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Fail of Your Day



  • edited April 2009
    My mom read a good response to a bad article over at one of her feminist blogs. My god, though, I'm glad I'm not friends with that Paul Ryan guy over at games radar. What a douchebag.
    Paul Ryan, dick, has decided to explain why itÂ’s hard being a girl gamer.

    ...The main problem with sex, gender and videogames is that, much like Ryan does, women are treated as if theyÂ’re some bizarre species demanding illogical concessions to some non-Y chromosomed fantasy world. A woman in a chat room or in a game is a target for every horny come-on line in existence, because the gender dynamic of games is so maladjusted that itÂ’s like walking into the locker room of a JV football team with Penthouses duct taped to your body.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I just got a big 'ol cut on the bottom of my big toe. I hit a pointy rock with it just where a circular callous was, so the whole thing just peeled off. It was still hanging on, too, so it was really hard to get it off and put some neosporn and a band-aid on there. Now I'll be limping around for a week, and Tae Kwon Do practice is going to suck.
  • My car just broke down completely and I don't have enough money for a new one.

    Epic fail.
    Sorry to hear that. Something similar happened to me a couple years ago. I had no money, and had just started my new job, and was thus unable to get a car. Thankfully, I had a relative come through and loan me the money to repair my old car, since it would still have been less money than the down payment on a new one.
  • Workforce reduction plan in the works. You know the economy sucks when they're laying off state workers.

    I'm not too worried about the security of my job, as I'm fairly senior, and we actually have open positions right now. They eliminate the open positions, and then the newest people. Still, though, it's slightly troubling.
  • Workforce reduction plan in the works. You know the economy sucks when they're laying off state workers.

    I'm not too worried about the security of my job, as I'm fairly senior, and we actually have open positions right now. They eliminate the open positions, and then the newest people. Still, though, it's slightly troubling.
    Doesn't the Union have an option to save the jobs by not giving a 3% raise to State workers next year? I am certainly not taking sides, just curious.
  • Workforce reduction plan in the works. You know the economy sucks when they're laying off state workers.

    I'm not too worried about the security of my job, as I'm fairly senior, and we actually have open positions right now. They eliminate the open positions, and then the newest people. Still, though, it's slightly troubling.
    Doesn't the Union have an option to save the jobs by not giving a 3% raise to State workers next year? I am certainly not taking sides, just curious.
    Yes, they do. And no, they didn't take that option. I fully supported giving up our raises in order to NOT have to fire 8700 workers. I'm pretty sure Patterson is doing this as a strong-arm to get people to do it his way, without the firing.

    Unfortunately, my opinion is in the (vast) minority. I thought unions were there to be a true collaborative effort on the parts of the workers; you all take a small hit so that everyone benefits. Guess I was wrong.

    PEF and CSEA maintain that there are better ways to close the budget gap, and have proposals of their own. This gives an overview of some of those ideas.

    I think many of their ideas are somewhat lacking. Honestly, I can personally think of at least 5 useless people in the department that could be let go. There's a lot of mismanaged fund direction in the state, but there are also a whole crapload of useless state workers.
  • edited April 2009
    As of April 30th, the phone compnay I work for is yanking our access to what is probably the best troubleshooting tool we have for blackberries. They're citing misuse, which is causing RIM to charge fees, but it sucks because they're going to have to deal with serious increases in call time. Issues will still be fixable, but we'll have to go a roundabout way that will take a lot of time, instead of fixing things instantly. Grumble...

    Also: This article, which talks about a new McDonald's menu item being tested in Canada, is not a fail. The menu item it's discussing is.
    Post edited by misakyra on

  • Also:This article, which talks about a new McDonald's menu item being tested in Canada, is not a fail. The menu item it's discussing is.
    It looks like they are just trying to reduce carbs on the Big Mac. I don't see how putting into a wrap rather than a bun makes it any more or less disgusting. It is McDondalds... of course it is gross.
  • This is not a fail, just an update to a previous one. I got an iPod Touch to replace my dead one and I am really liking it, I'm just wondering if there are any good free IM apps available for it.
  • Also:This article, which talks about a new McDonald's menu item being tested in Canada, is not a fail. The menu item it's discussing is.
    If they wanted smaller Big Macs, why not do Big Mac sliders? Sliders are delicious, and BK seems to be getting some success with the Burger Shot thing. Regardless, Mrs. MacRoss is right: McDonald's is gross no matter what you swaddle that foul meat in.
  • If they wanted smaller Big Macs, why not do Big Mac sliders? Sliders are delicious, and BK seems to be getting some success with the Burger Shot thing. Regardless, Mrs. MacRoss is right: McDonald's is gross no matter what you swaddle that foul meat in.
    You and Mrs. MacRoss are both right. This just seemed worse than usual, since they're giving you 1/5 of a big mac for 1/2 the price.
  • The nationwide pistachio recall just got bigger.

    Here is a list of all recalled pistachio products.
  • edited April 2009
    I'm considering changing my major. My parents will try to resist, but I have little choice. I came into graphic design and enjoyed it, but it's not what I wanted to do. One class I took recently has really pushed me to the point of no return. I would much rather major in sociology. I feel terrible, however, because my parents are paying for my education, and my brother will have to go in a couple of years. I will be looking for work soon, that way I could reduce the burden. I don't know if that will sate them.
    Aren't these the same parents that disapprove of your atheism? And the same ones who don't know you're gay?

    Don't feel terrible.
    I have a bit of an update. My parents told me that I was being selfish (big surprise) and that if I did change my major, they would make me repay them for my education. (No contract,it's completely word of mouth, so I think any claim they could make is dubious at best, at least to my knowledge.) I still intend to go through with this, but it will have to be done the hard way. Right now I'm working on final projects, but in the final week of the semester, I will begin looking for work. When I save up enough money, I'm gone.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • Fail of the day is my sister getting a speeding ticket while borrowing my car.
  • edited April 2009
    I watched Twilight. I am also reading the book as well.
    Yeah, it is such a fail, but a very nice lady at work knew I read some fantasy novels and she wanted to lend me something since I have lent her a few things. What gets me more than the childish writing and complete lack of plot is how the main character is weak, uninteresting, one-dimensional and decidedly anti-feminist.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I watchedTwilight. I am also reading the book as well.
    Yeah, it issucha fail, but a very nice lady at work knew I read some fantasy novels and she wanted to lend me something since I have lent her a few things. What gets me more than the childish writing and complete lack of plot is how the main character is weak, uninteresting, one-dimensional and decidedly anti-feminist.
    The book was written by a Mormon woman. What did you expect?

    I know the ending, too. She doesn't really change. Very stereotypically weak female wedged into the matron/protector role, shielding her loved ones from the horrors of secular life. I've tried to find more contempt for the whole thing, but I think I'm at my limit of contempt for now.

    It does, however, make for a good way to start a conversation with roughly 90% of the female population. As long as they can talk about something that is not Twilight, that is.
  • I've had at least two girls at work tell me I have "Crap taste" for not liking Twilight.
  • edited April 2009
    I've had at least two girls at work tell me I have "Crap taste" for not liking Twilight.
    Really? In another conversation try to find out how they feel about women that make men the center of their lives to the point of sacrificing their family, friends, interests, and ambitions. If they think that is terrible, then point out that is an accurate description of Bella.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited April 2009
    A co-worker of mine just got into a political debate (something I am usually very good at avoiding at work) with me regarding buying foreign cars v. domestic cars. When I pointed out to her that there are neither truly domestic nor truly foreign cars that are mass produced and available in the U.S., she began the most ignorant protectionist rant I have ever heard (including many racist stereotypes and an unwillingness to understand what a global market is in even the most fundamental and rudimentary sense). While it isn't a personal fail from the point of view of the debate, it is a fail because I have to work with such an ignoramus.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Photobucket

    *Insert inappropriate joke here*
  • edited April 2009
    @coldguy: You missed this. Rym's reaction was something along the lines of: "Oh my god, in the time it takes me to walk back to my room, they've already started posting pictures in that thread."

    @Rym: Have you ever looked into other forms of light clothing? Maybe there's an opening in the market for more formal, round-the-house underwear.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Photobucket

    *Insert inappropriate joke here*
    You live in the Northeast?
  • You live in the Northeast?
    Yea I do....
  • You live in the Northeast?
    Yea I do....
    I saw the BankNorth tab. My friend uses that bank.
  • What the heck are you running? Windows 98?
  • What the heck are you running? Windows 98?
    It's just Windows XP with the Classic skin. Some people say they like it better, but I don't see it. It looks old and ugly to me.
  • What the heck are you running? Windows 98?
    Uh, you can make Vista look like that really easily.
  • Everybody in Albany is parked like an asshole tonight. Seriously people, there's no need to leave 1/2 of a car length on either side of you when you park. Quit doing that. You need like a foot on each side, tops.
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