I have recently had to admit that I am completely dairy intolerant. I still love cheese but we just can't be together.
Anyway, no matter how conscientious I am, I can't seem to avoid accidentally getting a little dairy now and then, and a little is all it takes to make me feel awful. A few days ago there was whey in my supposedly safe smoothie, and today there was milk in a chocolate bar that I thought was safe. Urgh. Now I feel tired, bloated, and stupid.
I hate getting old.
Yeah, I have that too, but at least it's better than a full on dairy attack. It happened to me earlier this year. Docs thought it was a gluten thing, but luckily is was not! HAHA
Still can't have a lot of lactose though. Sad sad.
I cannot think of a time when I've HAD to study. I usually remember enough from the lectures and my own notes to pass pretty much any test.
The way this class works, I will pass. It is mathematically impossible to fail the exam. However, I would like to do well. Biology (my major) usually requires a minimum of study to refresh my memory on lectures I slept through; I usually only spend one to three hours on it. However, the orgo exams are three hours long and exasperatingly difficult, so prepping right is of the essence.
I just spent all day practicing martial arts and feel fucking awesome. Now I'm going to go worry about a girl and work on a personal project, because outside financial independence I have the trappings of adulthood without the responsibilities, worries, and physical limitations. Woo!
"I have save games older than you" is my new insult.
I don't know what's better: That that's a good insult, or that in this case it's true. My first save for the original Legend of Zelda originated sometime circa 1991.
Still can't have a lot of lactose though. Sad sad.
It does however explain why my car is starting to fall apart though.
EDIT: Subsequent fail: There are people who can vote and buy smokes who were born AFTER I got my Super Nintendo.
... I literally have a Game Boy that's older than at least the four people I quoted.
... I have SAVE GAMES older than first time voters...
I, too, am shamelessly stealing that.
Mayhaps a T-shirt?