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Fail of Your Day



  • "Thank you Apple for realising that issuing the Macbook Air recovery software on optical media is really stupid, considering the Macbook Air has no optical drive."
    The macbook air recovery software being on DVD was a thought that had never even occured to me. Oh the LOLs. ^_^
  • Ah, so this is what came before that post in the e-commerce thread.
    Among many other work annoyances.
    Damn. That one alone sounded bad enough as it is.
  • Damn. That one alone sounded bad enough as it is.
    It's been a rough week. I'm just trying to abide and get through with it. I foresee much wine consumption tonight.
  • That's the way. I hope the rest of your week goes much more smoothly.
  • Another specialist here is bugging the crap out of me for documentation on break/fix for one of our new PCs. I'm doing it, begrudgingly, but my take on it is "Why the hell do we have to do these? Any tech that's hired for field work ought to damn well know how to remove and replace a motherboard before we even hire him!" *rage**rage**rage*
  • edited October 2010
    That's the way. I hope the rest of your week goes much more smoothly.
    Thanks. It's a job. I enjoy it for most part. At least there's a potluck today, in which I consume yummy tasty delicious foods.

    Plus, having to redo the work isn't difficult, just really time consuming and am already swamped. Ah well, life goes on.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited October 2010
    The stupidest thing on the internet, ever. Also possibly the best example ever made of Poe's law. I swear I thought the article was a parody. The fact that it isn't means that our gene pool is looking grim.
    Edit: Fail on me, it IS a parody.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • On Tuesday, I was given 3 potential rooms to move into.

    By Wednesday, I was able to contact with all of them. One group didn't want me to move in (And the guy who called me sounded drunk), one group was girls-only, and the final group was perfect. Hardworking, sociable fun-loving guys who were very cleanly, nice, and affable.

    So I woke up today, getting a call from that apartment that THAT apartment was taken. And it wasn't even like someone signed up for it that morning. What happened, is that someone had signed a lease to join that apartment in January. Which is bullshit, as I've never seen people move in at January and that they are keeping a perfectly fine apartment away from everyone else, in a state of such high need. There's only like, 2 spots available for new male tenants. And I wouldn't of been so pissed off, if I knew that room was unavailable in the first place...but no...the jerking around continues.

    So now, my family is deadset on just getting some of the things out from my bad apartment TODAY, right after my classes. I just pray that the roommate left isn't so crazy or is at classes when we come. I still don't completely trust him, so I hope we can get my stuff and GTFO.
  • I have this Palm Tree that I have been tending for the past few years. It was nommed on by some cats I used to have to the point where I didn't think that the tree would live.

    So when I moved to a new apartment this year, and I did not have those cats anymore (It's a bit complicated but they were mine jointly through a relationship which had ended) so I tried to get the palm tree to grow again. Some love and care later It started to grow!

    Over the course of the summer it turned into a beautiful recovering palm tree.

    So my new girl friend has a cat, quite a rambunctious cat. she's curious about my plants, but we shoo her away and thats that right?

    Well last night she(or my cat, who is scared of his own tail) knocked the palm tree off the high pedestal it was on and ATE ALL OF ITS LEAVES!

    I did not find this out until I woke up, AN HOUR LATE!

    so much frustration and errr.

    Poor Palm tree.
  • Remember trying to catch 'em all? Were you aware that you and Pikachu were establishing a New World Order?

    Snorlax has only brainwashed you into thinking he's helpin' everybody.
  • Ah, batshit crazy people. Though the guy-fawkes mask avatar makes me wonder.
  • So, do you think that guy is serious?
  • Okay, it seems that entire forum is serious business. Fuck.
  • Okay, it seems that entire forum is serious business. Fuck.
    Take a look at the videos posted in that thread. PSYCHIC SURPRISE INDEED.
  • This hole forum is a watering hole for teenagers and crazy people, just go up to the top and look in the health section.
  • Fail: Had to help break up a major fight and the school nurse was injured during it. The only upside is that several of the students involved noticed me arrive and disengaged when the realized I was there and assisting.
  • FUCK
    Why must they ruin everything I love? Skins is in English already, so why do they feel the need to do a shot for shot remake of it that's set in the US? Obviously we can handle it if the original is already licenced in the US on BBCA. Oh and their version of Sid looks like a post-emo hipster twat.
  • edited October 2010
    Put on not-completely-slack trousers for the first time in a while to discover that, while my stomach has remained pretty svelte, I have now got much back..
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • A new insurance verifier loaded a Tort case policy incorrectly. I now to have to resubmit over 100+ claims to the correct policy. This entails me having to research for doctor's notes and documentation and make several copies.

    So much rage. So much rage.
    So I'm finally taking care of this at work. Did I mention that this patient is also a drug and alcohol addict? This means I have to go through all the notes and black out any information in regards to this. Joy! Pure joy!
  • We may never live in a perfect world, but I would wish that one day, one day, we live in a mildly competent one.
  • While I think the American Skins will be an abject failure like our adaptation of Life on Mars I really hope they don't fuck up the music. That was one of my favorite things about Skins.
  • While I think the American Skins will be an abject failure like our adaptation of Life on Mars I really hope they don't fuck up the music. That was one of my favorite things about Skins.
    Its on MTV, so the music will probably be garbage.
  • Fail: Two really smart relatives honestly believe that there are towns in the US operating under Sharia law, and are probably going to become members of Opus Dei, and are working on converting the rest of the family to their bizarre Catholic megacult.

  • edited October 2010
    Sounds like a good challenge for you. Relish it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Sounds like a good challenge for you. Relish it.
    I'm sharpening the metaphorical battleaxe of Reason in anticipation for Thanksgiving. If they bring politics to the dinner table, there will be a throwdown.
  • I got into NYC to see Back to the Future and I was so excited. I spent over 60 bucks to get here (40 bucks for two tickets to get to Grand Central and back, 15 bucks for dinner, and 5 bucks for a few subway rides)...and then I got there and found it was sold out. Fuck. My. Life.
  • I'm missing a 2 pieces of crucial data that I need for a lab report. Estimations of purity and efficacy of recovery can be made based on the other recovered product, but I'm still going to take a hard hit for this one. FUCK.
  • Yesterday my main laptop got a virus. Today I decided to get off my ass and try fixing it. I managed to open the file browser and backed up the files I hadn't already. Then I burned an Ubuntu 10.10 dvd, restarted and booted from that. I started installing it, and was mildly excited to get to try out the full ubuntu on a decent laptop instead of the netbook version.

    Then I got a notice "Installation failed due to error on disc." It recommended that I clean the disc so I turned the laptop off, wiped the dvd, put it back in, and turned the laptop back on.

    Now I can't even get it to boot.
  • More than half of my family is sitting down and watching "Stan Lee's Superhumans", a show on the history channel that showcases "Superhumans" and attempts to "scientifically" prove their "powers" exist.

    They use very biased tests, and when the tests don't show that they are "super human", or if the scientists conducting the tests don't say that the results are particularly convincing, they gloss over it. And if there is any hint of above average performance in their biased tests, they launch the fireworks and wave the superhuman banner.

    If this was FOX, or ABC, or any entertainment based network, I wouldn't be so incensed. I would be a little upset but would let it slide saying, "Well, Hey, Ratings."

    But this is the History Channel, an educational channel. They are supposed to hold themselves up to a higher standard. And on top of it all, they are distorting and destroying the name of science. All of their tests are done only once, only one data point. Rigor? What Rigor?

  • More than half of my family is sitting down and watching "Stan Lee's Superhumans", a show on the history channel that showcases "Superhumans" and attempts to "scientifically" prove their "powers" exist.
    There is only one real superhuman. ICEMAN WIM HOF:

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