad, too. People were throwing money into this large...thing...and clapping their hands before saying a prayer. Yes, they have to pay the gods to listen to their prayers and clap to wake them up. It's the worst. There are two large lantern-like things to either side in which people place small white birthday candles to pray for aborted babies (this is normally done by a family who suffered this tragedy). Beyond this is an area where only members of the temple can enter in which they pray to false gods. Beyond that is something similar to the Holy of Holies in the Jewish temple. Only the monks could enter. I saw someone open the door, and the monks were simply lounging about."... "Outside to the right of the temple was a Shinto shrine. There, someone had brought their new car to get blessed, and we watched as a shrine priest performed a very long ceremony over it. These people are lost. They are so spiritually blind. I've never seen idol worship to this extent before, and it's a sad thing.

    Also, yesterday, we did 5 minute English lessons. I felt I was largely unsuccessful. It took a long time for people to come to me, and when they did, they were all men. The problem with that is that I, as a woman, can't ask a man for any sort of friendship without it meaning something...more. And none of them were actually interested in what I had to say. Although, many lost interest when they found out I was with a Christian organization.”
  • edited August 2010
    I lol'd heartily. It's interesting how you can interpret things like that. I for one, found Shintoism to be quite charming and inoffensive. It's not like you can walk into a Church just to have a look around.

    Later fail: I can't watch 5cm/s as the setting and backgrounds fill me with this terrible sense of nostalgia.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • @Chaos: It's hilarious how easily that entire passage could be turned around to anyone doing the same at a church. Tithing, idolatry, etc.
  • It's hilarious how easily that entire passage could be turned around to anyone doing the same at a church. Tithing, idolatry, etc.
    Even better, it could be read as clever parody.

    Thus, Rym's Assertion:
    Insofar as any thing is able to be legitimately confused by intelligent people with parody thereof, said thing is stupid.
  • edited August 2010
    You've heard of Poe's Law? The stupid part being something of a given.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I went out to buy paint...
  • Looking for apartments and every place that's about what I want to pay is low-income housing. >_>
  • No no no, it's all CULTURE.
    It was a rhetorical question!

    Which means you should still answer it.

    Man I miss Gratziani's class, it was a mind rape EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  • @Chaos: It's hilarious how easily that entire passage could be turned around to anyone doing the same at a church. Tithing, idolatry, etc.
    So true, also the responses to the post are pretty sad also. This quote is just full of tolerance,
    "It's a credit to your daughter that she tries, but I won't get my hopes up for these sinners. Living by the word of the Lord is not as easy task, and the world is full of people who will do anything, even damn themselves, if it means they don't have to work. "
  • My dad's friend is apparently running for state representative in Michigan.It's... interesting, to say the least.
    I want that dude's mailbox... no homo.
  • I want that dude's mailbox... no homo.
    Funny part about that guy is he literally lists every Gun skill and Martial arts skill he has...

    Hahahaha "I have 2 plans, first one would bring millions of dollars into the State without raising TAXES. And the second would create 15 to 20 thousand JOBS." hahahahaha... Sorry this guys site is TOTALLY awesome.
  • From an ad in on the NYC craigslist for a Java Developer.

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