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Fail of Your Day



  • The fact that there is almost one in ten people who agree with them in the voting public gives me serious cause for concern.
    That's pretty troublesome. I'd bet that a lot of it has to do with the current economic crisis, though. When people are angry and scared, they need a scapegoat.
  • edited April 2009
    I'll probably be discussing this with Max sometime soon for a podcast we're working on. We still haven't got the recording down but you'd be free to join in.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited April 2009
    Update on the election fail:
    I voted Liberal Democrat (Lib-Dems), who came last in my region, Labour came in first and the BNP came in second, the BNP coming second is fail in and of itself.

    What could make this worse? The difference between Labour and the Lib-Dems? Eight votes. This is double fail as it means 1) If I had got a group of people together to vote Lib-Dem, I could have personally swung an election and changed the course of history and 2) It means that almost as many people voted BNP as Labour and they were less than eight votes from winning the seat.

    As of next year, I plan on running as the Rising Wind constituent for my area.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • What could make this worse? The difference between Labour and the Lib-Dems? Eight votes.
    The difference between FIRST and THIRD was eight votes? Holy crap. What is the population in the area/district/whatever? What's Labour all about?
  • edited April 2009
    Difference between the first and fourth was eight votes. Labour, BNP, Conservative and Lib-Dem in that order.
    Labour are similar to the Republicans and the Conservatives are much the same.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I don't know if this has been posted before or not but it is new to me:

  • Dave and Joel's website is down :(
  • I don't know if this has been posted before or not but it is new to me:

    When the children move through, the whole thing bounces in a very disturbing, throbbing, sort of way...

  • I'm not thrilled that I was woken up from my daily library nap by a dude yelling about Jebus in front of the library.

    It is a cold day, and I am still kinda sleepy. Fuck that guy.
  • edited April 2009
    I'm not thrilled that I was woken up from my daily library nap by a dude yelling about Jebus in front of the library.

    It is a cold day, and I am still kinda sleepy. Fuck that guy.
    First, why are you sleeping in a library? Libraries always have something nifty to read and a neat temple-like hush that creates a reverent and contemplative mood. Second, why is someone shouting in a library? That is sacrilegious! Fuck Jesus; I worship in the temple of knowledge.

    What happened to the shouting guy? I hope they booted him! Shouting in a library... what is the world coming to?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • The library is where I go to read my chemistry assignments and play DS when it's bad weather outside. Sometimes I fall asleep when I'm reading chemistry because it gets kinda boring.

    What I learned is that some crazy religious group sponsors this guy to come and yell at college kids about how they are sinners or something. This happens about once a year and usually there is a bunch of students yelling back at him. There is an open area for public events that is close to the library so the dude was not in the building. It's a bleh snowy day so no one really noticed him, and he left after 30 minutes.
  • Just when you thought you could trust the BBC.
    That article doesn't mean you can't trust the BBC. That means you can't trust that "expert." Providing an opinion piece isn't an untrustworthy act.
  • Just when you thought you could trust the BBC.
    That article doesn't mean you can't trust the BBC. That means you can't trust that "expert." Providing an opinion piece isn't an untrustworthy act.
    I though I could trust the BBC to fact check things.
  • Just when you thought you could trust the BBC.
    That article doesn't mean you can't trust the BBC. That means you can't trust that "expert." Providing an opinion piece isn't an untrustworthy act.
    I though I could trust the BBC to fact check things.
    The entire piece is one man's opinion. You can't "fact check" opinion. For instance, Mr. Friggity-Frak's opinion is that the sky is green. While I can dispute his opinion or disagree with his opinion, it is still his opinion.
  • For instance, Mr. Friggity-Frak's opinion is that the sky is green. While I can dispute his opinion or disagree with his opinion, it is still his opinion.
    That's not the best example. That's like saying "It's my opinion that a dog has 8 legs and spins webs." The sky is not green; it's not a matter of opinion, it's a piece of factual information. 2 + 2 is 4 and the sky is blue. You can't have opinions about things like that.

    However, I could say that it is my opinion that Ethan Frome is irrelevant to the modern reader. There's no real way to demonstrate objective correctness with that sort of thing, so it's subject to opinion.

    The problem we run into is that a lot of people think "alternative" medicines fall into the "opinion" category. The problem is, they don't work. Objectively. Alternative medicines, by and large, simply don't do anything more than a placebo, so there's no way they could actually enhance treatment. The whole "complementary treatment" thing is really a way for doctors to make more money and deal with troublesome patients.
  • That's not the best example. That's like saying "It's my opinion that a dog has 8 legs and spins webs." The sky is not green; it's not a matter of opinion, it's a piece of factual information. 2 + 2 is 4 and the sky is blue. You can't have opinions about things like that.
    The sky could be green. You don't know whether he's colour blind or not, or that he has some 'wonked' up wiring in his brain. I mean, there's a dude in this world who has a freaking drug trip every time he tastes anything, or so he says.
  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2009
    If you didn't check out the Boo Yah! thread , I strongly suggest doing so as this is the second part of the story I'm going to relate that I've already told in the Boo Yah! thread.

    The stuff that I had to help out with in the van was a Town Budget meeting which was very sad to watch. Because of the economic crisis, we had to get rid of the Town Engineer for a variety of reasons that I'd rather not get into. However, the most important thing that was affected (to me anyway) was the annual cuts on the Board of Ed. I say annual because every year for I don't know how long they have cut one thing or another each time I hear about it. This really hits me hard because we (meaning me and the high school) have some of the most talented and caring teachers in Connecticut and I'm saying that with not one iota of blind pride whatsoever. To make matters worse, we already have a beautiful new school that was built not 5 years ago. You can see pictures of that on the official home page of the school. This school is so nice (architecturally and technologically) that the Chinese Government actually sent over officials to take pictures of our classrooms, the technology we use, and more due to the fact that they think we are the most well-equipped high school on the East Coast, but I digress.

    They are firing six teachers due to the economic crisis. Two social studies teachers, one English teacher, one math teacher, one business teacher, and one P.E. teacher. Also, we aren't getting any new textbooks and we have to deal with books that are over ten-years old. What's worse is that I've heard them say the might even get rid of the music, art, business, and P.E. programs but I believe those are just threats.

    The conditions were so bad, that many teachers and students passionately spoke out against the Board of Finances to not do these things and I couldn't feel more pleased. Inside the van as I was hearing these terrible things, part of me wanted to kill the audio so I wouldn't have to hear it (I couldn't leave the job), but my common sense kicked in. North Haven High School is not well, and I'm glad I'm graduating this year.

    EDIT: Is nobody interested in this at all!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • You don't know whether he's colour blind or not, or that he has some 'wonked' up wiring in his brain.
    If that's the case, he has no basis for his opinion. A colorblind person cannot critique the color of my car, because he can't know how the color appears to those with normal functioning eyes. We can also measure the wavelength of light from the sky, and match it to the appropriate color wavelength, so we can take out the concept of a flawed observer.

    This also doesn't change the fact that a doctor who says that acupuncture actually does something beyond a placebo effect is wrong. Once again, it's not an opinion. He's just wrong.
  • The sky could be green. You don't know whether he's colour blind or not, or that he has some 'wonked' up wiring in his brain
    The sky is blue, objectively. The color of something is not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of what wavelengths of light are reflected from its surface. Colors are words that we use to describe specific ranges in that spectrum.
  • edited April 2009
    So. I went out with a few friend's this weekend and ended up talking with pretty girl. She asked me if she could buy me a drink. I replied "No thanks but I'd like your number instead". ^_^ This was a pretty smooth line but here comes the fail part. She's got a boyfriend...

    I've never been so blind sided like this. Seriously, what the FUCK?!?!

    I get that you shouldn't have to announce your relationship status when ever you meet someone new BUT I feel like she should have mentioned that she had a guy before I got her number. Or the 2 long hugs at the end of the night.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • Today was overall annoying. My commute home decided to be even more fun by being stuck behind the slowest drivers, people who love to ride their breaks, and idiots who take 5 seconds to make a lane change.

    However, still being frustrated, I was at Wally Mart getting various items. On my way out my boyfriend and I saw this little kid punch his father right in the balls. His father crouched over and yelled in agony, "Why would you do such a thing to your father?!". After a few more feet, I started laughing uncontrollably. I continued to laugh all the way home. It helped cheer up my angry-at-stupid-drivers mood.
  • stuck behind the slowest drivers
    You mean the one's driving the actual speed limit? <_< >_> *runs*
  • edited April 2009
    stuck behind the slowest drivers
    You mean the one's driving the actual speed limit? <_< >_> *runs*
    Usually when a driver incites that much frustration he or she is going at least 5 MPH under the limit.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • You mean the one's driving the actual speed limit? <_< >_> *runs*
    I won't deny it, I speed like there is no tomorrow. The speed limit here is 60mph. I go on average 65-70mph. However, throughout my thousands of commutes, whenever I'm on the highway, I'm on the far left lane. This is considered the passing lane. If you are in this lane and are not passing the cars to your right, you are in the wrong lane. Normally people will get change lanes so I can pass them by, but some people don't do that.

    Some people like to cut me off and slow down. That's not cool. It gets frustrating, but overall I calm myself down. I just get really annoyed at people who brake for anything and everything. I enjoy how traffic slows down and builds up for no apparent reason like a cop pulling over someone on the side of the road, or how traffic builds up for an accident that is on the opposite side of the highway. Those are wonderful I tell you!

    I think my most favorite speeding deterrent is the speed monitoring signs that tell you how fast your going. That makes people go 5mph lower than the speed limit because god forbid they go 1-2 miles over!

    But Gunter was right, people were going 50-55 and traffic was not bad.
  • I think my most favorite speeding deterrent is the speed monitoring signs that tell you how fast your going. That makes people go 5mph lower than the speed limit because god forbid they go 1-2 miles over!
    Oh my god, the morons! Doesn't the correction like take off 2mph?
    whenever I'm on the highway, I'm on the far left lane. This is considered the passing lane.
    Same here, only we go to the right lane when there's nobody to pass. ;) At least, that's what we're taught.
    But Gunter was right, people were going 50-55 and traffic was not bad.
    Awwwwww, don't worry. I already expected them to be going slightly below the speed limit. But so what? You'll get home either way. The sad thing is you let a monkey behind a steering wheel affect your day. Silly goose!
  • Awwwwww, don't worry. I already expected them to be going slightly below the speed limit. But so what? You'll get home either way. The sad thing is you let a monkey behind a steering wheel affect your day. Silly goose!
    I try not to let it get to me, but it is just really annoying. I normally have to listen to calming happy music during my commute like Saumurai Champloo. Listening to stuff like Ramstein, Prodigy, or Ludacris is not a good thing to listen to during my commute.
  • On my way out my boyfriend and I saw this little kid punch his father right in the balls. His father crouched over and yelled in agony, "Why would you do such a thing to your father?!".
    That's one of those moments where you feel really bad for someone, but it is really funny at the same time. It's not so much the badness of the kid, but what the father said.
  • My car just broke down completely and I don't have enough money for a new one.

    Epic fail.
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