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Fail of Your Day



  • It's 20 fucking degrees outside.
    You know, it would be a lot of help if you'd give the temperature scale and your geographic position and/or time of day. But since this is in the fail category, I can guess...
    I live in Boston (well, south of). 20 degrees f.
  • A friend of mine called Five Finger Death Punch "pretty heavy metal".

    I am dissapoint
  • A friend of mine called Five Finger Death Punch "pretty heavy metal".
    For some reason, I thought they were pretty heavy as well, but I just YouTubed them and remembered that I was actually thinking of Killswitch Engage, for some reason. Even Dragonforce is heavier than FFDP. And now the obligatory "That's not metal, THIS is fucking metal!" video:
  • That windmilling has raised my Manly Spirit Pressure to dangerous levels. I am in serious danger of Manliness Artery Dissection.
  • video
    see the really shitty thing is my friends just think that video is stupid, maybe I should get new friends?
  • I should get new friends
  • video
    see the really shitty thing is my friends just think that video is stupid, maybe I should get new friends?
    Their music is good, their videos suck.
  • video
    see the really shitty thing is my friends just think that video is stupid, maybe I should get new friends?
    Their music is good, their videos suck.
  • edited December 2010
    Hatboro can't overturn the veto.Oh well. I tried.
    "Hatboro resident Scott Johnson chastised Hawkes for his veto and said leaving the issue up to Harrisburg and being complacent was passing the buck."

    Take that PA I'm coming for you :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I just had a slice of pizza where I soaked up the grease with a paper towel. I'VE BECOME EVERYTHING I'VE EVER HATED!!!
  • I just had a slice of pizza where I soaked up the grease with a paper towel. I'VE BECOME EVERYTHING I'VE EVER HATED!!!
    Just wait. The next stop on this crazy train is Salad Station!!! A leafy lettuce patch so good for you, it's fucking scary!!!

    I knew a girl in collage that would literally squeeze the 'grease' out baked goods and basically everything else before she ate. I had the misfortune of watching her maul a cupcake. :/ poor innocent cupcake.
  • Hatboro can't overturn the veto.Oh well. I tried.
    "Hatboro resident Scott Johnson chastised Hawkes for his veto and said leaving the issue up to Harrisburg and being complacent was passing the buck."
    I has more quotes
    "Resident Scott Johnson agreed with Mayor Hawkes that the state human relations commission would be a better place to handle discrimination complaints, but “the state has failed us.” The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act does not include sexual orientation as one of its protected classes.

    “It has every right to be protected,” Johnson said of sexual orientation. “We don’t have an outright problem, but we should be afforded the protection.”"
    Hatboro fails to overide veto
  • I <3 you, ScoJo. You fought the good fight.
  • So it seems that one slice of pizza with the grease absorbed off is no where near the calorie content of my regular lunch and I've had 3 granola bars so far trying to make up the difference.
  • I <3 you, ScoJo. You fought the good fight.</p>
    Indeed you did. /salute!
  • So Holbrooke died of a ruptured aorta in a failed emergency repair surgery, and then someone riffed on it in a thread here and said something about an aortic dissection, and GP keeps talking about his blood pressure.

    I've had a terror of aortic rupture or dissection for several years ever since it nearly happened to both my mother and my uncle during a time when I was having a lot of anxiety anyway, and now it's right back in my face and I'm freaking out and having panic attacks any time it comes up, or if I think about it while I'm eating something salty or exercising or whatever. It's worth noting that I've been examined thoroughly more than once and told my heart is fine and I have no signs of aortic deformation or degradation and perfectly healthy blood pressure.

    Stupid phobias. Stupid anxiety.
  • edited December 2010
    Stupid phobias. Stupid anxiety.
    Don't worry about it. I have the same thing with rabies, which is about as weird a medical phobia as you can get. (No one I know has ever gotten it, of course.) Phobias don't care about the rational part of your brain. They are just weird like that.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Thanks, gal. It's true, it is a little silly to worry about it while I am young and hale, even though there is a reasonable chance it's what'll get me someday.

    Argh. I can tell I am depressed again based on the frequency with which I've been posting in this thread.
    So it seems that one slice of pizza with the grease absorbed off is no where near the calorie content of my regular lunch and I've had 3 granola bars so far trying to make up the difference.
    Hey, a dude's gotta eat. That's not a fail, it's just metabolism.
  • Hey, a dude's gotta eat. That's not a fail, it's just metabolism.
    It's fail that a slice of pizza is only 300 calories, I was expecting more.
  • Hey, a dude's gotta eat. That's not a fail, it's just metabolism.
    It's fail that a slice of pizza is only 300 calories, I was expecting more.
    That calorie amount depends a lot on the size and type of slice.
  • edited December 2010
    Physicists estimate the heat energy from one large Chicago-style pizza can provide enough energy to power the entire Boswash for a year.

    Sadly, the pizzas are just too delicious, and are often eaten as soon as they're made.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Idiots who want to disable Hyperthreading to "improve performance" on their Core i7...
  • Idiots who want to disable Hyperthreading to "improve performance" on their Core i7...
    Well that "worked" on the Pentium 4. :P
  • Well that "worked" on the Pentium 4. :P
    I scribbled all over it with a pencil. Just in case that worked like it used to.
  • Idiots who want to disable Hyperthreading to "improve performance" on their Core i7...
    Well that "worked" on the Pentium 4. :P
    He has an i7.
  • My laptop's HDD is making horrible, expensive noises.
  • I have become the official errand boy for work...
  • I went to to Barnes and Noble today, and saw a Runescape book.
  • The awkward. It is unbearable.

  • The awkward. It is unbearable.
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