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Fail of Your Day



  • Mayhaps a T-shirt?
    I need a picture of neito that's at least 800*800
  • Wait a minute, you're 30?!
    *also fistbump*
  • edited October 2010
    "I have save games older than you" is my new insult.
    +1 to Neito for coming up with that one.

    I, too, am shamelessly stealing that.
    Join the insult wagon, I am!
    Mayhaps a T-shirt?
    Wear it to PAX East.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • This was in my tub:

    My reaction:
  • This was in my tub.
    Did H. R. Giger design that shit?
  • You didn't actually kill it, did you?
  • You didn't actually kill it, did you?
    It would probably kill you with its acidic blood.
  • edited October 2010
    You didn't actually kill it, did you?
    It would probably kill you with its acidic blood.
    I have a deep-seated loathing of house centipedes. I nuked that shit from orbit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I have a deep-seated loathing of house centipedes. I nuked that shit from orbit.
    But they eat other bugs! like Cockroaches and other centipedes and ants and spiders and ... wait .. you may want to follow him around to find out what he's eating and nuke that from orbit >>
  • edited October 2010
    Or throw centipedes at it, which would be..

    Most Dangerous.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Or throw centipedes at it, which would be..

    Most Dangerous.
    Name it Hanabi, Strap a bomb to it, then throw it.
  • I have a deep-seated loathing of house centipedes. I nuked that shit from orbit.
    Yucky! I dislike them too, but I like them far better than regular pinching centipedes. They freak me out because they are so fast and look so alien, mechanical/biological combined. Centipedes (especially the biting ones) are some of the few bugs I will hit with sandals, rather than putting them outside.
  • I call organism discrimination.
  • Yucky! I dislike them too, but I like them far better than regular pinching centipedes. They freak me out because they are so fast and look so alien, mechanical/biological combined. Centipedes (especially the biting ones) are some of the few bugs I will hit with sandals, rather than putting them outside.
  • Racist against organisms that invade my socks and try to pinch me, and fall on my dad's head, and hid under my pillow.
  • Racist against organisms that invade my socks and try to pinch me, and fall on my dad's head, and hid under my pillow.
    Here - have one of my old habits, free of charge - always knock out your boots and shake out your socks before you put them on. I don't even realise I'm doing it half the time.
  • Racist against organisms that invade my socks and try to pinch me, and fall on my dad's head, and hid under my pillow.
    Here - have one of my old habits, free of charge - always knock out your boots and shake out your socks before you put them on. I don't even realise I'm doing it half the time.
    You are Australian, that should come second nature to you, that, and having fistfights with the boulder sized bugs that fall off your boots and hat culminating in a few jugs of beer with said bugs claiming "You're OK mate!".
  • You are Australian, that should come second nature to you, that, and having fistfights with the boulder sized bugs that fall off your boots and hat culminating in a few jugs of beer with said bugs claiming "You're OK mate!".
    What can I say? I liked that Centipede's pepper sauce.
  • Yesterday in my ballet class when I was doing stretches on the floor, a centipede walked across in front of me. It was actually cute, it had like a bazillion more legs than normal and looked like it had different colors. I was a like "hey look at that!" and the girl next to me freaked out and tried to kill it. Then my teacher freaked out bc she wanted to save the bug and take it outside. After doing so, she told us she hates killing bugs, and gets minor panic attacks when she sees someone else kill one. So weird. o_o
  • edited October 2010
    After doing so, she told us she hates killing bugs, and gets minor panic attacks when she sees someone else kill one. So weird. o_o
    That's so neurotic, but also kind of cute! I stand up for spiders, and I feel guilty about killing bugs, even centipedes. I will kill bugs if they cross me egregiously, but I try to avoid it.
    Here - have one of my old habits, free of charge - always knock out your boots and shake out your socks before you put them on. I don't even realise I'm doing it half the time.
    I have started after said incident. Even though there is a relatively small chance of bug-in-shoe in my new place, I check my socks.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I will kill bugs if they cross me egregiously, but I try to avoid it.
    Fly over there? Fly all you want. Fly buzzing past my ear every ten seconds?

  • That's right!
    <3 Shadowgate!
  • edited October 2010
    Wired Magazine's Fellating Apple continues.

    For reference - The headline is "Thank You Apple, for Killing the Optical Drive at Last", written by Charlie Sorrel. Why? Because Apple are now Packaging their system Restore software on a USB stick rather than a DVD. OH SHIT, EVERYBODY THROW OUT THEIR OPTICAL DRIVES RIGHT NOW!
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Until I can buy high def video files without drm I'll keep my optical drives, kthxby
  • edited October 2010
    The last time I had to use an optical drive was to install games at a LAN (and a friend's Starcraft CD was broken).

    I barely use optical drives at all, and I definitely would rather not have one in a laptop to save weight. Still, they can be necessary at times, so it's still important to have one (i.e. an external one in the case of a laptop, so you don't have to carry it).

    I'm quite happy downloading the vast majority of my media. Most of what I can't download DRM-free legally at a reasonable price, I simply torrent instead.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited October 2010
    Until I can buy high def video files without drm I'll keep my optical drives, kthxby
    I just love how his headline is "Thank you apple, for killing the optical drive at last" when in reality, the headline should be something like "Thank you Apple for realising that issuing the Macbook Air recovery software on optical media is really stupid, considering the Macbook Air has no optical drive."
    I'm quite happy downloading the vast majority of my media. Most of what I can't download DRM-free legally at a reasonable price, I simply torrent instead.
    Same here, honestly. I'm criticising the article because unless Mr Sorrel's employer lets him get away with reporting on events in an entirely sarcastic or satirical fashion, then he's essentially declaring Optical media dead because Apple released a fuckin' USB drive.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I was responding mostly to George Patches with my comment.
    That headline is definitely fail, though.
  • A new insurance verifier loaded a Tort case policy incorrectly. I now to have to resubmit over 100+ claims to the correct policy. This entails me having to research for doctor's notes and documentation and make several copies.

    So much rage. So much rage.
  • Ah, so this is what came before that post in the e-commerce thread.
  • Ah, so this is what came before that post in the e-commerce thread.
    Among many other work annoyances.
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